2022 SPAC Agenda Book proof v5
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Welcome to the SPAC 2022 Family Reunion!
Congratulations! You did it! You took the necessary steps to invest in yourself and your career and attend the world’s best conference & trade show for volume photographers. We are so happy you are here! If you are a first time attendee, welcome to the SPAC family! You will never meet a more welcoming group of human beings. SPAC is a non-profit organization run by volunteers - from the board members to the speakers! Everyone comes together with the goal of helping each other build successful volume photography businesses. There are a ton of social activities and networking opportunities and you will have an army of friends before the week is over. To our returning attendees - we promise you the “Best Yet” SPAC experience. With new speakers, vendors, and social activities (meet me at the Dueling Pianos Thursday night), you are guaranteed to walk away from this year’s SPAC with a notebook full of ideas, wallet full of business cards and cell phone full of silly pictures. As it is with all families, new members arrive and some members have to leave us, often too soon. We will forever hold in our hearts and minds the memories of our time with Gary Kranz, Rod Harrell, Janet Harrell and Bill Strain. I would love to hear some of your favorite memories of each of them if you have the time to share with me over the course of the week.
I am truly honored and blessed to be your Board President this year. My cell number is 315-382-2821. Call or text if you need something - I’m here to help!
Warmest wishes, Beth Jones SPAC President January, 2022
Beth Jones BJK Photos
Wayne Barksdale Barksdale School Portraits
Marty Brown Excel Photographers
Coree Cooper The "SPAC Gal"
Calvin Harrell, Jr. My Legacy Matters
Michael Rak The Artona Group
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P R E - C O N F E R E N C E S P A C U N I V E R S I T Y (Additional Registration Required)
7:00a 7:30a 8:00a 8:30a 9:00a 9:30a
Sports 101 (8:00 am - Sonoma A)
Sales Training (8:00 am - Sonoma B)
Schools 101 (8:00 am - Sonoma C)
Lighting 101 (8:00 am - Sonoma D)
10:00a 10:30a 11:00a 11:30a 12:00p 12:30p
1:00p 1:30p 2:00p 2:30p 3:00p 3:30p 4:00p 4:30p 5:00p 5:30p 6:00p 6:30p 7:00p 7:30p 8:00p
SPORTS 101 Cont. (1:00 pm - Sonoma A)
Sales Training Cont. (1:00 pm - Sonoma B)
Schools 101 Cont. (1:00 pm - Sonoma C)
Interviewing and Hiring Workshop (1:00 pm - Sonoma D)
SPAC Kick Off Early Check In and Social Mixer sponsored by SPAC and ImageQuix (Napa Room)
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7:00a 7:30a 8:00a 8:30a 9:00a 9:30a
Power-Up Your Studio with Market Intelligence (8:30 am - Sonoma D)
Lights, Camera, Action: They Key to Unique Dance and Gymnastic Shots! (8:30 am - Napa)
Virtual vs. Traditional Sports (8:30 am - Sonoma A)
Maximizing Your Flyers (8:30 am - Sonoma B)
How to make everyday p hotography into VOLUME Photography (8:30 am - Sonoma C)
Coffee Break Co-Sponsored by GotPhoto
10:00a 10:30a 11:00a 11:30a 12:00p 12:30p
Lighting for Portraits - Demonstration (10:15 am - Napa)
Making Sports Action Photography Pay; PARLAYING it into T and I Jobs! (10:15 am - Sonoma A)
A Premium Service: Boutique Volume Sports Composites (10:15 am - Sonoma B)
School RFP’s (10:15 am - Sonoma C)
Year-Round Revenue from Off-season Promotions (10:15 am - Sonoma D)
Registration Open
Gary Kranz Awards Luncheon
1:00p 1:30p 2:00p 2:30p 3:00p 3:30p 4:00p 4:30p 5:00p 5:30p 6:00p 6:30p 7:00p 7:30p 8:00p
School Day Demonstration (1:30 pm - Napa)
Double Your Sales & Double Your Fun (1:30 pm - Sonoma C)
Revolutionary Yearbook Marketing (1:30 pm - Sonoma D)
Let’sWriteOutYOUR Funnel! Sales Funnels for Photographers 201 (1:30 pm - Sonoma B)
Get Started with Local Pop-Ups (1:30 pm - Sonoma A) Sports- Quality or Speed? (2:00 pm - Sonoma A)
Dance Studios; Added Revenue Source (2:45 pm - Sonoma A)
Demonstration: Virtual Groups for Beginners (2:45 pm - Napa)
Video Marketing (2:45 pm - Sonoma B)
Different Devils at Different Levels (2:45 pm - Sonoma C)
