

RFP # 49-21RC

ISSUE DATE : August 17, 2021

(33 pages, total)




Fauquier County Government and Public Schools Procurement Division 320 Hospital Drive, Suite 23 Warrenton, VA 20186

Sealed Proposals Will Be Received Until 2:30 p.m., September 17, 2021 For Furnishing the Services Described Herein.

All Inquiries For Information Should Be Directed To: Rachel Cuervo, P-Card Administrator, Buyer, Phone: (540) 422-8353, e-mail: rachel.cuervo@fauquiercounty.gov.


Full, Legal Name And Address Of Firm:



(Signature in Ink)


Zip Code:



Telephone Number: (___)

E-mail address:

Fax Number: ( )

This proposal response intends to serve the following school/grade levels (check applicable lines):

Elementary K-5:

Middle School 6-8:

High School 9-12:

All levels:


RFP#49-21RC, Photographic Services, FCPS











































RFP#49-21RC, Photographic Services, FCPS



PURPOSE The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to establish, through the competitive negotiation process, contracts with qualified firms to provide Photographic Services for Fauquier County Public Elementary, Middle and High Schools. It is the Owner’s intention to award multiple contracts for each level of school service, to provide the best variety and selection to our schools. The objectives of this RFP are as follows: to establish contracts based on the quality, pricing, guarantees, timeliness of delivery of products, and ability of the successful Offerors to provide the services required; to obtain the highest quality pictures and associated services for the Owner at the best price; to provide the efficient management of photographic service contracts and to limit disruption of student programs; and to generate funds for schools to use for the benefit of the entire student population. This solicitation is issued by the Fauquier County Government and Public Schools Procurement Division for Fauquier County Public Schools, on behalf of the Fauquier County School Board, a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia, herein referred to as “Owner”. 1.1 For ease of reference, each organization submitting a response to the Request for Proposal will hereinafter be referred to as an “Offeror”. An Offeror whose proposal would result in a formal agreement will hereinafter be referred to as a “Contractor”. 1.2 The contents of the proposal submitted by the successful Offeror, this RFP (including general and special terms and conditions), and all modifications made thereof, will become part of any contracts awarded as a result of this solicitation. The successful firms will be required to sign a contract (also referred to herein as “agreement”) with the Owner. BACKGROUND Fauquier County, Virginia is approximately 40 miles from Washington, DC and 80 miles from Richmond, the state capital. Fauquier County encompasses a land area of approximately 650 square miles and is bordered by the counties of Prince William, Stafford, Culpeper, Warren, Clarke, Loudoun, and Rappahannock. Because of its proximity to Washington, DC, the county has experienced consistent population growth rates over the past 10 years and is currently home to approximately 71,000 residents. Despite that, the County remains primarily rural in nature. Fauquier County Public Schools are comprised of twenty (20) total schools: eleven (11) elementary, five (5) middle, three (3) high schools and one (1) alternative learning school (see page 16 for detailed list). Students from the twentieth school, an alternative education facility that includes middle and high schoolers, may receive photographic services at one of the other nineteen schools noted; however, it’s suggested that Photographers arrange a photo date at the alternative education facility to take underclass student photos. Due to the nature of senior portraits, those alternative education students will go to the base school for senior portraits. As of the 2019-2020 school year, total full time student for each level are: Elementary, 4,768; Middle, 2,606; High, 3,807. (Note: the regular teacher count for each level was not available at the time of RFP release but may be included in an Addendum). In addition, as noted herein, most all schools in this district extend the opportunity for pictures to other staff not included in those counts like custodial, cafeteria and office personnel, teacher’s aides and parent volunteers. The quantities provided do not guarantee a level of commitment but are provided for Offeror information purposes, only.


