SPAC 2023 Guidebook
conference guide spac university spac conference spac trade show
Welcome to spac 2023
Whenever possible, sit with people you don’t know at lunch Introduce yourself to people during coffee breaks Strike up a conversation with people at the social events Participate in the classes by asking questions and sharing ideas Open your mind to other possibilities Commit to taking one idea from each session and turn it into something actionable to grow your business Up your game by taking full advantage of the Educational opportunities provided by your industry colleagues: The Vendor Trade Show is sure to Enrich your business with new products, services and solutions: The vendors are critical teammates who are committed to help you win Spend time at the trade show visiting each booth Take advantage of all of the information that they provide to help you make future game plans New this year is the Whova App. By now you should have received information to download the app and get your profile set up. You will use this app to view the agenda, ask questions, and win prizes - so make sure you check out that Leaderboard to learn more! I am honored and excited to be your Board of Directors President again this year. My cell number is 315-382-2821. Please reach out to me if you have any questions - I’m here to help! Keep smiling! Beth Jones SPAC President January 2023 Game On! Welcome to SPAC 2023, the largest international conference for volume school & sports photographers. Some of you may be here to elevate your game or some of you may just be getting into the game. But whatever reason you are here, you are already on the winning team. SPAC is a Non-Profit group of independent high volume photographers, operated by volunteers - from your board of directors to your speakers - who are passionate and committed to growing the industry through Engagement, Education and Enrichment. We challenge you to Engage with fellow attendees. Meet new teammates by taking advantage of all of the opportunities provided to network and have conversations:
spac board of drectors
Calvin Harrell My Legacy Matters Michael Rak The Artona Group
Wayne Barksdale Barksdale School Portraits Coree Cooper The "SPAC Gal" Marty Brown Excel Photographers
Beth Jones BJK Photos
spac agenda - wednesday, jan. 25
Pre-conference spac university (Additional Registration Required)
CEO Training 9:00am - Sonoma A
SPAC University: Sports 101 9:00am SonomaB
Sales Training 9:00am - Sonoma C
SPAC University: Schools 101 9:00am - Sonoma D
Lunch Break 11:30am - Napa Room Lunch provided
Sales Training (cont.) 9:00am - Sonoma C
CEO Training (cont.) 9:00am - Sonoma A
SPAC University: Sports 101
SPAC University: Schools 101
(cont.) 9:00am - Sonoma B
(cont.) 9:00am - Sonoma D
Conference Desk Open
First Time Attendee VIP Meet & Greet 3:00pm - Napa
SPAC 2023 Kick Off Social Mixer! Co-Hosted by Candid Color 4:30pm - Napa
spac agenda - thursday, jan. 26
Dance, Cheer and Gymnastics Start to Finish Demo for Photo Day Success 8:30am - Napa
The Struggle is Real! 8:30am - Sonoma B
Daycare & Preschool Photography 8:30am - Sonoma A
Employees Hiring, Training &
Speaking Yearbook 8:30am - Sonoma D
Managing 8:30am - Sonoma C
Coffee Break Co-Sponsored by GotPhoto 10:00am - Registration Lobby
15 Minute Senior Sessions Demonstration 10:30am - Napa
Maximizing Your Volume Photography Schedule
Best Methods of Expediting Workflow and Increasing Sales Opportunities
Sales: Compelling Lyrics to Get the Appointment
Volume Sports Photography - Tips, Hints, and Tricks
10:30am - Sonoma D
10:30am - Sonoma B
10:30am - Sonoma A
10:30am - Sonoma C
Krantz Awards Luncheon Co- Hosted by ACI Lab 12:00pm - Exhibit Hall
Conference Desk Open
Light Set Up For School Portraits 2:30pm - Napa
The Project : People Process Product 2:30pm - Sonoma A Women In Business Roundtable 3:45pm - Sonoma A
Increasing Your Impact as a Leader 2:30pm - Sonoma B You Are Not too SMALL to Think BIG! 3:45pm - Sonoma B
Scaling your business up from a Mom & Pop 2:30pm - Sonoma C Finance: Business, Personal, Family 3:45pm - Sonoma C
