understands and expects that retake or makeup pictures will be scheduled on an individual basis with each school. Offerors shall provide an unconditional, money-back guarantee of all work to each school and to each individual student ordering personal portrait packages. Students and/or parents are under no obligation to purchase portrait packages as a result of any awarded contract. The Owner expects awarded Contractors to provide refunds within thirty (30) days of portrait package receipt; Offerors shall indicate in their proposal response if this is their policy or if they can improve on that expectation. Sub-Contractors for Makeup or Retakes: Offerors shall clearly identify any sub-contractors they have relationships with, and the nature of that relationship (subsidiary company to the Offeror, etc.), in the event that the Contractor cannot provide sufficient makeup appointments to meet the deadlines and needs of the school. If and as sub-contractors are replaced throughout the term of the contract, the Contractor shall update the Procurement Division with replacement sub-contractor information. Contractors must acknowledge and pass on to these individuals that sub-contractors, if any, are held to the same standards, pricing, terms and conditions as the Contractor. 3.1.7 Commission Payments: Offerors should be advised that many of the Owner schools, especially at the elementary and middle school levels, utilize photographic services as a major fundraiser to support school activities and supplement school budgets; in that regard, making the most profit from photographic services is very important. The Owner requires the awarded Contractor(s) to remit commission payments consistent with the awarded contract rates directly to the school(s) where the photographic services were provided. No Owner schools intend to monitor, handle or maintain any funds associated with the resulting photographic services orders outside of the commission payments; all photo order funds and associated fees must be handled by the awarded Contractor(s). 3.1.8 Key Personnel: The personnel named in the proposal shall remain responsible throughout the period of this contract; awarded Contractor(s) may not replace these individuals without submission of a resume of the proposed replacement and final approval as granted by the Owner. By submitting a proposal for consideration, Offerors represent that they are a duly organized and licensed entity that employs qualified and experienced personnel specializing in providing photography services as outlined herein. Offerors represent that they have carefully screened their employees and any subcontractors and determined that they are persons of high professional and moral character, fully suitable to work with students in the proposed school/age range. Contractor(s) covenant that all employees and subcontractors, if any, assigned to work in the schools will conduct themselves in a responsible, courteous and professional manner. The Owner, in its sole and absolute discretion, shall have the right to direct the Contractor(s) to remove any of its personnel, including subcontractors, from the schools for any reason. All Offerors shall review, complete and submit the Certification of No Crimes Against Children form provided, as part of their proposal response. Additionally, Contractors and all Contractor personnel shall check in at the main office of each school with acceptable identification, customarily a driver’s license, scanned by each school in order to generate an ID badge, through the school’s Raptor system. Contractors must check in via the Raptor system at each school, with every visit. 3.1.9 Switching Contractors Within School Year: In the event that services provided by a Contractor selected to provide that school year’s photographic requirements are unsatisfactory, and have remained such despite efforts made by school staff to improve issues through written and verbal contact with the Contractor, the school reserves the right to terminate that year’s engagement with their school and select another Contractor from the list of awarded Contractors, in order to ensure that the expected service levels for that school, and school needs, are met.
RFP#49-21RC, Photographic Services, FCPS
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