RFP#49-21RC, Photographic Services, FCPS


The contract(s) resulting from this solicitation will replace current contracts that have no renewals remaining and are intended to offer the awarded Contractors consistency in the expectations of the entire district and the district, a consistent, high standard of quality, performance, and standardized firm pricing. As noted later in the solicitation, the individual schools will commit to a full school year of service with an awarded Contractor but will have the opportunity each year to renew with that Contractor or choose another awarded Contractor, whichever choice best meets the school’s requirements. Contractors are advised NOT to attempt to “lock” any school into a multi-year contract; all contracts are year-to-year. STATEMENT OF NEEDS Offerors shall have the capability, experience and resources to provide the scope of services outlined herein, in addition to proposing additional ongoing services that will benefit the Owner and applicable student population. The Statement of Needs is divided into the following sections: general requirements for all types of photographic services for all schools, and specific requirements for elementary, middle and high schools. Although repetition occurs from one school category to the next, Offerors are strongly advised to thoroughly review each category they will submit proposals on as there are subtle differences, and each category response will be carefully evaluated by the committee. regular basis with Owner personnel in order to provide workshops, training sessions and to answer any questions regarding production or financial matters pertaining to the individual services required. Awarded Contractor representatives shall meet with each principal or designee prior to photo sessions to agree upon specific dates and to resolve any logistical or contractual issues. Awarded Contractor(s) shall have the capability to schedule in-school consultation whenever deemed necessary by the school. The Owner expects customer service responses within twenty-four (24) hours of initial contact, from all awarded Contractor(s). 3.1.2 Initial Meetings/Contract Set-up: The Offeror shall develop or confirm the procedure for photographic services/picture-taking for each school with the school principal(s), and shall provide information in the proposal response on how this will be accomplished. 3.1.3 Photographers/Quality Photos: All Offerors shall propose highly trained professional photographers with the desire and experience to present the student with an outstanding portrait, to provide services in any resulting contract. As detailed in each applicable school level section of this solicitation, photographers are expected to provide services with the utmost of professional decorum, refraining from any inappropriate language or expressions while encouraging, through the use of their professional skills, students to solicit the most favorable portraits. Photographers must be “kid and school friendly”, maximizing the time spent at each school while providing the best possible services. The Owner reserves the right to notify the Contractor of any photographer exhibiting inappropriate behavior or using inappropriate language at any of the Owner facilities, and to request immediate replacement of this person with a more appropriate professional. The Offeror shall indicate their ability to produce superior finish photos on a consistent basis, with smiles, no eyes closed, no red-eye and the student’s hair in place. Offerors must have the capability to provide a minimum of two (2) photographers for each elementary school session and from two (2) to four (4) photographers with sufficient equipment each, for each middle and high school session (quantity verified by each Principal). Photography Equipment: Awarded Contractors General Requirements for All Schools : 3.1.1 Representation: Offerors shall provide experienced representative(s) who will work on a



RFP#49-21RC, Photographic Services, FCPS


shall shoot all photos with state-of-the art professional photographic equipment. Offerors shall verify their capability to handle the resulting contract requirements by indicating how many photographers, complete with sufficient equipment including the variety of backdrops, drapes, etc they will provide for the grade levels they are proposing to serve. For example, Offerors could indicate the number of photographers and equipment they would assign per students served such as, one camera and photographer per 250 middle school students, to insure that photographic services will be accomplished within the designated schedule. Offerors shall provide the name of their development laboratory for Owner information purposes. If agreed to by the school principal at the applicable level, student proofs may also be posted on the photographer’s password protected website; however, the Contractor shall remove all student pictures from the website by the end of the school year in the photos were taken. References: Offerors shall provide at least three (3) public school references, NOT including Fauquier County Public Schools, on the reference checklist provided. Offerors shall also provide at least three (3) references for the proposed Contractor Representative should a contract be awarded, for Owner review and evaluation. 3.1.4 Yearbook/Student ID Photos: Awarded Contractor(s) shall provide a standard yearbook portrait as indicated in each school level specification, regardless of a student or parent’s ability or desire to purchase the photo package. Any Contractor that inadvertently charges a sitting fee for the standard yearbook photo, shall refund that fee to the parent fully, promptly and without question, should this be discovered via any FCPS internal audit or through notification of the school Principal by any parent of a student. While it is the Owner’s intention that all portraits for yearbook publication purposes are taken by the Contractor with which the school has a current contract, Principals reserve the right to also accept photos from students taken by outside photographers and photos for yearbook use taken by students and other sources; use of this contract for senior portraits is not mandatory. Contractor(s) shall convey this information on all applicable materials sent to students and parents. As noted in the school level specifications, awarded Contractor(s) shall provide a minimum of one (1) copy in digital format with all student images including student identification, for each school to utilize both for yearbook and student database purposes. Offerors shall indicate how many copies will be provided for each school if more than one, and shall confirm acceptance of the requirement for minimum one copy, in their proposal response. Note: many high schools require image CD’s for individual departments that 3.1.5 Fliers, Posters and Promotional Materials: The awarded Contractors shall furnish all posters, advertisements and fliers at no additional cost to the school. Contractors shall provide initial and reminder fliers in a timely manner, per the schedules set up with each school. All fliers, posters and promotional materials shall include price information and the Contractor’s name and telephone or e-mail contact information. Important note: while commission payments are very important as noted below, the Owner is also concerned that Offerors have at least one photo package selection that is relatively inexpensive for families of limited means. Posters and promotional materials will be displayed at the discretion of and with the permission of the school principals. Offerors shall include a copy of sample posters, advertisements and fliers with their proposal response. 3.1.6 Retakes, Refunds and Guarantees: Offerors shall provide their retake, refund and guarantee policies and procedures with their proposal response. The Owner require them (examples, library, attendance administration, and yearbook). Contractor(s) shall also provide make up photographs on an additional copy if applicable, to ensure that every student has a photograph update each year.

