2021 SPAC Agenda Book web
S P A C 2 0 2 1 E D U C A T I O N A L S E S S I O N S
saturday JAN. 30
Leveraging Technology in Uncertain Times 10:00 - 10:45 By TJ Rak The Artona Group, Bill Freeman Freeman Photography
Business Growth During Challenging Times 09:00 - 09:45 By Robert SteMarie 36Pix- CEO In this session, Robert will discuss how Green Apple Studio used this past year to innovate and promote
2020 changed a lot of things, unfortunately it didn’t change the fact that volume photographers still need to manually edit images. Learn about how this year provided opportunities to leverage cutting edge AI to help with color correction, cropping and retouching tasks from both the perspective of a seasoned professional and a technology minded photographer.
growth. These challenging times have been the perfect opportunity to turn a bad situation into a good one by focusing on core strengths such as deep learning and creating new content for the industry.
Studio Panel: Accelerate with Caution- Investing in your business during uncertain times 10:00 - 10:45 By Marilyn Lam VP of Sales ImageQuix/ Photolynx
The Art of Scaling 09:00 - 09:45 By Matthew Kemmetmueller Kemmetmueller Photography- Lead Photographer/Owner
In this session, we will talk about the steps we took to scale up our business while making sure that we didn’t sacrifice profitability, consistency, client, or customer experience. We’ll talk about software that has simplified our work. How we moved from prepay to view first and the way these changes and advances have made up more desirable to new schools!
As school photography moves toward recovery, let’s hear how some of our Industry partners have used this challenging time to invest in the future. An essential step in making sure your studio is ready to tackle what’s next is executing on prudent and timely investments to ensure efficiency, security, quality, and scalability for long term growth. Please join us in a panel discussion to learn more and reflect on 2020, a year for the record books. Finding the silver lining and how we can use difficult situations for opportunities to improve are important perspectives. Moderator: Marilyn Lam, Vice President of Sales - PhotoLynx & ImageQuix
Out with the old Printed Id Cards and in with the New Digital Ids 09:00 - 09:45 By Marty Brown Excel Photographers- Owner / High 5- Owner
Creating a video marketing brochure 10:00 - 10:45 By Eric Miller MillerFoto - Owner Takeaways, assembling all the required assets to create a marketing video brochure for your youth sports
Printed Id cards are the bane of the existence for school photographers and photo labs. On site instant Id cards are the worst but any printed id is time consuming, costly, and fraught with problems. Marty Brown from High5.id, Bob Winkler of PhotoVisions PVID and Dan Fisher of SelfieID will have a roundtable discussion about this latest innovation is school photography. We will focus on the cost savings, reduction of labor and sales advantages when you move your school to the cloud. Sales tips on how to educate your schools to the advantages of going digital. Jump on in and see what the future looks like.
or school photography company. * How long should the video be * what software platforms to use to create it * What hardware/cameras is required * Where to post the Videos and how to share them Eric will go through the steps to create a Video Marketing Brochure that will demonstrate how your company is organized, ontime and why Schools and Sports Leagues should partner with you.
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