2022 SPAC Agenda Book proof v5
S P A C 2 0 2 2 E D U C A T I O N A L S E S S I O N S
thursday JAN. 27
A Premium Service: Boutique Volume Sports Composites 10:15 - 11:45 By Brian Derenski Brian Derenski Photography- Owner Whether you are brand new to composites or you’re simply wanting
Power-Up Your Studio with Market Intelligence 08:15 - 09:45 By Lisa Mallis PhotoDay- Senior Vice President Are you feeling lost when it comes to building a marketing strategy? Are
to up your game, this class is for you. This segment of volume sports photography generates revenue, enhances your brand, and turns customers into promoters. Learn how to leverage the latest in tech and create an unmatched experience that will have customers shouting about your studio from the rooftops. From marketing to capture, file organization, extraction options, and best practices for optimal composite building, Brian will cover all aspects so you can implement this new program into your studio with ease and achieve immediate results. Brian is Sponsored by PhotoDay and Black River Imaging School RFP’s 10:15 - 11:45 By Wayne Barksdale The Barksdale Group- President
you struggling to understand why you’re not getting the results for which you’ve hoped? From brand awareness to demand generation, Lisa Mallis will guide you through how to use data to create a marketing plan that delivers real results. Marketing is the new sales. Lighting for Portraits- Demonstration 10:15 - 11:45 By Suzette Allen A Picture of Hope- Photographic Artist, Educator course on the most flattering ways to light the face whether it be a senior in high school or a senior over 70! Posing is a vital skill too, where you can not only make your subjects look their best, but also help them appear natural and relaxed. Knowing how to direct your subject with confidence will visibly boost your client’s comfort AND confidence in the session! The course will cover the foundation of lighting and posing for flattery and dimension as well as for corrective purposes, and then the ending segment will be a live demo for shooting, lighting and building posing skills! Sponsored by Panasonic Lumix, Bay Photo and Denny Mfg. Making Sports Action Photography Pay; PARLAYING it into T and I Jobs! 10:15 - 11:45 By Kendrick Brown KAPPhotos- Owner During my class, you will learn how to make sports action photography pay and more importantly PARLAY those events into team and individual events, senior portraits, family portraits and many other genres of photography. I will share the recommended gear, tips for locating teams/leagues and how to secure employees when you need help. Our KAPPHOTOS system has been successful for 16 years. Time permitting, there will be a 10 min Q and A session after the presentation. Come join me and see what its all about. Join Lumix Ambassador, Suzette Allen, for an informative and engaging
Interested in bidding on school RFP’s?? This session will help you weave through the documents along with
creating a winning proposal!
Year-Round Revenue from Off season Promotions 10:15 - 11:45 By Chris Wunder Photog. ASP. Exec. Dir. Volume Imaging Professionals Assn.
End seasonality in your photography business, and you can double (or triple) your bottom line. We’ll share a year-round marketing calendar of proven promotions developed to provide excellent cash flow during the off-season. An added benefit is keeping your best-trained and most trusted staff members happy (and loyal to you) by providing more work opportunities all year long. So come prepared to learn a LOT in this fast-paced program, presented by one of the best-known experts in volume photography today.
W W W . S P A C - U S A . O R G
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