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understands and expects that retake or makeup pictures will be scheduled on an individual basis with each school. Offerors shall provide an unconditional, money-back guarantee of all work to each school and to each individual student ordering personal portrait packages. Students and/or parents are under no obligation to purchase portrait packages as a result of any awarded contract. The Owner expects awarded Contractors to provide refunds within thirty (30) days of portrait package receipt; Offerors shall indicate in their proposal response if this is their policy or if they can improve on that expectation. Sub-Contractors for Makeup or Retakes: Offerors shall clearly identify any sub-contractors they have relationships with, and the nature of that relationship (subsidiary company to the Offeror, etc.), in the event that the Contractor cannot provide sufficient makeup appointments to meet the deadlines and needs of the school. If and as sub-contractors are replaced throughout the term of the contract, the Contractor shall update the Procurement Division with replacement sub-contractor information. Contractors must acknowledge and pass on to these individuals that sub-contractors, if any, are held to the same standards, pricing, terms and conditions as the Contractor. 3.1.7 Commission Payments: Offerors should be advised that many of the Owner schools, especially at the elementary and middle school levels, utilize photographic services as a major fundraiser to support school activities and supplement school budgets; in that regard, making the most profit from photographic services is very important. The Owner requires the awarded Contractor(s) to remit commission payments consistent with the awarded contract rates directly to the school(s) where the photographic services were provided. No Owner schools intend to monitor, handle or maintain any funds associated with the resulting photographic services orders outside of the commission payments; all photo order funds and associated fees must be handled by the awarded Contractor(s). 3.1.8 Key Personnel: The personnel named in the proposal shall remain responsible throughout the period of this contract; awarded Contractor(s) may not replace these individuals without submission of a resume of the proposed replacement and final approval as granted by the Owner. By submitting a proposal for consideration, Offerors represent that they are a duly organized and licensed entity that employs qualified and experienced personnel specializing in providing photography services as outlined herein. Offerors represent that they have carefully screened their employees and any subcontractors and determined that they are persons of high professional and moral character, fully suitable to work with students in the proposed school/age range. Contractor(s) covenant that all employees and subcontractors, if any, assigned to work in the schools will conduct themselves in a responsible, courteous and professional manner. The Owner, in its sole and absolute discretion, shall have the right to direct the Contractor(s) to remove any of its personnel, including subcontractors, from the schools for any reason. All Offerors shall review, complete and submit the Certification of No Crimes Against Children form provided, as part of their proposal response. Additionally, Contractors and all Contractor personnel shall check in at the main office of each school with acceptable identification, customarily a driver’s license, scanned by each school in order to generate an ID badge, through the school’s Raptor system. Contractors must check in via the Raptor system at each school, with every visit. 3.1.9 Switching Contractors Within School Year: In the event that services provided by a Contractor selected to provide that school year’s photographic requirements are unsatisfactory, and have remained such despite efforts made by school staff to improve issues through written and verbal contact with the Contractor, the school reserves the right to terminate that year’s engagement with their school and select another Contractor from the list of awarded Contractors, in order to ensure that the expected service levels for that school, and school needs, are met.