Vertical Integration as a School Photography Company (2:45 pm - Sonoma D)
Roundtable - Women in Business (4:00 pm - Sonoma A)
Roundtable - Schools (4:00 pm - Sonoma B)
Roundtable - Sports (4:00 pm - Sonoma C)
Roundtable - Business (4:00 pm - Sonoma D)
Hospitality Suite Party Parties hosted by: Candid Color Systems, GotPhoto, Photolynx (Luxury Suites)
Evening Event Exciting event full of socializing and networking! Appetizers and Refreshments Served! Co-Hosted by Advanced Photographic Solutions (Napa Room)
8:30p 9:00p
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7:00a 7:30a 8:00a 8:30a 9:00a 9:30a
Breakfast & Door Prizes (7:00 am - Ballroom & Napa)
Spec Packages in Preschools (8:30 am - Sonoma A)
Why Your Brand Image Means More Than You Think! (8:30 am - Sonoma B)
Mastering Posing for Dance, Cheer & Gymnastics (8:30 am - Sonoma C&D)
Capturing Authentic Expressions in School Photography (9:45 am - Sonoma A)
How to Build a Successful Yearbook Business (9:45 am - Sonoma B)
School Photography Industry Report 2022 - Interim Results (9:45 am - Sonoma C&D)
10:00a 10:30a 11:00a 11:30a 12:00p 12:30p
Under the Tent Lighting Photography- Outdoor Demonstration (11:00 am - Pool Deck)
Paint with Light (11:00 am - Laguna)
The Evolution of Sports PhotographyWorkflow and Implementation (11:00 am - Sonoma A)
Contract Senior Market (11:00 am - Sonoma B)
Employee Hiring, Firing and Retention (11:00 am - Sonoma C&D)
Trade Show (12:00 pm - Ballroom & Napa)
Lunch (12:00 pm - Ballroom & Napa)
Registration Open
1:00p 1:30p 2:00p 2:30p 3:00p 3:30p 4:00p 4:30p 5:00p 5:30p 6:00p 6:30p 7:00p 7:30p 8:00p
Creating an Experience Not Just a Photo Shoot (2:30 pm - Sonoma A)
Banners- They’re not just for Seniors (2:30 pm - Sonoma B)
Capture Their 1st Impression + Create Recurring Opportunities (2:30 pm - Sonoma C&D)
Keynote Speaker: Matt Moore, Partner at Alpine Investors What Makes A Great Business Leader? (4:00 pm - Sonoma C&D)
Dinner & Dessert
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Breakfast & Door Prizes (7:00 am - Ballroom & Napa)
The Santa Experience! (9:00 am - Sonoma A)
How To Make Your Social MediaWork For You (9:00 am - Sonoma B)
Relationships and Key Account Retention (9:00 am - Sonoma C&D)
Protecting your Company and the Industry (10:15 am - Sonoma A)
Starting a School Photography Business with Zero Investment (10:15 am - Sonoma B)
Digital Marketing - The Lifecycle of a Photo (10:15 am - Sonoma C&D)
Under the Tent Lighting Photography- Outdoor Demonstration (11:00 am - Pool Deck)
Paint with Light (11:00 am - Laguna)
Dance Studios: How to Organize and Run a Successful Photo Day (11:00 am - Sonoma A)
Having aWorkflow that Works for You! (11:00 am - Sonoma B)
Church Directories are your key to Volume Family Portraiture (11:00 am - Sonoma C&D)
Trade Show (12:00 pm - Ballroom & Napa)
Lunch (12:00 pm - Ballroom & Napa)
Registration Open
Queen & King of the Hill (2:30 pm - Sonoma C&D)
Hospitality Suite Party Partiy hosted by: Fotomerchant (Luxury Suites)
SPAC 2022 Closing and Door Prizes! (3:45 pm - Sonoma C&D)
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S O U T H P O I N T H O T E L & C A S I N O F L O O R P L A N
1 – Casino 2 – Catalina Island Bar 3 – Del Mar Lounge 4 – Del Mar Deli 5 – Seattle’s Best and Kate’s Korner 6 – Hotel Registration
19 – Future Expansion 20 – Offices 21 – Elevators to Hotel 22 – Elevators to Self-Parking 23 – Cashier 24 – Race & Sports Book 25 – Access to Arena & Exhibit Hall 26 – Porte Cochere 27 – Escalators to Conference Center 28 – Escalators to Bowling & Bingo 29 – The Club 30 – Poker Room 31 – Showroom Bar 32 – Barber Shop 33 – Seduction Salon
7 – Nightclub/Showroom 8 – Showroom Box Office 9 – Silverado Steak House
10 – Don Vito’s Italian 11 – Coronado Cafe 12 – Big Sur Oyster Bar 13 – Michael’s 14 – Garden Buffet 15 – Gift Shop 16 – Casino Host Offices 17 – Restrooms 18 – Escalators to Century Theatres
34 – Spa & Fitness Center 35 – Pool Deck (Outdoor)
1 – Grand Ballroom 2 – Napa & Sonoma Rooms 3 – Meeting Rooms Newport Balboa Huntington Laguna Monarch 4 – Conference Registration 5 – Prefunction 6 – Sales and Catering 7 – Kids Tyme Child Care 8 – Arcade
