2021 SPAC Agenda Book web
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friday JAN. 29
costume, we add in live bunny sessions on the weekends that bring in hundreds of people and can generate over 10K+ in revenue a weekend. I will discuss our computer / printer set up in detail, pricing, staffing, photo sets, where to get your costumes & live bunnies, and our financial setup with our garden center.
Specializing Sales Funnels for Volume Photographers 12:00 - 12:45 By Mitchell Moore BigMoneyPhotography Every business has a sales funnel - some just don’t work. Mitchell will
Hard lessons. What can we learn from Lifetouch’s 2020 debacle? 13:00 - 13:45 By Chris Wunder Volume Imaging Professionals, LLC. Executive. Director
help you define the elements of your funnel and create a unique sales process (funnel) that guides targeted customers through the process to sign with YOU. Free sample funnels are provided (through accessible links) to anyone attending the class.
Like it or not, the School & Preschool photo industry is greatly influenced by product and service benchmarks set by Minnesota’s “dark side.” The good news is that their challenges thru 2020 can spell o-p-p-o-r-t-u-n-i t-y for local, independent volume photographers who outwit and outplay them. Learn the latest about what’s happening at Lifetouch, and how you can take advantage of it.
Hands off PreSchools: Being a Volume Photographer during Covid 13:00 - 13:45 By Robin & Jennifer Janson Sock Monkey Photographer- Owner/ Operators
High Volume Portraits and the benefits of Tethering 14:00 - 14:45 By Michele Celentano High Volume Photography can mean so many different things. Volume photography can be school portraits,
This class is the perfect opportunity for all levels of photographers from the established studio to the complete novice. Come learn how to add a new revenue stream to your studio or how to start making money by getting into volume photography. Join us as we discuss how to start, build, and maintain a successful volume business and the unique trials and tribulations we encountered during 2020. You’ll learn what marketing and sales techniques work Learn basic lighting and posing techniques Watch and learn how to properly do extractions for composites We will also cover workflow and uploading options to your lab This class starts you off in the right direction so you can hit the ground running into the wonderful world of Volume Photography!
sports teams, community theater, corporate headshots, etc. It can be more modernized by changing the posing, the lighting, and using new techniques to capture these photos. High-Volume can also be a very profitable business. Join Michele Celentano to learn more about how she approaches her High-Volume sessions and how she has grown her business into a successful and profitable business.
Grad Ceremonies- from Traditional to Virtual 14:00 - 14:45
Easter Bunny and Santa Portraits at a Garden Center 13:00 - 13:45 By Rich Banick Rich Banick Photography From my experience over the past 8 years, I will talk about how we run
By Alison Counts Candid Color & TSS Photography-Marketing Director and VP - Franchise Development
How to make money and be a hero for your schools with traditional and virtual graduations! We will talk about the process, pricing and the top items you need to know to be successful.
successful Easter Bunny and Santa portrait sessions at a local garden center. I will explain the equipment we use to shoot, sell and print these photos on location as fast as possible. In addition to our Easter Bunny we have in a
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