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3.1.10 Data Privacy: The successful offeror will have access to certain data, material, photographs, or information regarding students that may consist of confidential data owned by FCPS or confidential personally-identifiable data subject to the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) or other federal and state privacy laws, and that disclosure to or use by third parties would be damaging. The successful offeror, therefore, must agree to hold all such material and information in strictest confidence, not to make use thereof other than for the performance of this contract, to release it only to authorized employees and agents requiring such information and not release or disclose it to any other party only in compliance with the FERPA. 3.2 Elementary School Requirements : Offerors shall provide two methods of selection, Speculation and Prepay Sales. The majority of Owner elementary schools do Prepay sales in the fall, and Speculation in the spring; only one method will be chosen for each event and that decision rests with the school principal. School principals will also select the type of package or packages to be offered for the event. Offerors shall identify the type of equipment, photographic paper and supplies to be used for the elementary school photo options and packages. 3.2.1 Prepay Sales, Fall: Offerors shall provide package programs with a reasonable range of pricing, including a simple but very affordable package, and with various options. Offerors shall specify picture sizes, quantities and price of each package they propose; see sample list of picture packages on the applicable pricing schedule. Offerors shall provide pricing in packages and add on individual items for ease of Owner evaluation. Awarded Contractor(s) shall provide individual and staff photographs in the fall, customarily scheduled from September through October (specific dates to be provided by each principal). Contractor(s) shall provide prepay sales photography fliers to send home with package contents, prices and order forms. Parents will indicate their selection and return the appropriate forms with payment on the day of the scheduled photography. Contractor personnel shall handle all collections; school staff, including school main office staff, should not be required for this engagement. However, up to two (2) elementary school parent volunteers may be on hand to provide assistance; it is customary for those volunteers to be offered a complimentary photo packet in return for their assistance on “picture day”. Staff photos are also traditionally complimentary; Offerors shall indicate their concurrence with this practice in their proposal response. Contractor(s) must photograph all students for school purposes, regardless of purchase. 3.2.2 Speculation Sales, Spring: Offerors shall provide package programs for spring photo taking that include class group pictures with individual pictures, staff group photos, candid and club photos, as delineated by the elementary school Principal(s). Class group photos shall include the name of the school, teacher, the school year date (example, 2022-2023), and the names of those photographed in order of appearance. Offerors are advised to include break-out or itemized pricing for spring speculation sales, for example, pricing for the class group photo only, class group photo and individual photo, background options, etc. School principals will select the combination of photographs to be offered from the awarded suite of products, and this combination will comprise the spring photo packet to be sent home with students. Parents may choose to purchase some, all or none of the resulting photographs, and are responsible to return those not purchased. As with Prepay Fall Photo Sales, the Owner will not handle any funds associated with Spring Speculation Sales, nor will the school be penalized for the non-return of speculation packages. 3.2.3 Photo Delivery Time: Original photographs and retakes must be delivered within thirty (30) days of the photo date. Contractor(s) shall provide photo packages with positive

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identification by student name, grade and homeroom number, for ease of distribution. 3.2.4 Make-up and Retake Photos: For the Fall Prepay session, only, Contractor(s) must follow up the initial photo sessions within forty-five (45) days with a make-up day for lost, unacceptable or damaged negatives or pictures. School principals will schedule and approve the specific make-up day. Contractor(s) shall not charge or threaten to charge for retakes. 3.2.5 Other Deliverables: Awarded Contractor(s) shall provide the following to each elementary school at no charge as a result of fall prepay sales: Fall Prepay: Two (2) each photographs with a sticky-back, of every student for file purposes; Both Fall and Spring Sales: Images should be provided in electronic format (no less than 300 dpi) on CD/DVD/flash drive or a secured portal with credentials to download the files. If delivered by CD/DVD/flash drive a minimum of two (2) copies of each should be provided. If delivered by download the JPG format should be named StudentNumber.jpg and each .zip file should be 100MB or less with an individual file size recommendation of 30-35KB. All options should include the processed and raw files of all images taken for the assigned work as defined in the SOW. All pictures taken will be used by the school in creating yearbooks, identification cards, etc. These photos may not be provided to any other organization, individual or business. Complimentary photo products: Offerors shall identify what complimentary photos or photo products they would offer for fall and spring photo sessions if awarded a contract. Examples may include digital cameras for staff yearbook purposes, giant 4’ X 6’ posters with all students and staff in alpha order for display within the school office or lobby, assorted photo wall posters for school use, framed staff photo taken during staff work week, etc. Fall Prepay: Offerors shall verify, in their proposal response, that they agree to take candid photos for yearbook use and production, even if they are the selected school Photographer but not the yearbook-awarded Contractor at that time. 3.2.6 Commissions/Fees: Offerors shall provide a complete and comprehensive fee/commission schedule for both fall and spring events at the elementary school level. As noted in Section 3.1.7, schools seek the most competitive and rewarding commission levels to assist with school expenses. Offerors are welcome to structure their commissions or fees on a percentage basis for the fall prepay event and a flat per- picture fee for the spring speculation event, if that is the most profitable structure for Owner consideration. Reporting: Offerors are advised that a full accounting and report of how commissions and/or fees are calculated to result in the commission check sent to the individual elementary school must be provided with each commission check. 3.3 Middle School Requirements : Offerors shall provide two methods of selection, Speculation and Prepay Sales. Similar to elementary schools, the majority of Owner middle schools do Prepay sales in the fall, and Speculation in the spring; only one method will be chosen for each event and that decision rests with the school principal. School principals will also select the type of package or packages to be offered for the event. Offerors shall identify the type of equipment, photographic paper and supplies to be used for the middle school photo options and packages. 3.3.1 Prepay Sales, Fall: Offerors shall provide package programs with a reasonable range of pricing, including a simple but very affordable package, and with various options. Offerors shall specify picture sizes, quantities and price of each package they propose;