9 – Restrooms 10 – Bowling 11 – Bingo 12 – Bar/Snack Bar 13 – Pro Shop 14 – Movie Box Office 15 – Concessions
16 – Century South Point 16 17 – Bowling Meeting Rooms
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Lighting 101 08:00 - 11:30 By Wes Kroninger Next Gen Photo Solutions- Owner Better lighting is the number one way to increase the perceived value in your photographic product. For this reason, it is important to have a strong handle on the techniques involved in being able to consistently produce great results time and time again. In this pre-con class Wes Kroninger will show you everything he knows about getting great portrait lighting in any working condition. Wes has photographed everything from children and high school senior portrait sessions, weddings, magazine covers to high end beauty and automotive photography for fortune 500 companies. If you are new to portrait lighting, need to brush up on your lighting knowledge, or have associate photographers that need a foundation in portrait lighting, then this pre-con is for you. Wes has been a lighting instructor for 14 years and has a knack for simplifying the complex information into easy-to understand pieces by building upon a solid base of basic lighting knowledge. This class will start with a simple bounce reflector and move up to complicated flash set ups for both headshots and full-length intricate sports images. What we’ll cover: Metering and color balancing Foundations of portrait lighting Different light modifiers and what they do How to meter and gel off camera strobes to balance with ambient lighting Selecting the best lighting tools for the job at hand Bounce reflectors and how to use them provide you with validation that you are on the right track. Topics include: Effective ways to find and prospect accounts. Selling strategies have changed. Learn how to compete with and beat the big guys. Online sales have changed significantly in the last two years. What is the real impact on your business and other things to consider? Packaging and pricing work hand in hand to affect your bottom line. Tips for improving profits and upselling. Flyers and marketing picture days. Do we really need paper anymore? Commissions and service items, strategies to keep them in check. How to efficiently schedule and staff for picture days. Green Screen and other alternatives for background replacement. Photography gear (camera, lights, backgrounds, etc.) You will need. Workflow options: Different capture methods & data entry options. Post capture efficiencies, managing images and post production. Second sale and digital download delivery systems. What are the most efficient options? Employees – tips for hiring and compensating staff. Yearbooks, there just for high schools anymore. How to make your yearbook program work for YOU! Plus much more Speakers: Jeff Edwards and Jeff Locklear Sponsored by H&H Color Lab
wednesday JAN. 26 SPORTS 101: Part 1 Setting up your Youth Sports Photography Business for Beginners 08:00 - 15:00 By Rodney & Shiloh Getz Champion City Photography- Owners *Setting up and getting started in a professional photography business *Portfolio, Sales and Marketing- What you need to acquire business *Equipment, Workflow, Hiring Staff, Training etc. Compare Workflow Demos *Traditional Indoor/Outdoor Workflows * Greenscreen Workflow Roundtable Discussions Sponsored by H&H Color Sales Training 101 08:00 - 15:00 By Jaimie Ford Iconik Studio- The business side of photography: School Photography- Owners, Jeff Gump Gump Solutions- President, Eric Miller MillerFoto - Owner SPAC has assembled a group of professional volume business owners, managers and sales reps with over 100 years of combined experiences to share their knowledge on how you can grow your business. All attendees will be included in small groups and will spend time with each trainer. The purpose of the small groups is to allow everyone the opportunity to ask questions that are specific to your individual needs. For only $50, this all day event will provide you all the