You should take this class 2:30pm - Sonoma D The Future of School Photography is Now 3:45pm - Sonoma D
Hospitality Suite Parties 5:00pm - Luxury Hotel Suites
Game Night: SPAC Family Feud Co-Hosted by APS 7:00pm - Napa
spac agenda - friday, jan. 27
Breakfast and Door Prizes 7:30am - Napa
Computer Vision... 8:30am - Sonoma B How Automation... 9:00am - Sonoma B
Let's Write Out YOUR Funnel 8:30am - Sonoma A
Female Group Posing 8:30am - Sonoma C&D
How Data Helps... 9:45am - Sonoma C&D Smartphone Shoppers 10:15am - Sonoma C&D
What's Old is New Senior Pictures 9:45am - Sonoma A
Being Better With Less 9:45am - Sonoma B
Creating JOY within your team culture 11:00am - Sonoma A
Working With Your Spouse 11:00am - Sonoma B
Social Media Branding Strategies That Work 11:00am - Sonoma C&D
Trade Show 12:00pm - Grand Ballroom
Lunch 12:00pm - Napa & Grand Ballroom
Conference Desk Open
Using technology to help your studio grow. 2:30pm - Sonoma C&D Photolynx Award 3:30pm - Sonoma C&D
Keynote: Go Get It 4:00pm - Sonoma C&D
Dinner 6:00pm - Napa & Grand Ballroom
Dessert 7:30pm - Napa & Grand Ballroom
spac agenda - saturday, jan. 28
Breakfast and Door Prizes 7:30am - Napa
Pricing, Marketing and promotion Strategies 9:00am - Sonoma B
The Volume Photography Industry 8:30am - Sonoma C&D
A Modern Approach to Preschool Photography 9:00am - Sonoma A
Can One Person... 10:15am - Sonoma A
Doing It In House... 10:15am - Sonoma B
Moving Memories 10:15am - Sonoma C&D
It's Not Just an 8x10 Anymore- Lab Panel Discussion 11:00am - Sonoma B
“How to print money LEGALLY!” 11:00am - Sonoma A
Volumes of Volume 11:00am - Sonoma C&D
Trade Show 12:00pm - Grand Ballroom
Lunch 12:00pm - Napa & Grand Ballroom
Conference Desk Open
Queen & King of the Hill! 2:30pm - Sonoma C&D
SPAC 2023 Closing! Co-Sponsored By Studio Source Yearbooks 2:30pm - Sonoma C&D
Hospitality Suite Parties 5:00pm - Luxury Hotel Suites
9:00 AM – 3:00 PM Sonoma C By Paul Cherry Performance Based Results Sales Training How to Disrupt Complacency. Compelling Lyrics to get the Appointment
M.A.G.I.C. – The Five Keys to Being a Better Leader If you want to Be a Better Leader – join us for this Growth Session. Attendees will learn to narrow their focus to the 5 most Crucial things a Leader needs to Focus on for Growth. Wednesday Jan. 25 CEO Training 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM Sonoma A By Mike Crandall Sadler Group Lunch Break: 11:30am-1:00pm (Lunch provided)
Lunch Break: 11:30-1:00pm (Lunch Provided)
Every day your salespeople try to initiate conversations with prospects who end up saying they’re happy with their current school photographer…No need for change. If only prospects would take a few seconds to listen before they shut down the conversation. Now there’s an answer. In this session, learn how break out of the ho-hum self serving messaging that creates resistance. Whether it’s a live conversation, a voicemail or email, create high impact lyrics to quickly capture your prospects’ attention so they will gladly welcome a meeting. Bigger and better opportunities with a packed sales funnel. But only if you can secure the appointment to sell your value and close more sales.
SPAC University: Sports 101 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM Sonoma B By Jeff Gump (Gump Solutions- Owner) & Eric Miller (MillerFoto- Owner) Lunch Break: 11:30am 1:00pm (Lunch provided) With the volume industry ever so changing, this is the perfect one-day class for you to be in the know. From marketing, - which is the most difficult part of this industry, equipment,
SPAC University: Schools 101 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM Sonoma D By Robin & Jennifer Jansen Sock Monkey Photographers- Co Owners Lunch Break: 11:30am-1:00pm (Lunch provided)
This class is the perfect opportunity for all levels of experienced photographers who are considering adding a new revenue stream to their business. Join us as we discuss how to start, build, and maintain a successful volume business in schools but know all of these techniques can and should be applied for sports, dance, preschools, and onsite printing event photography.