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see sample list of picture packages on the applicable pricing schedule. Offerors shall complete this page or, provide pricing in a very similar format for ease of Owner evaluation. Awarded Contractor(s) shall provide individual and staff photographs in the fall, customarily scheduled from September through October (specific dates to be provided by each principal). Contractor(s) shall provide prepay sales photography fliers to send home with package contents, prices and order forms. Parents will indicate their selection and return the appropriate forms with payment on the day of the scheduled photography. Contractor personnel shall handle all collections; school staff, including school main office staff, should not be required for this engagement. Staff photos are traditionally complimentary; Offerors shall indicate their concurrence with this practice in their proposal response. Contractor(s) must photograph all students for school purposes, regardless of purchase. Scheduling: Offerors are encouraged to provide up to three (3) candid photo days and one (1) night activity to obtain club pictures, school events, and other photos for yearbook purposes; these days will be scheduled in advance with the school principal. Retouching: Offerors must provide optional retouching services at the parents/students request, as part of the middle school photography requirements. Offerors shall delineate retouching charges on the Pricing Schedule submitted with their proposal. 3.3.2 Speculation Sales, Spring: Offerors shall provide package programs for spring photo taking that include individual pictures, potentially “buddy” and candid photo options. Class group photos are not taken at this school level. Offerors are advised to include break-out or itemized pricing for spring speculation sales, for example, pricing for the individual, buddy and candid photos, background options, etc. School principals will select the combination of photographs to be offered from the awarded suite of products, and this combination will comprise the spring photo packet to be sent home with students. Parents may choose to purchase some, all or none of the resulting photographs, and are responsible to return those not purchased. As with Prepay Fall Photo Sales, the Owner will not handle any funds associated with Spring Speculation Sales, nor will the school be penalized for the non-return of speculation packages. 3.3.3 Photo Delivery Time: Original photographs and retakes must be delivered within thirty (30) days of the photo date. Contractor(s) shall provide photo packages with positive identification by student name, grade and homeroom number, for ease of distribution. At the middle school level, Contractor(s) shall provide the school principal a typed list in alphabetical order by grade of all students photographed, within three (3) weeks of picture day. 3.3.4 Make-up and Retake Photos: For the Fall Prepay session, only, Contractor(s) must follow up the initial photo sessions within forty-five (45) days with a make-up day for lost, unacceptable or damaged negatives or pictures. School principals will schedule and approve the specific make-up day. Contractor(s) shall not charge or threaten to charge for retakes. 3.3.5 Other Deliverables: Awarded Contractor(s) shall provide the following to each middle school at no charge as a result of fall prepay sales: Fall Prepay: One color ID card for each student and staff member photographed, and two (2) each photographs with a sticky-back, of every student for file purposes; Both Fall and Spring Sales: Images should be provided in electronic format (no less than 300 dpi) on CD/DVD/flash drive or a secured portal with credentials to download the files. If delivered by CD/DVD/flash drive a minimum of two (2) copies of each should be provided. If delivered by download the JPG format should be named StudentNumber.jpg and each .zip file should be 100MB or less