information and tools you will need to create a plan for your future success. SCHOOLS 101 08:00 - 15:00 By Jeff Edwards Scholastic Reflections Photography, President Are you new to the school portrait business? Either wanting to start or scale your business to grow? The school photography 101 class may be perfect for you. This class is a daylong preconference class of wide-ranging topics that will provide valuable insights into the school portrait business. It will feature a combination of presentation, hands on and discussions. What you here can help you develop your business or Director of Marketing and Business Development, Brad Scott Inter State -National Wholesale Account Manager , Danny & Dianne Rabalais Studio 530 Photography California
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Virtual vs. Traditional Sports 08:15 - 09:45 By Carl Bott CB Sports Photography- Owner, Tim MacDonald Image Art Studio- Owner Sports photography offers so many possibilities and the quality of work
thursday JAN. 27 workshop where you will put into practice the topics and skills needed to hire the best employees you can find. Developing a training and onboarding program is essential to helping new hires become successful on Day 1. Managing those employees so they continue to grow and develop their skills, knowledge, and proficiency helps your company run better. It frees up your time to focus on growing the business while they spend their energy taking the great photos you need to gain new customers. wednesday JAN. 26 Interviewing, Hiring, Managing, Training Employees Workshop 13:00 - 15:00 By Karl Boettcher Visual Image Photography- Photography Manager How to find, interview, and hire photographers. An interactive
today is outstanding. One key question is whether to offer virtual or traditional shoots. Join us for this action-packed discussion where Carl Bott, who does virtual, and Tim Macdonald, who shoots traditional, debate the pros and cons of both, discuss what customers want to see, their personal preferences, key tools, and much more. Tim and Carl are Sponsored by GotPhoto.
Maximizing Your Flyers 08:15 - 09:45 By Brad Scott Inter-State -National Wholesale Account Manager Brad Scott, Inter-State Imaging, will facilitate a session with multiple volume school photographers from
across the country sharing their fall flyer layout designs. Hear from these photographers why they layout the flyers the way they do and what they hope to achieve by doing so. If you want to retain 20% of your sales, service a school that requires flyers or photograph in a demographic that supports the need for flyers, this session will be very informative to you.
Lights, Camera, Action: They Key to Unique Dance and Gymnastic Shots! 08:15 - 09:45 By Sheryl Bashore Sheryl Z Photography- Owner
How to Make Everyday Photography into VOLUME Photography 08:15 - 09:45 By Danny & Dianne Rabalais Studio 530 Photography California School Photography- Owners
Volume dance and gymnastics is a competitive field, but Sheryl Bashore has carved out a niche for herself in the industry by producing an array of stylish shots, including her famous silhouette photos. Additionally, she has also doubled her average order value and retained a loyal customer base. In this action-packed talk and demonstration Sheryl covers: • Onsite setup • Key equipment • Posing styles and boards • Unique shots Onsite sales • After shoot sales systems Don’t miss out on a live demonstration of the most important steps, and learn what changes you can make in your photography business, so you can take the leap to higher sales yourself! Sponsored by GotPhoto.
Over the years, we have found ways to take specialty photo events like Santa, Easter, Sports, Schools, Graduation, Fairy/Princess, Commercial Headshots, Contract Seniors and turn them into money makers!!! In some cases we can triple the amount of profit and do half the work. We will go from start to finish on our systems to get you making more $$$$$$ in volume photography. We’ve done it all wrong at least once… We can help you get it right the first time.
