SPAC 2023 Guidebook


3:30 PM – 3:45 PM Sonoma C&D By Tim Mccain ImageQuix- President Photolynx Award

Friday Jan. 27

Social Media Branding Strategies That Work 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM Sonoma C&D By Jerry Hughes Jerry Hughes Photography Owner

Session description available in the Whova app.


Learn how to leverage the power of social media to create a brand that will set you apart from the competition. Social media strategies change by the minute, learn how to recognize trends and be a leader in your market. You customers no longer spend time watching TV, instead they are on Instagram, TikTok and other social media platforms. Small businesses have never before had the chance to get in front of so many customers without having to spend thousands of dollars in conventional advertising. You will learn where your customers are and how to get your message in front of them. As photographers we literally have hard drives full of content. Learn how to take these images and videos and create content that sizzles.You will be introduced to various apps and software that will allow you to create world class posts that will be seen by thousands and that will put your brand in front of the decision makers within your market.

Keynote: Go Get It 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM Sonoma C&D By Jay McGowan

Using technology to help your studio grow. 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM Sonoma C&D By Derek Clapham (Fotomerchant) & Benedikt Greifenhofer (GotPhoto) Are studios still production businesses or sales and experience businesses? Join Fotomerchant and GotPhoto for a collaborative presentation to look at how technology, automation and intelligent sales and marketing can (and are) being used by

In this high-energy keynote, your audience will learn the eight lessons to recognize, understand, and overcome any challenges that come along in your industry. Teams of all levels of development will learn to communicate more effectively, identify areas of opportunity, and to embrace innovative solutions that lead to consistent and more profitable results.

studios to offset production and how exisiting resources can be refocused on the areas that help your studios grow.


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