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with an individual file size recommendation of 30-35KB. All options should include the processed and raw files of all images taken for the assigned work as defined in the SOW. All pictures taken will be used by the school in creating yearbooks, identification cards, etc. These photos may not be provided to any other organization, individual or business. Complimentary photo products: Offerors shall identify what complimentary photos or photo products they would offer for fall and spring photo sessions if awarded a contract. Examples may include digital cameras for staff yearbook purposes, giant 4’ X 6’ posters with all students and staff in alpha order for display within the school office or lobby, assorted photo wall posters for school use, framed staff photo taken during staff work week, etc. Fall Prepay: Offerors shall verify, in their proposal response, that they agree to take candid photos for yearbook use and production, even if they are the selected school Photographer but not the yearbook-awarded Contractor at that time. Photo Packets Sorted by Classroom: Contractor shall provide student packets to the school, sorted by teacher for ease of distribution, if requested by the school. 3.3.6 Commissions/Fees: Offerors shall provide a complete and comprehensive fee/commission schedule for both fall and spring events at the middle school level. As noted in Section 3.1.7, schools seek the most competitive and rewarding commission levels to assist with school expenses. Offerors are welcome to structure their commissions or fees on a percentage basis for the fall prepay event and a flat per- picture fee for the spring speculation event, if that is the most profitable structure for Owner consideration. Reporting: Offerors are advised that a full accounting and report of how commissions and/or fees are calculated to result in the commission check sent to the individual middle school must be provided with each commission check. 3.4 High School Requirements : Offerors shall provide a summer senior portrait session and Prepay Sales for high school fall underclassmen/staff photography session. School principals will approve the type of package or packages to be offered for the event. Offerors shall identify the type of equipment, photographic paper and supplies to be used for the high school photo options and packages. Offerors shall indicate their experience in working closely with high school yearbook advisors and staff relative to scheduling and delivery of all high school photographs. Individual schools will maintain the right to provide school staff to assist in any of the high school photograph requirements; Offerors shall indicate their acknowledgement of this in the proposal response, along with their concurrence to provide adult assistants to collect and process all funds and paperwork. Given the high school staff experience with school photography services and scheduling, the individual high schools will dictate how many cameras are required and used for scheduled picture dates. 3.4.1 Senior Portraits, Summer: Portraits are typically scheduled during the summer months, with potential June-August dates. In addition, schools may require that senior portraits be taken during the school day, at the discretion of the Principal. Offerors shall note that senior portraits are likely to take multiple days. The Owner will not accept any proposals stipulating a sitting fee for senior portraits except as noted below; Contractor(s) shall provide one standard sitting photograph (pose and attire to be specified by yearbook staff) for the yearbook at no charge. As noted in 3.1.4, any Contractor that inadvertently charges a sitting fee for the standard yearbook photo, shall refund that fee to the parent fully, promptly and without question, should this be discovered via any FCPS internal audit or through notification of the school Principal by any parent of a student. Offerors shall provide samples of their senior portrait

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packages, which shall provide a minimum of eight (8) proofs from which to make a selection. Contractor(s) shall photograph all seniors for the yearbook providing students with an expanded sitting option that allows a variety of backgrounds and pose options. Offerors shall indicate their concurrence to provide tuxedos, drapes, caps and gowns for photographic purposes at no charge. Contractor(s) are permitted to charge and retain sitting fees for optional poses requested by seniors in addition to the standard, no-fee pose; such sitting fees must be identified in the Offeror’s price proposal. Notification of shoot dates: Contractor(s) shall schedule appointments with and mail notification cards to each senior at least three (3) weeks prior to shoot dates specified by the yearbook advisor or school principal. Individual schools will provide the Contractor a mailing list of all seniors to be pictured for the yearbook. Retouching: Contractor(s) shall retouch any/all senior portraits at no additional or optional charge to parents/students, and all work shall be unconditionally guaranteed. Graduation: some of the high schools may choose to utilize this contract for graduation handshake photographs or other graduation ceremony photographs; Offerors are welcome to include these options and pricing for them on the pricing schedule for Owner review and evaluation. 3.4.2 Underclassmen Prepay Sales, Fall: Offerors shall provide package programs with a reasonable range of pricing, including a simple but very affordable package, and with various options, for fall prepay underclassmen photographs. Offerors shall specify picture sizes, quantities and price of each package they propose; see sample list of picture packages on the applicable pricing schedule. Offerors shall complete this page or, provide pricing in a very similar format for ease of Owner evaluation. Awarded Contractor(s) shall provide individual and staff photographs in the fall, customarily scheduled in September with makeup photos in October (specific dates to be provided by each principal). Contractor(s) shall provide prepay sales photography fliers to send home with package contents, prices and order forms. Parents will indicate their selection and return the appropriate forms with payment on the day of the scheduled photography. Contractor personnel shall handle all collections; school staff, including school main office staff, should not be required for this engagement. Staff photos are traditionally complimentary and are taken as scheduled by the yearbook advisor; Offerors shall indicate their concurrence with this practice in their proposal response. Contractor(s) must photograph all students for school purposes, regardless of purchase. Scheduling: Offerors are encouraged to provide up to two (2) candid photo days for yearbook purposes, for club and other photos, and three (3) days for underclassmen photos; these days will be scheduled in advance with the school principal. For example, schools may schedule club pictures for two days, but require the Contractor to provide candid shots of other activities as noted herein like sports and dances. 3.4.3 Photo Delivery Time: Senior Portraits: Contractor(s) shall mail proofs by first class mail, postage prepaid at the Contractor’s expense, within ten (10) days after the date of the photography session. Contractor(s) shall mail all finished portraits by first class mail, postage prepaid at the Contractor’s expense, directly to the students within six (6) weeks after the date of the photo order. Underclassmen: Individual schools may choose how the Contractor will return pictures, for example, on-line ordering options, which Offerors shall provide within their proposal response. Original photographs and retakes must be delivered within thirty (30) days of the photo date. Contractor(s) shall provide photo packages with positive identification by student name, grade and homeroom number, for ease of distribution. At the high school level, Contractor(s) shall provide the school principal a typed list in alphabetical order by grade of all students photographed, within three (3) weeks of picture day. Sports and dance photos: Contractor(s) shall mail pictures with positive identification to students within three (3) weeks after the dance

