2022 SPAC Agenda Book proof v5
S P A C 2 0 2 2 E D U C A T I O N A L S E S S I O N S
thursday JAN. 27
Dance Studios; Added Revenue Source 14:45 - 15:45 By Dennis Lange & MacKenzie Lange Lange Photographics- Owner Adding volume dance photography to your school portrait business is a
Sports- Quality or Speed? How about both! (Class and Outdoor Demonstration following) 14:00 - 15:45 By Dave Stock TeamDSP - Owner
wise business decision. You have most of the components already in place. Your knowledge of training staff members for consistent photography, of organizing a volume photo shoot, and much of the equipment you already have will be utilized in building a great cash flow during a time of year where you need additional income It is difficult to find and train new employees. Dance photography will help you to keep great employees on your payroll year round. This added income will benefit your bottom line. In this session we will discuss how to contact and book dance studios. Pricing, packages, commission rates and add on sales after the photo day will be discussed. We will explain our approach to prepaid volume dance studios and we will discuss ways that other photographers utilize an online sales approach with dance studios so you can compare and contrast. Get started on adding dance photography to your product offering. Video Marketing 14:45 - 15:45 and informing people about your product & service. How It helps increase engagement on your digital and social channels and educates your audience. Some of the other topics: What is Video Content Marketing? Do Videos Have a Good Return on Investment? Are videos Great for SEO?” Eric is sponsored by Candid Color Systems. This class will fill up quickly, get your seat early. Different Devils at Different Levels 14:45 - 15:45 By Matthew Kemmetmueller Kemmetmueller Photography- Lead Photographer/Owner Doubling your business through organic growth and acquisitions! By Eric Miller MillerFoto - Owner Eric will discuss his experience, strategy and goal of video marketing. Why Video v/s Email v/s In Person meetings. Using videos for promoting
The challenge of producing not just quality images but a quality experience every twenty seconds for hours at a stretch is the core challenge we must accept as volume photographers. This two part class will focus on specific photo shoot workflows and multiple light setups that meet this challenge head on. Part 1 will be a classroom session where Dave will reveal the details of how he and one assistant have been routinely shooting 100 member football teams, both individual and team photos, in a half hour. After a short break class will resume outside on the pool deck with a lighting demo and a review of Dave’s “7 Questions” approach for training photographers needing a system to work through the multitude of decisions that must be made in a few short minutes upon arriving at a new venue as the staff prepares for a photo shoot. Quality and speed do not have to be mutually exclusive! Sponsored by Panasonic & Richmond Pro Lab Demonstration: Virtual Groups for Beginners 14:45 - 15:45 By Wes Kroninger Next Gen Photo Solutions- Owner whatever you call them when the time comes to create a virtual group effectively, it is a smart move to know how to pose and light for the situation. Whether you create virtual groups as part of your business model or need a solution for weather days or when the maximum scheduling flexibility is necessary, the goal is always to get great images as efficiently as possible. Wes Kroninger has spent more than six years working with photographers all over the country to come up with lighting and posing processes that work and keep the process as simple as possible. Whether you plan to shoot green, grey, or white background, Wes will discuss how to keep your lighting simple for a quality extraction, use your lights to create depth in your images, and how to pre-plan your virtual group to achieve a perfectly balanced result. If you’ve ever wanted a look inside of a volume composite photo day, then please join us to take a peek. What we will cover: - Virtual group lighting - Virtual group posing - Shooting for extractions off any background - Pre-panning your group images - Shooting for speed -vs- shooting for impact - The dos and don’ts of virtual groups Sometimes called composites, sometimes “extreme teams,” but
W W W . S P A C - U S A . O R G
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