With the volume industry ever so changing, this is the perfect one-day class for you to be in the know. From marketing, - which is the most difficult part of this industry, equipment,
Stay Connected with spac wifi Wifi: SPAC2023 Password: spacconnect
The Struggle is Real! 8:30 AM – 10:00 AM Sonoma B By Mike Norkin Cherished Memories Photography- Owner
Thursday Jan. 26 How to make your Dance, Cheer and
Gymnastics Photo Day a Success- Start to Finish
Demonstration 8:30 AM – 10:00 AM Napa By Sheryl Bashore
Who doesnt love to hit their numbers on the roulette table and win $750??? I know I do! And when I come home from my Vegas trip, nobody will hear about the $2000 I lost before I won the $750… They would only hear about my triumph! If you dare come to this talk, we WON’t wow you with stories of the elusive jackpots and financial windfalls! This group of seasoned, experienced and down to earth professionals will lift the curtain on our businesses and get down and dirty with the group, roundtable style! We will discuss our biggest oopsies, things we wish we had known last season, and everything else nobody tells you during their talk. This talk will get even juicer if the audience participates, we encourage you to throw in your stories and anecdotal confirmations about how “The struggle is real” in volume photography!
Sheryl Z Photography- Owner
Volume dance and gymnastics is a competitive field, but Sheryl Bashore has carved out a niche for herself in the industry by producing an array of stylish shots, including her famous silhouette photos. Additionally, she has also doubled her average order value and retained a loyal customer base. Don’t miss out on a live demonstration of the most important steps, and learn what changes you can make in your photography business, so you can take the leap to higher sales yourself!
Daycare & Preschool Photography 8:30 AM – 10:00 AM Sonoma A By Mande Wickham MXM Photography
Hiring employees, Training & Managing Employees 8:30 AM – 10:00 AM Sonoma C By Karl Boettcher
Visual Image Photography Director of Photography The most important thing you do as a manager is hire employees. If you hire well, you need to manage little. You cannot grow your company successfully without good people. “At the end of the day, all results from all organizations come from people” – Manager Tools So where do you find good people? How do you know if you're really hiring good people, and avoid making bad hiring decisions? Now that you've hired them, what steps do you take to teach them how to do the job? Finally, how can you effectively manage your staff once they're trained? This will be an interactive session that will guide you through the recruitment process, interview questions to ask, onboarding, training your new hires, and managing a staff that will help you grow your business. Show up with questions and leave with the tools you need to improve your hiring and training process.
This program will touch on almost everything a new (or seasoned) preschool photographer could want to know! We will begin with covering the business model options, choosing centers and preschools, acquiring them, and prepping for picture day. Part two will cover Workflow- all the way from setup on picture day, to multi-posing- with siblings to post processing and ending with selling. The last segment will cover building and maintaining those contracts and marketing for the next season!
Volume Sports Photography - Tips, Hints, and Tricks 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM Sonoma A By Robert Kenward Fluvanna Sports Photography Owner
Thursday Jan. 26
SPEAKING YEARBOOK: Managing The Business of Yearbooks 8:30 AM – 10:00 AM Sonoma D By Steve Kent Walters Publishing
Presentation is focused on the small volume photographer who wants to maximize revenue but not have to work 24/7. We'll look at how to organize your business, how to generate more accounts, and how to reduce your workload by organizing, outsourcing, and partnering. I will present tidbits of wisdom for planning, setup, execution, post processing, and fulfillment. I'll focus on time saving, back saving, money saving, and sanity saving practices that I've learned over my 16 years in the business. My goal for each attendee is that they take away five tips that will save time, money, or sanity!
Expand your business confidently by talking the talk. During this extended session, we’ll help you learn to easily navigate the yearbook processes from elementary, middle and high school levels. Let’s talk photo deadlines, online sales, being your programs’ business manager and how representation — and of of course, the cool factor — drives sales.
Maximizing Your Volume Photography Schedule 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM Sonoma B By Jaimie Ford
15 Minute Senior Sessions- Demonstration 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM Napa By Suzette Allen Owner
Iconik Studio- Director Of Marketing And Business Development Session description available in the Whova app.
Maximizing our profits for senior sessions means MORE Variety in LESS time, right? We have a certain number of students with a limited time frame to photograph them by yearbook deadline… and we want to offer it all: beautiful lighting flattering and contemporary posing great, confident smiles Lots of looks and variety…. ---but you gotta do it FAST!! Having posing routines (shooting formulas) and our camera room streamlined is key but knowing your “safe money shots” and having your key techniques nailed down will help you accomplish your goals, even when they show up 5 minutes late!! Suzette photographed 487 seniors in Hawaii this past fall and has plenty to share about what she learned, developed and accomplished. A live demo on posing variety and routines along with a beautiful lighting demo will show you HOW to flow with the students and build confidence.
