High School Broch_BookShelf

Administrative Services

Administrative Software Merges student’s image with personal data on computer screen to facilitate quick identification. Ideal for library/ media and food service check out, attendance-taking, security checkpoints and central office administration. ID Cards - Creatively customized for your school • A vailable in a vertical or horizontal layout • Can be punched for a lanyard • C ards can be barcoded to be used in your school’s library, lunch room or security system Barksdale Portal A powerful, user-friendly system provided to school administrators. Great for printing replacement ID cards, tracking student information and producing a variety of digital services; track discipline, medical and emergency information. PC or Mac compatible. View a directory of students on your mobile device. • C ompatible with all web enabled devices • W orks with cell phone signal or internet access • A vailable to staff, security and police Student Directories Paper book: Sturdy books made to last. Our books are yearbook quality, and can handle daily use! Paperless version: Going Green? This digital version of the student directory is an excellent alternative.

Administrative Services

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