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thursday JAN. 27
A Premium Service: Boutique Volume Sports Composites 10:15 - 11:45 By Brian Derenski Brian Derenski Photography- Owner Whether you are brand new to composites or you’re simply wanting
Power-Up Your Studio with Market Intelligence 08:15 - 09:45 By Lisa Mallis PhotoDay- Senior Vice President Are you feeling lost when it comes to building a marketing strategy? Are
to up your game, this class is for you. This segment of volume sports photography generates revenue, enhances your brand, and turns customers into promoters. Learn how to leverage the latest in tech and create an unmatched experience that will have customers shouting about your studio from the rooftops. From marketing to capture, file organization, extraction options, and best practices for optimal composite building, Brian will cover all aspects so you can implement this new program into your studio with ease and achieve immediate results. Brian is Sponsored by PhotoDay and Black River Imaging School RFP’s 10:15 - 11:45 By Wayne Barksdale The Barksdale Group- President
you struggling to understand why you’re not getting the results for which you’ve hoped? From brand awareness to demand generation, Lisa Mallis will guide you through how to use data to create a marketing plan that delivers real results. Marketing is the new sales. Lighting for Portraits- Demonstration 10:15 - 11:45 By Suzette Allen A Picture of Hope- Photographic Artist, Educator course on the most flattering ways to light the face whether it be a senior in high school or a senior over 70! Posing is a vital skill too, where you can not only make your subjects look their best, but also help them appear natural and relaxed. Knowing how to direct your subject with confidence will visibly boost your client’s comfort AND confidence in the session! The course will cover the foundation of lighting and posing for flattery and dimension as well as for corrective purposes, and then the ending segment will be a live demo for shooting, lighting and building posing skills! Sponsored by Panasonic Lumix, Bay Photo and Denny Mfg. Making Sports Action Photography Pay; PARLAYING it into T and I Jobs! 10:15 - 11:45 By Kendrick Brown KAPPhotos- Owner During my class, you will learn how to make sports action photography pay and more importantly PARLAY those events into team and individual events, senior portraits, family portraits and many other genres of photography. I will share the recommended gear, tips for locating teams/leagues and how to secure employees when you need help. Our KAPPHOTOS system has been successful for 16 years. Time permitting, there will be a 10 min Q and A session after the presentation. Come join me and see what its all about. Join Lumix Ambassador, Suzette Allen, for an informative and engaging
Interested in bidding on school RFP’s?? This session will help you weave through the documents along with
creating a winning proposal!
Year-Round Revenue from Off season Promotions 10:15 - 11:45 By Chris Wunder Photog. ASP. Exec. Dir. Volume Imaging Professionals Assn.
End seasonality in your photography business, and you can double (or triple) your bottom line. We’ll share a year-round marketing calendar of proven promotions developed to provide excellent cash flow during the off-season. An added benefit is keeping your best-trained and most trusted staff members happy (and loyal to you) by providing more work opportunities all year long. So come prepared to learn a LOT in this fast-paced program, presented by one of the best-known experts in volume photography today.
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Let’s Write Out YOUR Funnel! Sales Funnels for Photographers 201 13:30 - 14:30 By Mitchell Moore BigMoneyPhotography
Outdoor Sports Demonstration 10:15 - 11:45 By Jay Boatwright SMAX Photography- Owner Every photography studio has to balance the art of photography with the business of photography. For
We’ve covered the basics of the Sales Funnel process in past classes, now dive deeper into how to successfully bring in new customers and carry them along your path to purchase. We will take your ideal customer (Your Avatar) and show you how to really connect with them to serve them in the best way. Learn the right formulas for engaging photo customers and getting them to become Life-Long Raving Fans!
too long volume sports studios have concentrated on the business and forgotten about the art. The North Atlanta based team at smaX photography decided to do things different. smaX made a business decision to make great photos first and grow slowly to ensure the quality of their portraits did not suffer as their account list grew! Join Jay Boatwright of smaX photography as he will demonstrate his photography techniques that allow him to maintain the art in the fast paced business of youth sports photography. School Day Demonstration - How to “Hack” Your School Setup 13:30 - 14:30 By Brent Legg, Jeremy Witter, Jason Wilkey and Jaimie Ford - Iconik Studio If your school photography business is focused on speed, quality and consistency, this is the session you don’t want to miss! Stop in to see the Iconik Studio team do a live demo of their school day setup complete with custom lighting designs, setup diagrams and sample photos to help you “hack” your own picture day. The Iconik Studio team has planned an interactive experience for attendees so come ready to ask questions, test out equipment and take some award winning shots of your own!