Best Methods of Expediting Workflow and Increasing Sales Opportunities 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM Sonoma C By Stella Crase On Site Photography- Owner
This program will review workflow capture processes and post processing methods to help studios expand their business, increase sales, and improve profits. Various ideas will be discussed on how to expand products available online to increase sales. Photography discussion will be focused on using extraction and background compositing for individual and groups to increase bottom line using an online sales platform. Conclusion reviews on how to create videos using portrait images and video clips to use as a sales tool to acquire new business.
Increasing Your Impact as a Leader 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM Sonoma B By Gig Brzycki Inter-State Imaging
Thursday Jan. 26
Sales: How to Disrupt Complacency with Compelling Lyrics to get the Appointment 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM Sonoma D By Paul Cherry Performance Based Results Easy One Light Set Up For School Portraits Demonstration 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM Napa
How do we define leadership? Is there a difference between a Leader and a Manager? What are the 3 questions EVERY employee is asking of their leader? What are 4 ways we can increase our influence as a leader? What must leaders do in order to have the greatest impact on their business and their teams? Sponsored by: inter-State Studios Questions we will cover in this breakout:
Session description available in the Whova app.
Scaling your business up from a Mom & Pop 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM Sonoma C By Perry Thompson Prime Schools and Sports Team Photography
By Michele Celentano PMA School Portrait Photography
Session description available in the Whova app.
The Project : People Process Product 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM Sonoma A By Rodney & Shiloh Getz Champion City Photography Co-owners
When we started my business was run from my head it was easy for me but as we grew it became overwhelming and I could not do it all. As we aim to increase our business things like employee scheduling, league agreements and details for the jobs become more complex and customer service is paramount. We have put in place systems and delegated tasks to staff members. This seminar will go over how we found software solutions to handle various parts of the business. At the same time improving the customer experience and bringing our customer service to a higher standard.
Photographers are creative people. They love to create beautiful images. They want to create a fun interactive experience for their clients. BUT...... SO often photographer lose sight of what matters....MAKING $$$ Our class will dive into three main areas that photographers can make changes to become more efficient and profitable. PEOPLE- what companies do you partner with to make your life as a volume photographer easier? PROCESS-standard work practices...Do you have everything you do written down in a teachable and reproducible format? PRODUCTS-what are you offering to show off that wonderful work you do? Being a photographer is fun and creative, BUT don't
lose sight of bottom line. Work smarter not harder!
Women In Business Roundtable Discussions 3:45 PM – 4:45 PM Sonoma A
Thursday Jan. 26
You should take this class 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM Sonoma D By Matt Kemmetmueller Kemmetmueller Photography Owner
Various topics
Best Practices for the Creation of Printed and Digital Student ID Cards 3:45 PM – 4:45 PM Sonoma D By Marty Brown Excel Photographers- Owner You Are Not too SMALL to Think BIG! 3:45 PM – 4:45 PM Sonoma B By Berti Sknderasi Session description available in the Whova app. Finance: Business, Personal, Family 3:45 PM – 4:45 PM Sonoma C By Tyler Gardner Session description available in the Whova app.
Automation Delivering the needs of your clients will cover sales both to schools and to families Fulltime hiring (and firing) and the importance of finding the right candidates Seasonal hiring (and firing) how to get them to stay and stat motivated Delegating responsibilities Creating a corporate culture that will make people want to stay and work for you Working with contractors and 3rd party vendors to meet your needs Growing our business from 80 kids to 70,000 heads in 7 seasons has taken a lot of work. In this class we will go over tackling some of the hardest things you'll need to achieve while scaling up your business. We will cover: If you are a single operator providing service to a couple of schools or have a staff of 3 to 5 when you're looking to start take over taking over your local market this class will provide you with the questions you need to ask yourself about your business as well as help you start producing the road map to success. Indepents have a new and exciting opportunity to grow their studios like never before, come and join the discussion where we cover the steps that need to be taken to make this growth as successful as possible. How to adapt, innovate and scale your business for success
Moderated by Marty Brown of Excel Photographers. Marty has 46 years of experience in school photography. Starting with long roll film cameras and evolving through the digital image capture and output, Marty has always had his eye on the next great innovation in photography. He will have a panel of visionaries sharing their knowledge of the latest advancements in image capture, workflow, and service item creation. We will also spend time exploring future profit centers that will add to your bottom line. Additionally, they will explain their vision of future developments that are on the horizon. The audience will have the opportunity to ask questions and share their own insight regarding the latest and greatest. To stay ahead of the competition, lower production costs and maximize profits, everyone needs to be looking forward. Come join us to get a peek into the future.
