2022 SPAC Agenda Book proof v5

S P A C C L A S S O F 2 0 2 1 “ A t H o m e V i r t u a l l y C o n n e c t e d ”

Malissa Knieriem Excel Photographers

Peter Koop Jalea Technology Inc.

Kimberly Kornaski Pictures -R- Us, Inc.

Alex Kovacevic ImageQuix

Jason Koyama Canon USA

Brad Kramer Grads Photography

Andy Krampitz Edge Imaging

Wes Kroninger Next Gen Photo Solutions, Inc.

Christine Kronz Christine Kronz, Photographer LLC

Troy Kubin DRUMS Software Solutions

Risa Kudler DONE.photos

Thomas Kuhl Visual Sports NorCal

Steve Lacelle Photohouse Studio

Marilyn Lam PLIC Books

Paul Lam Skylab

Jennifer Lamm Felix Schoeller

Michael Landers Payne and Payne Photography

Mark Lane American Color Imaging

Andy Lang Ionuphotos

Karisa Larsen Karisa larsen Photography

Pete Lau Amidon Graphics

Belle Lawrence Barksdale School Portraits

Ronald LeBlanc RJ Photography

Sarah Lefebvre EyeQ Imaging Inc.

Amanda Lehner Edge Imaging

Jessica Lemmons Bell Photographers

Deb Leo Barksdale School Portraits

Chris Leonard Leonard Photography

Gina Leonard Leonard Photography

Neal Lester Strawbridge Studios, Inc.

Eric Leszkowicz Keepsake Portraits

Eldon LiaBraaten Precision Photo Imaging

Jordan Limbach Studio Source - Durango

Mike Limbach Studio Source Yearbooks

Jordan Limerick ImageQuix

Don Ling D&L Photography

W W W . S P A C - U S A . O R G

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