2022 SPAC Agenda Book proof v5

S P A C 2 0 2 2 S I D E S H OW S

Every GREAT Show has a Side Show!! Check out ours….

Wednesday, January 26, 2022 9:00am- 2pm PhotoDay Experience (Room; Napa) Join us for an event-filled day of inspiration + education + community with the PhotoDay Team and Trailblazer Studios. Kick off SPAC 2022 a little early with PhotoDay! The day before SPAC starts, we are throwing an open house experience. Get ready to network, learn, and get inspired. If you’re attending a SPAC Pre-con class, you are invited to stop by for a PhotoDay Capture demonstration during your lunch break! Find us in the Napa Room. FREE EVENT- ALL ARE WELCOME! Registration required. Reserve your spot : https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-photoday-experience-tickets-167310465105

1:00pm-3pm Pixnub - New Development Discussion (Private User Group Meeting) (Room: Huntington) The purpose of this meeting is to discuss new development items with Pixnub software. It will be an open discussion to collaborate with users, discuss new ideas, and get feedback. (This is only for those who signed up via Pixnub)

Thursday, January 27, 2022 8:15am-9:30am GotPhoto Customers DEEP DIVE & Q&A (Room: Laguna) Are you ready for picture day? **Learn about GotPhoto registration options **Using your student names list- How to set up your names list, so that orders can be easily distributed at schools

**What happens when you need to add a name or student Id after the import? **Best Practices for Retakes - What happens when I need to do retakes?

8:15am- 2:15pm Candid Color TBA (Room: Monarch)

10:30am - 11:00am – Increase your Sales by moving your jobs online with GotPhoto. (Room: Laguna) **Your upselling options **Multi-pose purchasing options

**FREE digital downloads for your customers **Automated Marketing and SMS Campaigns

11:15am - 11:45am - How to save time on jobs with GotPhoto (Room: Monarch) Want to grow your business? The best way to increase your revenue is to decrease your time spent on manual tasks. **No paperwork or order forms **Workflow Automation **Organized Photo Uploading and Management **Integrated Labs and Self-Production

1:45pm – 2:15pm - See why parents and clients love GotPhoto’s online shop (Room: Monarch) **Seamless ordering process **Package and pricing strategies **Options for branding your business **Upselling options in your personalized shop

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