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event or athletic photo shoot, and shall provide electronic versions of photos, including candid photos taken during the event to yearbook staff. 3.4.4 Make-up and Retake Photos: For the Fall Prepay session, high schools will work with the Contractor to determine deadlines for underclassman retake pictures, in order to meet the requirements for yearbook and other publication deadlines. School principals will schedule and approve the specific make-up day. Contractor(s) shall not charge or threaten to charge for retakes. Use of each school’s facilities for regular and make-up photo sessions will be provided for both senior and underclassmen photographs; for additional takes or other problems, Contractor(s) must provide a location for the photo sessions that is convenient to the students and is approved in advance by the school principal. 3.4.5 High School Dance Program Photos: Awarded Contractor(s) are expected to provide, on a prepay basis, photographic services for the Homecoming Dance, Prom, and other events as specified by the individual high schools. High schools will provide dates for specific dances at least thirty (30) days in advance. Contractor(s) shall provide special flyers for each student anticipated to be in attendance and posters for use in the school, prior to the event; Contractor(s) shall specify pricing and package options on the student flyers. Contractor(s) shall be present at the dance at a time designated by the principal to take portraits of couples attending that dance; Contractor(s) shall provide backdrops for the portraits. As noted in every other area of the RFP, Contractor(s) are solely responsible for the collection of funds and payment. Offerors shall include the potential commissions for dance photos in their price proposal. Yearbook and newspaper staffs at each high school reserve the right to choose any, all or none of the provided candid photos for use within their respective publications. 3.4.6 High School Sports Photos: At each high school principal’s discretion, awarded Contractor(s) may be requested to provide high school sports photos. Principals will determine the level of Contractor attendance required for each of the three high school athletic seasons. Use of the Contractor at post-season athletic competitions is optional. Potential use of the Contractor’s athletic event photos may range from inclusion in the yearbook to team and individual photos required for athletic programs and/or publications available at events during the season. Contractor(s) shall provide a CD with the assorted photographs to the principal or if designated, the school athletic/activities director. Offerors are requested to provide pricing for any and all high school sports photography services, including team and individual program or yearbook photos potentially at no charge and packages of team and individual photos offering a commission to the school, to be purchased as desired by parents or students. As noted throughout the RFP, team and head-shot photos may be required for yearbook purposes regardless of any parent/student orders placed, and all photography order funds will be processed solely by the Contractor(s) without school clerical or staff assistance. Yearbook and newspaper staffs at each high school reserve the right to choose any, all or none of the provided candid photos for use within their respective publications. 3.4.7 Other Deliverables: Awarded Contractor(s) shall provide the following to each high school at no charge as a result of fall prepay sales: Fall Prepay & Seniors: One color ID card for every student photographed, with an alphabetical list of students by grade level provided at the same time; Fall Underclassmen, Senior and Staff Photos: Images should be provided in electronic format (no less than 300 dpi) on CD/DVD/flash drive or a secured portal with credentials to download the files. If delivered by CD/DVD/flash drive a minimum of two (2) copies of each should be provided. If delivered by download