Female Group Posing 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM Sonoma C&D By Rose Coleman Center Stage Photos- Owner
Friday Jan. 27
Let's Write Out YOUR Funnel 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM Sonoma A By Mitchell Moore Systems 4 Volume Photographers, LLC- Owner
This is a fundamentals class on how to build better team photos and buddy shots with people of all shapes and sizes! We will also be showing how technology paired with great posing will give your clients the best ordering experience after the fact. COME LEARN! Body Shapes & Sizes: Learn the A, B, C’s of sizes and learn how to build the best team photos from the floor up. Being Fast: This is volume which means you need to delivery and work with people on a very fast schedule, even working alone. Technology With Groups: Come see the magic!
You will leave this class with a written Funnel, Action Plan, and material to grow your sales! You have a Sales Funnel, whether you know it or not. From the moment a prospect becomes aware of you, they have entered your Sales Funnel. Whether they make it all the way through to becoming a paying customer for life or not is largely up to you. Together, we will write out your Funnel and help you see any holes you need to close so that you can attract more of the right customer and create raving fans from them.
How Automation has Changed our Industry 9:00 AM – 9:20 AM Sonoma B By Christopher Marks ImageQuix
Computer Vision - What can your images tell you? 8:30 AM – 8:50 AM Sonoma B By Paul Watkins ProsDigital LLC- Director
Join ImageQuix's VP of Product & Engineering, Christopher Marks, to go over some of the latest trends and advancements in technology allowing studios to automate large portions of their workflow. We'll dig in on some of the biggest opportunities you can find in your own workflows and talk through some of the advantages and disadvantages of manual versus automated.
In this session you will learn how computer vision is driving innovation in high volume photography markets. These digital systems utilize neural networks to process, analyze, and make sense of visual data. They can be trained to identify, evaluate and inform us on virtually anything in our images. You will learn how this technology can help school photographers automate workflow processes, improve customer experiences, reduce costs and identify value metrics that can generate new revenue streams. You will see real world applications in school photography and other high volume portrait markets. You will learn how to find these systems and the basics of how to train them with your own images.
What's Old is New- Senior Pictures 9:45 AM – 10:45 AM Sonoma A By Ralph Romaguera Sr. Romaguera Photography- Owner
Having a thriving Senior Portrait business for many years, I will share some of my basics for successful posing. Also, how over the years I have updated my equipment to ease the process. With a new lighting system that will be easy to travel to the school and easy to train new photographers. Additionally, the Quantum card is a slick way to increase sales. We will do a live demonstration too!
The work your photography company puts into the world can only be as beautiful as what’s happening behind the scenes of your business. Friends, it’s time to set those cameras down for a minute and take a close look at how creating a Creating JOY within your team culture 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM Sonoma A By Erica Morrow (Slow Road Photo- Owner) & Traci Buse (Slow Road Photo- Schools Managing Director)
Friday Jan. 27
Being Better With Less 9:45 AM – 10:45 AM Sonoma B By Dave Stock TeamDSP- Owner
In our pursuit for more we are having to make do with less: declining participation levels, fewer qualified candidates responding to our job ads, less energy and patience to deal with all of the many challenges we face. At DSP we have been forced to toss out much of what we thought we knew before Covid hit so that a complete redesign of our business model could be accomplished. The result? Big football shoots requiring ten workers are now done with two or three of us in less time with better results. I'll talk about how we have leveraged ImageQuix's Blueprint software and marketing features, the Handshake job finder site, IA solution for image extraction and Pixnub's EZ Team Builder to reduce our costs, improve our output and increase our profit margins.
joyful team culture can set your company up to thrive! Erica and Traci will take you behind the scenes at Slow Road Photo to show you what this joyful culture looks like in action- and what’s at stake when the joy goes missing! You will leave with simple steps you can take back to your team and implement Monday morning, including how to motivate your team to create their best work, how to create joyful super advocates for your business, and ultimately how to build a business with soul that has infinitely more impact than you could have ever imagined.
