2022 SPAC Agenda Book proof v5
S P A C 2 0 2 2 E D U C A T I O N A L S E S S I O N S
friday JAN. 28
Capture Their 1st Impression + Create Recurring Opportunities 14:30 - 15:30 By Kyle Bodin ImageQuix /Photolynx- Director of Client Success Did you know that 58% of your purchases are made within the first
Paint with Light 11:00 - 12:00
By Octavious Cummings Octavious Cummings Photography- Owner need info
30 days of your job activation… but 42% of your job’s total aggregate revenue comes from the following 11 months! Join ImageQuix’s Director of Client Success, Kyle Bodin, as he explores your customers’ lifetime value to convert their first impression, while generating order opportunities throughout the year. Utilizing a data-driven approach, we’ll take a deep look into what pricing/ workflow strategies and marketing techniques allow us to achieve 25% uplift in AOV while proofing galleries in under 24 hours! Have you considered an initial product offering that is not limited to their “assumption” to purchase? Let’s guide your customer behavior and game plan your path to annual recurring buyers! Sponsored by: ImageQuix & PhotoLynx
Creating an Experience Not Just a Photo Shoot 14:30 - 15:30 By James Quantz, Jr. James Quantz, Fr. Photography- Creative
What Makes A Great Business Leader? 16:00 - 17:00 By Matt Moore Partner at Alpine Investors What does it take to run a company? What are the characteristics that
Doing the things it takes to elevate your photoshoots from “just taking pictures” to creating an experience for your clients and how it pays off down the road. Banners- They’re not just for Seniors 14:30 - 15:30 By Jeff Gump Gump Solutions- President show photographers other uses for banners. I will share so many other opportunities for photographers to offer banners. Pageants, Athletic Stadiums, Car shows, Locker rooms, Graduations, All-stars, Events and Festivals to just name a few. I will share how to market them and how to get the most money for your products. Most photographers create banners for Senior High School Sports, I will
separate good leaders from great ones? Join Matt Moore from Alpine Investors on January 28th as we explore the handful of key skills every business owner needs to know in this interactive session. We’ll explore everything from the role of talent in company building to how to create customers who are raving fans. Sponsored by: ImageQuix & PhotoLynx
W W W . S P A C - U S A . O R G
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