2022 SPAC Agenda Book proof v5
S P A C 2 0 2 2 E D U C A T I O N A L S E S S I O N S
thursday JAN. 27
Why Your Brand Image Means More Than You Think! 08:30 - 09:30 By Shaun DeMint Photo Solutions In the photography market we do not act or look like the other “business” in the world, and that needs to change!
Vertical Integration as a School Photography Company 14:45 - 15:45 By Keith Tippitt Wonder Years Portraits- Owner By definition and function, a vertically integrated photo company
Only reason why people think they can negotiate with us as photographers is because we don’t have a professional business image along with the correct marketing materials to make us look like actual companies. In this class I cover everything from your logo, brand colors, marketing materials and so much more. It will ultimately create your business “image”. If you look like a company people will respect you more, have more confidence in purchasing (spend more) and ultimately you will get more jobs in the process.
handles almost every aspect of the business in-house from the taking of the image to finally delivery to the customer. While a vertical operation can offer significant advantages, there can be an equal number of possible pitfalls. In this presentation, we will offer examples of vertical operations, including some of the ways in which it can increase profitability and help give a competitive advantage in optimal environments, and also discuss what can happen when it doesn’t go as well. We will discuss things to consider when moving more of the operation in-house, including start-up costs, staffing, equipment, and software and additional space requirements, as well as considerations for resources that may need to be outsourced for the best outcome. Possible incremental steps to moving operations in-house will be covered and ways to make the transition as smooth as possible. Sponsored by GotPhoto
Mastering Posing for Dance, Cheer & Gymnastics 08:30 - 09:30 By Rose Coleman Center Stage Photos- Owner Capturing the perfect pose in dance, gymnastics, and cheer photography
is truly an art form, and it is one Rose Coleman, owner of Center Stage Photos has spent years perfecting. If you have ever caught some of Rose’s images, you will know she pays attention to every detail to capture the perfect shot. So, join Rose as she discusses her unique posing ideas, the use of creative backdrops, what to look out for on every shoot, and how to make your images stand out from the crowd. Sponsored by GotPhoto
friday JAN. 28
Spec Packages in Preschools 08:30 - 09:30 By Rich Osness Rich Osness LLC. That little child care center with just 50 kids could be $1,500 to $2,500 in sales every year. That larger center with 150 kids could be $4,000 to
Capturing Authentic Expressions in School Photography 09:45 - 10:45 By Erica Morrow Slow Road Photo- Owner
$7,000 in sales. They are all over the place and they are easier to book and serve than youth sports or K-12. This may be the most underserved market in photography. It is underserved because almost no one does it well. Many photographers will serve this market with the same products and methods they use for youth sports or K-12, but these accounts are uniquely suited for speculation packages. The parents love it. The schools love it. I have been selling speculation packages in preschools and child care centers for 45 years. It still works better than anything else I have seen in most preschools. When it doesn’t, I do a simple prepay. Photographing child care centers may not be what you expect. Toddlers and infants can be a lot more fun than youth sports or K-12 and the administrators are easier to work with.
Picture this- you open an email from a parent and read the best thing that a school photographer can ever hear: “You completely captured my child! These photos look just like them.” But in reality, are your photos more often than not becoming stiff and route? Are you too bogged down with the volume of students to focus on capturing their authentic personalities? I’ve got you! In this course you will learn how to capture intentional moments, not forced poses, that will capture the heart of the children you photograph. This practical session will equip you with immediate ways to up your game and deliver school galleries that will wow parents and increase your sales. Never ask a kiddo to “Say Cheese!” again! Sponsored by Gotphoto.
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