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the JPG format should be named StudentNumber.jpg and each .zip file should be 100MB or less with an individual file size recommendation of 30-35KB. All options should include the processed and raw files of all images taken for the assigned work as defined in the SOW. All pictures taken will be used by the school in creating yearbooks, identification cards, etc. These photos may not be provided to any other organization, individual or business. Complimentary photo products: Offerors shall identify what complimentary photos or photo products they would offer for fall and spring photo sessions if awarded a contract. Examples may include digital cameras for staff yearbook purposes, panoramic class and/or staff photos for yearbook use or assorted photo wall posters for school use and/or display within the school office or lobby, framed staff photo taken during staff work week, etc. If panoramic photos are not complimentary, Offerors may include this photo option in their price schedule for each school level. Fall Prepay: Offerors shall verify, in their proposal response, that they agree to take candid photos for yearbook use and production, even if they are the selected school Photographer but not the yearbook-awarded Contractor at that time. 3.4.8 Commissions/Fees: Offerors shall provide a complete and comprehensive fee/commission schedule for all events noted within this section at the high school level. As noted in Section 3.1.7, schools seek the most competitive and rewarding commission levels to assist with school expenses. Traditionally, Owner high schools have used a commission rate, not flat fee structure, for this service. Reporting: Offerors are advised that a full accounting and report of how commissions and/or fees are calculated to result in the commission check sent to the individual high school must be provided with each commission check. 4.1.1 RFP Response. In order to be considered for selection, Offerors must submit a complete response to the RFP. One (1) original and ten (10) copies of each proposal must be submitted to the Procurement Division, along with a full proposal response on CD/DVD/flash drive or secured download. The Offeror shall make no other distribution of the proposal and shall not contact anyone except the Procurement Manager relative to this solicitation, once it is released and while it is in evaluation. 4.1.2 Proposal Preparation An authorized representative of the Offeror shall sign proposal. All information requested should be submitted. Failure to submit all information requested may result in the Procurement Division requiring prompt submission of missing information and/or giving lowered evaluation of the proposal. Proposals which are substantially incomplete or lacking key information may be rejected by the purchasing agency. Mandatory requirements are those required by law or regulation or are such that they cannot be waived and are not subject to negotiation. Proposals should be prepared simply and economically, providing a straightforward, concise description of capabilities to satisfy the requirements of the RFP. Emphasis should be placed on completeness and clarity of content. Proposals should be organized in the order in which the requirements are presented in the RFP. All pages of the proposal should be numbered. Each paragraph in the proposal should reference the paragraph number of the


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corresponding section of the RFP. It is also helpful to cite the paragraph number, and repeat the text of the requirement as it appears in the section of the RFP. If a response covers more than one page, the paragraph number should be repeated at the top of the next page. The proposal should contain a table of contents, which cross-references the RFP requirements. Information which the Offeror desires to present that does not fall within any of the requirements of the RFP should be inserted at an appropriate place or be attached at the end of the proposal and designated as additional material. Proposals that are not organized in this manner risk elimination from consideration if the evaluators are unable to find where the RFP requirements are specifically addressed. The Offeror’s proposal should provide all the information that it considers pertinent to its qualifications for the project and which respond to the Statement of Needs described. Each copy of the proposal should be bound or contained in a single volume where practical. All documents submitted with the proposal should be contained in that single volume. Ownership of all data, materials and documentation originated and prepared for the Owner pursuant to the RFP will belong exclusively to the Owner and be subject to public inspection in accordance with the Virginia Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Trade secrets or proprietary information submitted by an Offeror shall not be subject to public disclosure under the Virginia FOIA; however, the Offeror must invoke the protections of Section 2.2-4342(D) of the Code of Virginia, in writing, on the form provided either before or at the time the data or other material is submitted. As noted on the form, Offerors must specifically identify the data or materials to be protected and state the reasons why protection is necessary. The Owner reserves the right to ask for additional clarification prior to establishing protection. State Corporation Commission (SCC) registration requirements: Proposals shall include the identification number issued by the State Corporation Commission as proof of registration or justification for non-registration per the requirements in paragraph 45 of the General Conditions and Instructions to Bidders/Offerors. Use the form included in the RFP to provide the Offeror’s State Corporation Commission Identification Number or justification for non-registration. The SCC may be reached at (804) 371-9733 or at www.scc.virginia.gov/default.aspx. Failure to include this form with the proposal submission may result in rejection of the proposal. Specific Proposal Requirements 4.2.1 Certification page and the return of this completed RFP inclusive of all required forms and any addenda, signed and filled out as required. In order to facilitate proper evaluation, proposals must be properly identified as to the level of school included in the response as indicated on the Certification page. 4.2.2 Location and Personnel: Location of the Offeror’s headquarters; applicable phone, facsimile numbers and e-mail address; location and name of proposed representative(s) and all photographers that would be associated with an awarded contract. Offerors should include the required references noted in 3.1.3 in this section.


Offeror Qualifications: Offerors shall clearly indicate their ability to meet the Owner requirements for each/all school levels proposed for service. Offerors are advised to

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