2021 SPAC Agenda Book web

S P A C 2 0 2 1 E D U C A T I O N A L S E S S I O N S

friday JAN. 29

Getting Past the Gatekeeper 09:45 - 10:30 By Neal Freed & Bryan Blanken Freed SPIRIT It doesn’t matter how good you are, if you can’t get past the gatekeeper you’re not going to get the school.

Getting more accounts, Taking your business to the next level! 08:45 - 09:30 By Dan Serfilippi United Portraits- Professional Problem Solver Prospect, Meet, Present, Close. Sounds easy right? For most people,

Neal Freed and Bryan Blanken of FreedSPIRIT will share the techniques they have developed that have been instrumental in their rapid growth. While there’s no guarantee of success, prior attendees have said this class changed their business more than any other.

not so much. If you want to grow your business, that means you must get new accounts. Find the motivation to get them. In this session, let’s get excited about growing your business and taking it to the next level.

Indoor and Outdoor Lighting Techniques 09:45 - 10:30 By James Schmelzer Elite Photographic Studio- Owner/ Operator

How to Shoot, Sell and Grow Your Volume Dance Photography Business 08:45 - 09:30 By Rose Coleman Center Stage Photos- Owner Join renowned dance photographer

James will take you step by step through the theory and techniques behind great studio lighting. Watch a demonstration explaining in depth a variety of different lighting patterns , and when to use them based on facial analysis . Class will also cover white balance and outdoor lighting techniques and a variety of equipment available . James will be shooting with Lumix camera and will demonstrate why he has chosen Lumix cameras for his photography.

Rose Coleman as she shares her insights on the art of running and growing a successful volume dance photography business. This comprehensive talk will cover developing your own unique style, how to utilize social media and marketing strategies to grow your business, plus how to sell images in 2021 and increase your productivity and sales figures.

Maximizing Online Sales for Prepay Schools 09:45 - 10:30 By Brad Scott Inter-State -National Wholesale Account Manager

Staying Top of Mind in a Crowded Marketplace 08:45 - 09:30 By David Grupa Grupa Portrait LLC- Owner So you’ve made a conscious decision to add volume sports to your studio

Discussion of online sales results.

Protect your Business from Digital Pirates: Best Practices for Data Security 12:00 - 12:45 By Stuart Eaves ImageQuix VP of Engineering

offerings. You’ve got the gear, the talent and the workflow to produce quality images and deliver them promptly. You’ve even photographed your kid’s team and received positive feedback. But now you need actual clients. How do you get them to notice you when it seems that the “big box” companies have contracts locked up, or so many teams have “a parent with a nice camera” willing to do the photos for free? Join David Grupa as he walks through the ways he approached teams with “top of mind” marketing and how he converted many of them to become his clients. During his program, you’ll learn how he does some very simple things: · Identifying prospective teams and leagues. · “Stalking” teams (without being creepy!) · Make a difference with multiple impressions. · Adding value without writing a check.

he high seas of the internet are full of pirates, their bounty is your data. In case 2020 couldn’t get in worse, ransomware and data breaches are at an all time high. We will go over 7 areas you can improve to help protect your business and its most value asset... your data.

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