
shall shoot all photos with state-of-the art professional photographic equipment. Offerors shall verify their capability to handle the resulting contract requirements by indicating how many photographers, complete with sufficient equipment including the variety of backdrops, drapes, etc they will provide for the grade levels they are proposing to serve. For example, Offerors could indicate the number of photographers and equipment they would assign per students served such as, one camera and photographer per 250 middle school students, to insure that photographic services will be accomplished within the designated schedule. Offerors shall provide the name of their development laboratory for Owner information purposes. If agreed to by the school principal at the applicable level, student proofs may also be posted on the photographer’s password protected website; however, the Contractor shall remove all student pictures from the website by the end of the school year in the photos were taken. References: Offerors shall provide at least three (3) public school references, NOT including Fauquier County Public Schools, on the reference checklist provided. Offerors shall also provide at least three (3) references for the proposed Contractor Representative should a contract be awarded, for Owner review and evaluation. 3.1.4 Yearbook/Student ID Photos: Awarded Contractor(s) shall provide a standard yearbook portrait as indicated in each school level specification, regardless of a student or parent’s ability or desire to purchase the photo package. Any Contractor that inadvertently charges a sitting fee for the standard yearbook photo, shall refund that fee to the parent fully, promptly and without question, should this be discovered via any FCPS internal audit or through notification of the school Principal by any parent of a student. While it is the Owner’s intention that all portraits for yearbook publication purposes are taken by the Contractor with which the school has a current contract, Principals reserve the right to also accept photos from students taken by outside photographers and photos for yearbook use taken by students and other sources; use of this contract for senior portraits is not mandatory. Contractor(s) shall convey this information on all applicable materials sent to students and parents. As noted in the school level specifications, awarded Contractor(s) shall provide a minimum of one (1) copy in digital format with all student images including student identification, for each school to utilize both for yearbook and student database purposes. Offerors shall indicate how many copies will be provided for each school if more than one, and shall confirm acceptance of the requirement for minimum one copy, in their proposal response. Note: many high schools require image CD’s for individual departments that 3.1.5 Fliers, Posters and Promotional Materials: The awarded Contractors shall furnish all posters, advertisements and fliers at no additional cost to the school. Contractors shall provide initial and reminder fliers in a timely manner, per the schedules set up with each school. All fliers, posters and promotional materials shall include price information and the Contractor’s name and telephone or e-mail contact information. Important note: while commission payments are very important as noted below, the Owner is also concerned that Offerors have at least one photo package selection that is relatively inexpensive for families of limited means. Posters and promotional materials will be displayed at the discretion of and with the permission of the school principals. Offerors shall include a copy of sample posters, advertisements and fliers with their proposal response. 3.1.6 Retakes, Refunds and Guarantees: Offerors shall provide their retake, refund and guarantee policies and procedures with their proposal response. The Owner require them (examples, library, attendance administration, and yearbook). Contractor(s) shall also provide make up photographs on an additional copy if applicable, to ensure that every student has a photograph update each year.

RFP#49-21RC, Photographic Services, FCPS


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