Working With Your Spouse 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM Sonoma B By Jason & Wendy White Classic City Portraits- Co owners
How Data Helps Transform Our Customers' Studios 9:45 AM – 10:05 AM Sonoma C&D By Alex Kovacevic ImageQuix
Starting a partnership with anyone is not always easy but when that person is your spouse, it brings its own set of challenges and rewards. Come join us as we share some tips and tricks we have learned along the way, through trial and error, to not only help our preschool and elementary photography business, but also how working together as a team and using each other’s strengths has helped us both grow to be better photographers, business administrators, and increase our business each year. We will share some of the ways working together has changed the way we do things, including learning to work on both sides of the camera, and when not to step on each other’s toes (mostly), and more. Finally, we will look at how to separate your work and personal lives to have fun together outside of the office. Come prepared to share your “war” stories and brainstorm solutions!
Session description available in the Whova app.
Make More Money by Embracing Smartphone Shoppers 10:15 AM – 10:35 AM Sonoma C&D By Vince Pane Irvin Simon Photographers Director Of Project
With more than 50% of parents purchasing school portraits on mobile devices, the time is now to seize opportunities and tackle challenges in our increasingly mobile world. In this session, we will explore how smartphones are changing customer expectations. What should we be doing now? What should you be thinking about for the future? We will share exciting and innovative ideas about how to evolve and find success in the rapidly changing world of mobile technology.
3:30 PM – 3:45 PM Sonoma C&D By Tim Mccain ImageQuix- President Photolynx Award
Friday Jan. 27
Social Media Branding Strategies That Work 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM Sonoma C&D By Jerry Hughes Jerry Hughes Photography Owner
Session description available in the Whova app.
Learn how to leverage the power of social media to create a brand that will set you apart from the competition. Social media strategies change by the minute, learn how to recognize trends and be a leader in your market. You customers no longer spend time watching TV, instead they are on Instagram, TikTok and other social media platforms. Small businesses have never before had the chance to get in front of so many customers without having to spend thousands of dollars in conventional advertising. You will learn where your customers are and how to get your message in front of them. As photographers we literally have hard drives full of content. Learn how to take these images and videos and create content that sizzles.You will be introduced to various apps and software that will allow you to create world class posts that will be seen by thousands and that will put your brand in front of the decision makers within your market.
Keynote: Go Get It 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM Sonoma C&D By Jay McGowan
Using technology to help your studio grow. 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM Sonoma C&D By Derek Clapham (Fotomerchant) & Benedikt Greifenhofer (GotPhoto) Are studios still production businesses or sales and experience businesses? Join Fotomerchant and GotPhoto for a collaborative presentation to look at how technology, automation and intelligent sales and marketing can (and are) being used by
In this high-energy keynote, your audience will learn the eight lessons to recognize, understand, and overcome any challenges that come along in your industry. Teams of all levels of development will learn to communicate more effectively, identify areas of opportunity, and to embrace innovative solutions that lead to consistent and more profitable results.
studios to offset production and how exisiting resources can be refocused on the areas that help your studios grow.
Saturday Jan. 28
A Modern, Streamlined Approach to Preschool Photography 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM Sonoma A By Tiia Norsym Norsym Photography- Owner/ Photographer
The Volume Photography Industry – Past, Present & Future. 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM Sonoma C&D By Chris Wunder Volume imaging Professionals Association, LLC- Executive Director
Are you just getting into school photography or feel like you’re working WAY too many hours and need to start outsourcing or grow a team? Come join this session to learn about Norsym Photography’s streamlined approach to modern, urban preschool and elementary portraits. Tiia to now runs her Chicago based business remotely from Colorado, with a small team. This was only possible due to the consistent systems she's created over the years and training she has put in place for her team. Tiia will share her simple setup and posing for preschool photography, resulting in the top sales averages in the industry, in addition to the streamlined workflow and essential checklists that keep things moving forward. She will also discuss how she initially decided to add on her first team member and has grown from there, one individual at a time. Make your dreams and work-life balance come true with some key steps that Tiia is excited to share!
This program is sure to entertain both those with long-established companies and “newbies” as well. Your host, Chris Wunder, Cr. Photog. ASP will reflect on our industry history, current trends, and provide his predictions about what the future may bring to all of us. Chris has been active in our industry for over 40 years, and his thoughtful analysis, presentations and workshops have been a well-received part of every SPAC Conference since 1995. Come enjoy Chris’ farewell program at SPAC as he enters his retirement.
Can One Person Do It All?
