
with an individual file size recommendation of 30-35KB. All options should include the processed and raw files of all images taken for the assigned work as defined in the SOW. All pictures taken will be used by the school in creating yearbooks, identification cards, etc. These photos may not be provided to any other organization, individual or business. Complimentary photo products: Offerors shall identify what complimentary photos or photo products they would offer for fall and spring photo sessions if awarded a contract. Examples may include digital cameras for staff yearbook purposes, giant 4’ X 6’ posters with all students and staff in alpha order for display within the school office or lobby, assorted photo wall posters for school use, framed staff photo taken during staff work week, etc. Fall Prepay: Offerors shall verify, in their proposal response, that they agree to take candid photos for yearbook use and production, even if they are the selected school Photographer but not the yearbook-awarded Contractor at that time. Photo Packets Sorted by Classroom: Contractor shall provide student packets to the school, sorted by teacher for ease of distribution, if requested by the school. 3.3.6 Commissions/Fees: Offerors shall provide a complete and comprehensive fee/commission schedule for both fall and spring events at the middle school level. As noted in Section 3.1.7, schools seek the most competitive and rewarding commission levels to assist with school expenses. Offerors are welcome to structure their commissions or fees on a percentage basis for the fall prepay event and a flat per- picture fee for the spring speculation event, if that is the most profitable structure for Owner consideration. Reporting: Offerors are advised that a full accounting and report of how commissions and/or fees are calculated to result in the commission check sent to the individual middle school must be provided with each commission check. 3.4 High School Requirements : Offerors shall provide a summer senior portrait session and Prepay Sales for high school fall underclassmen/staff photography session. School principals will approve the type of package or packages to be offered for the event. Offerors shall identify the type of equipment, photographic paper and supplies to be used for the high school photo options and packages. Offerors shall indicate their experience in working closely with high school yearbook advisors and staff relative to scheduling and delivery of all high school photographs. Individual schools will maintain the right to provide school staff to assist in any of the high school photograph requirements; Offerors shall indicate their acknowledgement of this in the proposal response, along with their concurrence to provide adult assistants to collect and process all funds and paperwork. Given the high school staff experience with school photography services and scheduling, the individual high schools will dictate how many cameras are required and used for scheduled picture dates. 3.4.1 Senior Portraits, Summer: Portraits are typically scheduled during the summer months, with potential June-August dates. In addition, schools may require that senior portraits be taken during the school day, at the discretion of the Principal. Offerors shall note that senior portraits are likely to take multiple days. The Owner will not accept any proposals stipulating a sitting fee for senior portraits except as noted below; Contractor(s) shall provide one standard sitting photograph (pose and attire to be specified by yearbook staff) for the yearbook at no charge. As noted in 3.1.4, any Contractor that inadvertently charges a sitting fee for the standard yearbook photo, shall refund that fee to the parent fully, promptly and without question, should this be discovered via any FCPS internal audit or through notification of the school Principal by any parent of a student. Offerors shall provide samples of their senior portrait

RFP#49-21RC, Photographic Services, FCPS


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