2021 SPAC Agenda Book web

S P A C 2 0 2 1 E D U C A T I O N A L S E S S I O N S

saturday JAN. 30

NO QR or Bar Codes- A Tetherless Workflow System that Works! 12:00 - 12:45 Success/ Survival= A State of Mind! By Calvin Harrell, Jr. My Legacy Matters

A Case of Acute Disruption: Digital Transformation Through the Lens of the Pandemic 12:00 - 12:45 By Justin Hogeterp STOODIO, by FluidMedia- Chief Engineering Officer/Co-Founder

Resiliency is the unspoken secret of SURVIVAL. From start-up and through the years, the inevitable is the unpredictable. Challenges are not a matter of if, but of when. We are living through an extreme condition of uncertainty today and our individual tenacity and mental strength is the main tool we have to survive and achieve our vision success. Whether we pivot products, services or markets, those that know success use the pain of the struggle to grow into their future. In this session, Calvin Harrell, Jr. will share insight and perspective gained over 40 years in this industry and in business.

For nearly all businesses, digital transformation mandates aren’t new; they’ve simply and rapidly been brought into sharp focus over the last 12 months. It’s clear and irrefutable that the pandemic has pushed companies and organizations past a plethora of stubborn technology tipping points—and transformed business forever. In this session we’ll discuss the state of digital disruption, adoption, and transformation hastened by COVID 19; current trendlines, forecasts, proof points; and the opportunities these swift and sharp consumer and market shifts are creating for the digital imaging, print, and publishing industries, and particularly in the school and sports photography markets. Because properly harnessed, transformative digital technologies deliver move-ahead strategies and opportunities to realign your business around the customer to create a more connected, profitable, and well-positioned enterprise on the other side of the pandemic.

Maximize Profits by Mastering Workflow 13:00 - 14:00 By Tim MacDonald Image Art Studio- Owner Practices to optimize your online school photography workflow & Always be Innovating! 13:00 - 13:45 By Dennis & Kelsey Kleiman Stomping Ground Photography When Covid hit in March, we had to cancel 70+ Spring shoots. We knew this Fall would be a disaster, so we

reduce your time in front of the computer.

NO QR or Bar Codes- A Tetherless Workflow System

that Works! 12:00 - 12:45

By Stella Crase Stella Crase, CPP MiniPros Sports Photos- Owner

Demo and instruction of the tetherless and automated workflow solution by PhotoDay using their Capture/Facial Recognition software for both schools and sports volume photographers.

developed “Remote Picture Day” to remotely capture school pictures using widely available technology.

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