Double Your Sales & Double Your Fun 13:30 - 14:30 By Neal Freed & Bryan Blanken Freed SPIRIT Everyone knows making money is fun and making twice as much money is
twice as much fun. There are two ways to do this. One is double the number of schools you photograph and the other is to double your average sale. Neal Freed and Bryan Blanken of Freed Photography will share the techniques they’ve used to grow their studio by doing both. Doubling the number of schools they photograph and achieving average sales that are twice the national average. In their presentation they’ll cover: **How to identify and target the right schools **How to get past the gatekeeper **How to get principals to say yes **How to get principals to agree to higher prices **10 sure fire closes guaranteed to work **Effective program for Title 1 schools Lastly, come with your toughest sales problem and try to stump the experts. Sponsored by Miller Professional Imaging. Sponsored by: Millers Lab Revolutionary Yearbook Marketing 13:30 - 14:30 By Mike Limbach Studio Source Yearbooks, Chip Wagner Wagner Portrait Group How Studio Source Yearbooks and Wagner Portrait Group (WPG) built a multi-touch email and SMS yearbook marketing platform. We will talk about how WPG is able to secure email addresses and cell phone numbers from 95% of their schools along with permission to use this information to market their products to parents. We will present best practices for obtaining this information and permission. We will explain how the marketing platform works and present the impact on buy rates, sales and profit.
How to Get Started with Local Pop-Ups in Your Community 13:30 - 14:00 By Lindsey Victoria Lindsey Victoria Photography- Owner Don’t have a studio? Want to build your brand awareness and create
another revenue stream? Host a School Portrait Pop-Up with a community partner! This is a great opportunity to cross market, get local press for your business, and if you’re new to School Photography, it’s an ideal way to work out your process — the gear you’ll need, identifying the children, how long you need to get the variety of expressions and poses you want, and your workflow from start to finish. I’ll walk you through finding an appropriate venue, working together to promote the event, tips to book it out, tips to pitch the press, and a walk through of the Pop-Up itself. Q&A to follow.
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thursday JAN. 27
Dance Studios; Added Revenue Source 14:45 - 15:45 By Dennis Lange & MacKenzie Lange Lange Photographics- Owner Adding volume dance photography to your school portrait business is a
Sports- Quality or Speed? How about both! (Class and Outdoor Demonstration following) 14:00 - 15:45 By Dave Stock TeamDSP - Owner
wise business decision. You have most of the components already in place. Your knowledge of training staff members for consistent photography, of organizing a volume photo shoot, and much of the equipment you already have will be utilized in building a great cash flow during a time of year where you need additional income It is difficult to find and train new employees. Dance photography will help you to keep great employees on your payroll year round. This added income will benefit your bottom line. In this session we will discuss how to contact and book dance studios. Pricing, packages, commission rates and add on sales after the photo day will be discussed. We will explain our approach to prepaid volume dance studios and we will discuss ways that other photographers utilize an online sales approach with dance studios so you can compare and contrast. Get started on adding dance photography to your product offering. Video Marketing 14:45 - 15:45 and informing people about your product & service. How It helps increase engagement on your digital and social channels and educates your audience. Some of the other topics: What is Video Content Marketing? Do Videos Have a Good Return on Investment? Are videos Great for SEO?” Eric is sponsored by Candid Color Systems. This class will fill up quickly, get your seat early. Different Devils at Different Levels 14:45 - 15:45 By Matthew Kemmetmueller Kemmetmueller Photography- Lead Photographer/Owner Doubling your business through organic growth and acquisitions! By Eric Miller MillerFoto - Owner Eric will discuss his experience, strategy and goal of video marketing. Why Video v/s Email v/s In Person meetings. Using videos for promoting
The challenge of producing not just quality images but a quality experience every twenty seconds for hours at a stretch is the core challenge we must accept as volume photographers. This two part class will focus on specific photo shoot workflows and multiple light setups that meet this challenge head on. Part 1 will be a classroom session where Dave will reveal the details of how he and one assistant have been routinely shooting 100 member football teams, both individual and team photos, in a half hour. After a short break class will resume outside on the pool deck with a lighting demo and a review of Dave’s “7 Questions” approach for training photographers needing a system to work through the multitude of decisions that must be made in a few short minutes upon arriving at a new venue as the staff prepares for a photo shoot. Quality and speed do not have to be mutually exclusive! Sponsored by Panasonic & Richmond Pro Lab Demonstration: Virtual Groups for Beginners 14:45 - 15:45 By Wes Kroninger Next Gen Photo Solutions- Owner whatever you call them when the time comes to create a virtual group effectively, it is a smart move to know how to pose and light for the situation. Whether you create virtual groups as part of your business model or need a solution for weather days or when the maximum scheduling flexibility is necessary, the goal is always to get great images as efficiently as possible. Wes Kroninger has spent more than six years working with photographers all over the country to come up with lighting and posing processes that work and keep the process as simple as possible. Whether you plan to shoot green, grey, or white background, Wes will discuss how to keep your lighting simple for a quality extraction, use your lights to create depth in your images, and how to pre-plan your virtual group to achieve a perfectly balanced result. If you’ve ever wanted a look inside of a volume composite photo day, then please join us to take a peek. What we will cover: - Virtual group lighting - Virtual group posing - Shooting for extractions off any background - Pre-panning your group images - Shooting for speed -vs- shooting for impact - The dos and don’ts of virtual groups Sometimes called composites, sometimes “extreme teams,” but
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thursday JAN. 27
Why Your Brand Image Means More Than You Think! 08:30 - 09:30 By Shaun DeMint Photo Solutions In the photography market we do not act or look like the other “business” in the world, and that needs to change!
