2022 SPAC Agenda Book proof v5

S P A C C L A S S O F 2 0 2 1 “ A t H o m e V i r t u a l l y C o n n e c t e d ”

Eileen Sherwood Rainbow Memories Photography

Robert Shidla Robert Photography

Alyson Shim Puddle Duck Portraits

Jeanette Shockey Little Rascals Portraits

Nick Shoob Shoob Photo South

Victoria Shoulders ProStudio7

Anastasiia Shpachenko PurePhotos

Debra Sica PhotoMagic Photography

Debra A Sica PhotoMagic Photography

Kirill Sidorchuk PurePhotos

Wes Siebe Siebe Studio

Pat Siemens Pat’s Pictures

Jesica Sill Tether Tools

Daniel Simmons Daniel Simmons Photography

Berti Skenderasi Proud Images

Trisha Smathers TS Photos

Erik Smith HSP Imaging Inc.

Jennifer Smith Fotojenics Photography

Robert (Bob) Smith Same

Scott Smith Bill Smith Photography

Michael Snyder Schoolhouse Photos

Francis Solomon F3M

Randy Soop Sidelines Photography


Leah Southwick Leah Southwick Photography

John Steady Steady Photography LLC

Robert Ste-Marie 36Pix

Roxanne Stevenson Stevenson Studios, LLC

Melissa Stewart HomeTeam Sports

Ralf Stier Ralf ’s Photography

Lisa Stift Clix New England


Jim Stovall Sports Memories Photography

Bill Strain Blue Water Suite

Michael Strauss Strauss Studios Inc

Eric Street Streets Photo

W W W . S P A C - U S A . O R G

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