10:15 AM – 11:05 AM Sonoma A By Dave Hodge RP-Studio
I first attended SPAC years ago with the expectations of learning how to run a school photography business while living in a small town. It didn’t seem to apply to me. After years of trial and error I now have a business over two states, with 25 schools, and intermittent sports leagues. The question is, how does one person do it all? The answers may surprise you. We’re going to touch a bit on equipment, what to pay the big bucks for, and where you can cut back. I’ll talk about training and why a good lab is so important. Mostly, it will be a fun way to see school photography as a viable way to make a living without having a huge staff and overhead. You’ll see why you don’t need a studio and how with just a computer, the right equipment, reliable transportation, and moxie you can make money doing school photography.
Pricing, Marketing and promotion Strategies for Online sales. 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM Sonoma B By Brian Derenski Brian Derenski Photography Owner
Session description available in the Whova app.
“How to print money LEGALLY!” - The Nuts and Bolts of In House Printing 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM Sonoma A By Brian Crussell Personal Touch Portrait Studios Owner
In House Production doesn’t have to be a warehouse filled with dozens of employees. Erik Smith owner of HSP Imaging Inc. will share with you the basics of doing it yourself from start to finish with less than 5 employees! Software, printers, tips and tricks on sublimation products, magnets, buttons and more. How to keep production times to a minimum and use in house processes to benefit and grow your business. The reality of what can go wrong will also be covered and what challenges in house production brings, but don’t be scared, there is nothing better than watching prints drop into a bin all day long! Saturday Jan. 28 Doing It In House - Small but Mighty! 10:15 AM – 11:05 AM Sonoma B By Erik Smith HSP Imaging Inc.- Owner
1 Organization ( Our Checks and Balances) 2. Software (Darkroom and TEPS) 3. Printing 4. Printing of specialty Items (key chains, water bottles, dog tags, trading cards, etc) 5.Dye-Sublimation of Specialty Items (phone covers, mouse pads, PLAQUES - I bolded this as I can show a way to do sponsor plaques inexpensively , etc.) 6. How I used in house sublimation equipment to reduce School commissions! 7.Packaging
It's Not Just an 8x10 Anymore- Lab Panel Discussion
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM Sonoma C&D By Marilyn Lam Imagequix
Moving Memories 10:15 AM – 10:45 AM Sonoma C&D By Ian Hatch HatchBox Photography Ltd Owner
From prints and specialty products, to shipping orders and staffing, labs are much more than just an 8x10. Come join our session to hear from a few of our industry's labs as they talk about the challenges, trends, and expectations for 2023! Moderator - Marilyn Lam from ImageQuix Lab Panelist - Mark Lane from ACI, Terry Sweeney from APS, David Drum from H&H, and Jesse Carter from Richmond
Bringing images to life for parents and a workflow that allows you to increase your sales and win business while offering this unique and innovative product to a new or niche area of your market. Approx 8 years ago, I was putting together what I believed to be an innovative and stand out addition to the printed image. Augmented reality exists in various forms these days but turning that into profit and marketing, to grow your business is not an exact science. I felt it was possible to keep print at the forefront of sales but add value to the products being sold and add in the wow factor with this concept. I set up my own business last year (just under 1 year ago) and have been able to set up a workflow and system that delivers awesome feedback and a stand out USP.
Queen & King of the Hill! 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM Sonoma C&D By Michael Rak (Artona) & TJ Rak (Skylab)
Saturday Jan. 28 Volumes of Volume 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM Sonoma C&D
Danny & Dianne are a husband and wife team from Northern California. They have managed to take the mondain everyday photography sessions and turn them into money making “events”. Their personalities allow them to relay training to others in a way that they immediately By Danny & Diane Rabalais Studio 530 Photography- Co owners
Our most popular session ever! Back by demand! Bring your best idea to save $$ or make $$. Win CASH!! Like every year we are adding more fun and twists to this session, Canadian theme this year, Prime Minister of the Hill!
understand. Easter, Santa, County Fairs, Sports, Cap & Gown for kinders, 8th grade and seniors… They will tell you and show you how its done successfully!
Join every Tuesday @2pm (PT) LIVE on Facebook
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SPAC Attendees 2022
Andy Zavodny
Susan Zweigle
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SPAC Community- High Volume School & Sports Photographers
Reliable, Technology-enabled, Customer service-driven, Wholesale yearbook publishing services.