Vertical Integration as a School Photography Company 14:45 - 15:45 By Keith Tippitt Wonder Years Portraits- Owner By definition and function, a vertically integrated photo company
Only reason why people think they can negotiate with us as photographers is because we don’t have a professional business image along with the correct marketing materials to make us look like actual companies. In this class I cover everything from your logo, brand colors, marketing materials and so much more. It will ultimately create your business “image”. If you look like a company people will respect you more, have more confidence in purchasing (spend more) and ultimately you will get more jobs in the process.
handles almost every aspect of the business in-house from the taking of the image to finally delivery to the customer. While a vertical operation can offer significant advantages, there can be an equal number of possible pitfalls. In this presentation, we will offer examples of vertical operations, including some of the ways in which it can increase profitability and help give a competitive advantage in optimal environments, and also discuss what can happen when it doesn’t go as well. We will discuss things to consider when moving more of the operation in-house, including start-up costs, staffing, equipment, and software and additional space requirements, as well as considerations for resources that may need to be outsourced for the best outcome. Possible incremental steps to moving operations in-house will be covered and ways to make the transition as smooth as possible. Sponsored by GotPhoto
Mastering Posing for Dance, Cheer & Gymnastics 08:30 - 09:30 By Rose Coleman Center Stage Photos- Owner Capturing the perfect pose in dance, gymnastics, and cheer photography
is truly an art form, and it is one Rose Coleman, owner of Center Stage Photos has spent years perfecting. If you have ever caught some of Rose’s images, you will know she pays attention to every detail to capture the perfect shot. So, join Rose as she discusses her unique posing ideas, the use of creative backdrops, what to look out for on every shoot, and how to make your images stand out from the crowd. Sponsored by GotPhoto
friday JAN. 28
Spec Packages in Preschools 08:30 - 09:30 By Rich Osness Rich Osness LLC. That little child care center with just 50 kids could be $1,500 to $2,500 in sales every year. That larger center with 150 kids could be $4,000 to
Capturing Authentic Expressions in School Photography 09:45 - 10:45 By Erica Morrow Slow Road Photo- Owner
$7,000 in sales. They are all over the place and they are easier to book and serve than youth sports or K-12. This may be the most underserved market in photography. It is underserved because almost no one does it well. Many photographers will serve this market with the same products and methods they use for youth sports or K-12, but these accounts are uniquely suited for speculation packages. The parents love it. The schools love it. I have been selling speculation packages in preschools and child care centers for 45 years. It still works better than anything else I have seen in most preschools. When it doesn’t, I do a simple prepay. Photographing child care centers may not be what you expect. Toddlers and infants can be a lot more fun than youth sports or K-12 and the administrators are easier to work with.
Picture this- you open an email from a parent and read the best thing that a school photographer can ever hear: “You completely captured my child! These photos look just like them.” But in reality, are your photos more often than not becoming stiff and route? Are you too bogged down with the volume of students to focus on capturing their authentic personalities? I’ve got you! In this course you will learn how to capture intentional moments, not forced poses, that will capture the heart of the children you photograph. This practical session will equip you with immediate ways to up your game and deliver school galleries that will wow parents and increase your sales. Never ask a kiddo to “Say Cheese!” again! Sponsored by Gotphoto.
