2021 SPAC Agenda Book web

S P A C 2 0 2 1 E D U C A T I O N A L S E S S I O N S

friday JAN. 29

saturday JAN. 30

Marketing Automation - A practical how-to program to automate your marketing 14:00 - 14:45 By Elias Jo Entourage Yearbooks- CEO

New Perspective on Traditional School Photography 08:00 - 08:45 By Mary Beth Kully Schoolhouse Pictures- Founder & CEO Since the COVID-19 outbreak, schools must factor health standards into

Marketing is one of the most important aspects to growing a

every decision. School picture days are no exception. At Schoolhouse Pictures, we specialize in taking outdoor pictures which are a safe alternative to traditional school pictures. Additionally, our online ordering process means less handling for school staff and parents. School pictures have not changed much in 100 years. Most companies still use paper order forms, require parents to prepay without seeing their pictures, take only one picture, use fake backdrops, and use camera operators rather than actual photographers. In 2008, I started Schoolhouse Pictures to create a more modern look and tie pictures to education at childcare centers and elementary schools across the nation. We have been way ahead of the industry by doing it differently.

business and in today’s ever changing landscape of technology change can make it hard to keep up. We’ve compiled 5 practical steps to automate key aspects of your marketing campaigns so that your marketing is working, even when you’re not. Automate your emails, your follow-ups, your post-cards mailers, your online social media posts to drive awareness of your business and leads for revenue. Elias is the CEO of Entourage Yearbooks and runs sales and marketing for Entourage. His background is as a sales and marketing consultant from McKinsey & Company where he advised fortune 500 companies on how to drive efficiency is sales and marketing investments.

The current state of the Industry 15:00 - 15:45 By Benedikt Greifenhofer GotPhoto Co-Founder & CEO US/CA After an unexpected 2020, let’s take a moment to see where we’re at. Join

Intro to High School Banner 08:00 - 08:45 By Chris Garcia GSP Studios Inc.- Owner Trying to get into high school banners but not sure where to start or how to start? We’ll go over some

Benedikt as he evaluates the current state of the volume photo industry and looks ahead to the future. Where is the industry going? How can you succeed? Benedikt will answer these questions, plus discuss the trend to online sales, share key industry statistics, and explain how this can be your best year yet as a volume photographer. You don’t want to miss this!

of the workflows from set up to processing and printing to make your life easier. We’ll go over some of the tips and tricks to make future shoots more efficient and post processing a breeze!

WhyMaster 201 - Targeting your message to specific personality types 08:00 - 08:45 By Mitchell Moore BigMoneyPhotography

The “Class Carts” 15:00 - 16:00

By Danny & Dianne Rabalais Studio 530 Photography California School Photography- Owners The “Class Cart”… the new school photography.

After discussing the basics of WHY at last year’s SPAC we’ll dive deeper into specific message formats for targeting different personality types as you seek to book schools, leagues, etc. Specific message examples will show how to craft your message for each or all of the types involved.

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