2022 SPAC Agenda Book proof v5
S P A C 2 0 2 2 E D U C A T I O N A L S E S S I O N S
saturday JAN. 29
Starting a School Photography Business with Zero Investment 10:15 - 10:45 By Mary Beth Kully Schoolhouse Pictures/DONE.photos- Owner Do you want to start a school picture company, but feel overwhelmed or
The Santa Experience! 09:00 - 10:00
By Di Murphy Tintype Studio, Inc. How to provide a Santa Session that is magical and profitable.
don’t have the money? Learn how Schoolhouse Pictures runs its business – across the nation -- without owning photography equipment, lights, printers, vehicles, studio/ office space, or having employees. Imagine the freedom of not paying rent or a mortgage, not having to replace outdated equipment, and not having to hire, train, and layoff seasonal employees. Bring your open mind to this session on a different type of school photography. Sponsored by DONE.photos. Digital Marketing - The Lifecycle
How To Make Your Social Media Work For You: A Guide To Marketing To The Next Generation Of Parents 09:00 - 10:00 By Lexi Ripperger & MacKenzie Lange In a society that is ever-changing and
of a Photo 10:15 - 10:45
full of gen-z-ers, gen-x-ers, and millenials, it is important to stay up-to-date on the hottest trends and tools on social media. Digital Marketing Specialist, Lexi Ripperger will take you through increasing customer engagement, increasing conversions, and how to draw new customers to your site. She will cover how to stay current by utilizing media data and using this data to create your digital marketing strategy in the school photography industry. Relationships and Key Account
By Susie Bradshaw ImageQuix/ PhotoLynx - Senior Marketing Strategist
Join ImageQuix’s Senior Marketing Strategist, Susie Bradshaw, to learn all about the current industry specific marketing trends and how your studio can ensure a positive and profitable consumer experience. In this session, Susie will review the approaches used by studios who have successfully converted subjects into buyers multiple times throughout the year and discuss how to maximize the return on every photo taken with targeted seasonal planning. Sponsored by: ImageQuix & PhotoLynx
Retention 09:00 - 10:00 By Jaimie Ford Iconik Studio- Director of Marketing and Business Development Have you ever wondered what your
Dance Studios: How to Organize and Run a Successful Photo Day 11:00 - 12:00 By Megan & Scott Sockel MoveUp Images, LLC. -Owners Do volume dance studio photo days overwhelm you a little? Not sure
business would look like if you could retain 100% of your business (that you want) year over year while adding more of the clients you enjoy? This course will examine core strategies to help define and build solid relationships within your current market as well as explore sales techniques to continue growing your partnership value with key accounts. Protecting your Company
and the Industry (Copyrights, Student Data Privacy, Legal Protections) 10:15 - 10:45 By David Crandall School Photographers of America- Executive Director
how to keep everything organized? The planning, selling, photographing, editing and order fulfillment process can feel overwhelming. Megan and Scott Sockel of MoveUp Images are here to help! They’ll explain their workflow for dance studios and share tried and true methods for organizing the entire experience. Sponsored by H&H Color Lab
In this session we will discuss the new yearbook standards, the new school administrative software standard and single export, student data privacy - state laws and compliance along with many other critical pieces to ensuring your business and our industry are protected and viable for generations to come.
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