2022 SPAC Agenda Book proof v5

S P A C 2 0 2 2 E D U C A T I O N A L S E S S I O N S

friday JAN. 28

Contract Senior Market 11:00 - 12:00 By Mike Norkin Cherished Memories- CEO

How to Build a Successful Yearbook Business 09:45 - 10:45 By Cory Tomcek Entourage Yearbooks-Director of Partnerships , Elias Jo Entourage Yearbooks- CEO

Mike and his company photographs 18,000 contract seniors in three states. From booking, to sessions, software and data management, Mike will cover every aspect of the contract senior market. Employee Hiring, Firing and

Our panel of business owners represent small, medium and large sized yearbook companies. We will discuss why and how they started selling yearbooks, the challenges and decisions they faced and the best practices used for success. Topics include outsourcing vs. insourcing, software and tech support, sales and marketing, profit vs. service item and how to handle competition.

Retention 11:00 - 12:00

By Danny & Dianne Rabalais Studio 530 Photography California School Photography- Owners Danny & Dianne are a husband and

wife team from Northern California. They have been hiring, firing, and managing employees for over 30 years combined. Their personalities allow them to relay training to others in a way that they immediately understand. Danny is a retired sheriff’s captain and Dianne was the director of a non-profit battered woman’s shelter, but now they both own a successful photography company and manage up to 25 employees during the busy seasons. They will tell you and show you how it’s done successfully! **Employee applications, interviews and who to hire **Background checks, training and supervising **Written guidelines and employee handbooks **Written photographer evaluations and critiques **When employees go bad...In the voice of Princess Elsa, Let em GOOOOO, Let em GOOOOO... **How to set yourself up for success before they even take a photo for you

School Photography Industry Report 2022 - Interim Results 09:45 - 10:45 By Elmar Platzer & Derek Clapham Fotomerchant- Founders What do parents really want? Does geography play a role in how

you should be pricing? Are your schools happy with the services you offer? Fotomerchant and SPOA are undertaking the largest ever survey of schools and parents to provide you with insights and answers. Join us at SPAC 2022 where we will be sharing the interim results of the School Photography Industry Report to be presented by Fotomerchant founders Elmar Platzer and Derek Clapham, along with David Crandall, Executive Director of SPOA. The Evolution of Sports Photography Workflow and Implementation 11:00 - 12:00 By Perry Thompson Perry Thompson Photography The past 5 years since really focusing back into sports team photography, evolution has brought us to this point. We have tried a lot of things but the result is lower labor costs, higher sales averages and a scalable business. We have an in house lab so the challenges of implementing the AI Technology into our Studio left us with few options and We have over the past year totally revamped and implemented an incredible workflow while cutting our labor by %50 at the same time removing barriers to growth. Along with putting new market segments in to smooth out the cash flow over the year.

Under the Tent Lighting Photography- Outdoor Demonstration 11:00 - 12:00 By Kimberly Melloan Line Drive Photography LLC- Owner If you have so many leagues on your

books this spring and you’re wondering how you’re going to handle all the work yourself, then this is the class for you! Learn how Kimberly successfully photographed 17 little leagues in April and May of 2021 by partnering up with Next Gen Photo Solutions. Learn how to photograph players one at a time outside under a tent to create awesome composites with graphics that parents will absolutely love. This class will teach you how to shoot under a black tent, how to meter your lights for consistency on every shoot, how to set up a Lastolite HiLite, and how to let Next Gen do all the work so you don’t have to sit behind your computer all day! Free up MORE of your time to book MORE leagues to make MORE money! Sponsored by Next Gen Photo Solutions and Richmond Pro Lab

W W W . S P A C - U S A . O R G

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