Yearbook Management Dashboard
Software Choices
Choose from 4 software options. We have the right fit for any grade level or adviser skill level.
Easily add or renew schools, monitor book progress, track active orders, review order history, set up e-commerce, and much more.
Personalized Support Schedule a screen share 1-on-1 support, attend training webinars or utilize our searchable knowledge base of support videos and articles.
Sales & Marketing Tools Customers are assigned a dedicated business development and yearbook sales coach and have access to free branded sales and support materials to help you grow your business.
Gigantic Proprietary Content Catalog
Average One Week Turnaround
Multiple manufacturing plants, strategically located to minimize shipping times and a defect rate consistently under 2 in 1,000.
ura d, searchable catalog of 25,000+ backgrounds, covers, and clipart collections, exclusively for our customers. Advisers will never need to ask for new content again.
No Deadlines. No Minimum Reorders. Order what you want, when you need it. |
Multi-Brand or Sony Camera Compatibility with Unrivaled Color Consistency Across All Flashes
Fotomerchant_FULL_SPAC_8.75x11.25.indd 1
11/1/22 5:03 PM
SimplePhoto_FULL_SPAC_8.75x11.25.indd 1
11/22/21 6:52 PM
Earn more with less stress. Let’s move your sales online.
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Photo by: Caroline Dunaway
Come see what we have to offer! Booth 6
The Volume Photography Perfect Combination.
Sign up with Marathon and receive GotPhoto is an all-in-one workflow and sales solution for Photographers. Save time by managing everything from one place. of your membership cost. 6 months off
Learn more at
Design. Print. Websites. Marketing. | (800) 228.0629
Take creative control of your image making with high-speed continuous shooting and blazing fast autofocus. Featuring advanced subject detection of people, animals and vehicles, wireless connectivity, and more – the EOS R10, EOS R7 and EOS R6 Mark II are equipped to take your images to the next level.
The Canon CX-G6400 card & badge printer is designed to easily produce customized photo-quality images on four-inch single sided paper and CR80 plastic cards with speed and efficiency.
SPAC 2023 Tradeshow Grand Ballroom
Interactive Map Available on the Whova App
Visit the Stage to have your yearbook photo taken!
SPAC 2023 vendors
2023 Booth #
2023 Booth #
Company Name
Company Name
2023 Booth # Company Name
1 2 3 5 6
306 JD Color Lab 307 Beresford Company 308 Waldo Photos 309 Picaboo Yearbooks 310 311 Sony
601 602 603 604 605 606 608 609 610 611 612 613 607
Marathon Press
Friesens Yearbook
Neil Enterprises
GPSE llc.
Denny Mfg Co Inc
8 Richmond Professional Lab 9 Timestone Software 10 Done.Photos 11 Bay Photo Lab
InterState Imaging Services
First Avenue Art & Framing
313 401 402
Make-A-Ball PLIC Books
H&H Image Host 403 School Photo Marketing 404 Background Town 406 American Color Imaging 407 SimplePhoto 410 36Pix 411 Millers Professional Imaging 501 GotPhoto / Fotografen Online Service GmbH 502 Foolography GmbH 503 GotPhoto / Fotografen Online Service GmbH 504 Rebooku 506 Commodity Resource & Environmental Inc. 507 NEO Pro Imaging Inc. 508 Color Incorportated 510 Tyndell Photographic 511 Minga 512 More Photos 505 Next Generation Photography Solutions
Studio Source Yearbooks Full Color Inc
buffalo imaging
100 102 103 104 111
Walters Publishing Fuji North America White House Custom Colour Entourage Yearbooks
Pixami Inc.
High 5 Canon
703 704 706
113 Southpoint Photo Imaging Supplies Inc. 200 Candid Color Systems 202 EyeQ 203 MementoPix 204 SKPrint 205 ROES 207 Tempo Solutions 208 Click Prop Backdrops 210 Amidon Graphics 211 Marco Photo Service 212 Ark-La-Tex Color Lab 213 Pakor/Imaging Spectrum 303 Emoging
LG Resources
Sino Promise/Kodak Professional Imaging Solutions MACKAYMITCHELL PHOTOPAK GSP Pro Graphic Photographic Service
LVL Up Imaging
Noritsu America Corporation
106 & 108 302 & 304 Counter (A) Hallway (B) Hallway (C) Hallway (D)
Viewfinder Masks
ImageQuix Photolynx
Air Studio
spac around the world
spac around the U.s.
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