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friday JAN. 28
Contract Senior Market 11:00 - 12:00 By Mike Norkin Cherished Memories- CEO
How to Build a Successful Yearbook Business 09:45 - 10:45 By Cory Tomcek Entourage Yearbooks-Director of Partnerships , Elias Jo Entourage Yearbooks- CEO
Mike and his company photographs 18,000 contract seniors in three states. From booking, to sessions, software and data management, Mike will cover every aspect of the contract senior market. Employee Hiring, Firing and
Our panel of business owners represent small, medium and large sized yearbook companies. We will discuss why and how they started selling yearbooks, the challenges and decisions they faced and the best practices used for success. Topics include outsourcing vs. insourcing, software and tech support, sales and marketing, profit vs. service item and how to handle competition.
Retention 11:00 - 12:00
By Danny & Dianne Rabalais Studio 530 Photography California School Photography- Owners Danny & Dianne are a husband and
wife team from Northern California. They have been hiring, firing, and managing employees for over 30 years combined. Their personalities allow them to relay training to others in a way that they immediately understand. Danny is a retired sheriff’s captain and Dianne was the director of a non-profit battered woman’s shelter, but now they both own a successful photography company and manage up to 25 employees during the busy seasons. They will tell you and show you how it’s done successfully! **Employee applications, interviews and who to hire **Background checks, training and supervising **Written guidelines and employee handbooks **Written photographer evaluations and critiques **When employees go bad...In the voice of Princess Elsa, Let em GOOOOO, Let em GOOOOO... **How to set yourself up for success before they even take a photo for you
School Photography Industry Report 2022 - Interim Results 09:45 - 10:45 By Elmar Platzer & Derek Clapham Fotomerchant- Founders What do parents really want? Does geography play a role in how
you should be pricing? Are your schools happy with the services you offer? Fotomerchant and SPOA are undertaking the largest ever survey of schools and parents to provide you with insights and answers. Join us at SPAC 2022 where we will be sharing the interim results of the School Photography Industry Report to be presented by Fotomerchant founders Elmar Platzer and Derek Clapham, along with David Crandall, Executive Director of SPOA. The Evolution of Sports Photography Workflow and Implementation 11:00 - 12:00 By Perry Thompson Perry Thompson Photography The past 5 years since really focusing back into sports team photography, evolution has brought us to this point. We have tried a lot of things but the result is lower labor costs, higher sales averages and a scalable business. We have an in house lab so the challenges of implementing the AI Technology into our Studio left us with few options and We have over the past year totally revamped and implemented an incredible workflow while cutting our labor by %50 at the same time removing barriers to growth. Along with putting new market segments in to smooth out the cash flow over the year.
Under the Tent Lighting Photography- Outdoor Demonstration 11:00 - 12:00 By Kimberly Melloan Line Drive Photography LLC- Owner If you have so many leagues on your
books this spring and you’re wondering how you’re going to handle all the work yourself, then this is the class for you! Learn how Kimberly successfully photographed 17 little leagues in April and May of 2021 by partnering up with Next Gen Photo Solutions. Learn how to photograph players one at a time outside under a tent to create awesome composites with graphics that parents will absolutely love. This class will teach you how to shoot under a black tent, how to meter your lights for consistency on every shoot, how to set up a Lastolite HiLite, and how to let Next Gen do all the work so you don’t have to sit behind your computer all day! Free up MORE of your time to book MORE leagues to make MORE money! Sponsored by Next Gen Photo Solutions and Richmond Pro Lab
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friday JAN. 28
Capture Their 1st Impression + Create Recurring Opportunities 14:30 - 15:30 By Kyle Bodin ImageQuix /Photolynx- Director of Client Success Did you know that 58% of your purchases are made within the first
Paint with Light 11:00 - 12:00
By Octavious Cummings Octavious Cummings Photography- Owner need info
30 days of your job activation… but 42% of your job’s total aggregate revenue comes from the following 11 months! Join ImageQuix’s Director of Client Success, Kyle Bodin, as he explores your customers’ lifetime value to convert their first impression, while generating order opportunities throughout the year. Utilizing a data-driven approach, we’ll take a deep look into what pricing/ workflow strategies and marketing techniques allow us to achieve 25% uplift in AOV while proofing galleries in under 24 hours! Have you considered an initial product offering that is not limited to their “assumption” to purchase? Let’s guide your customer behavior and game plan your path to annual recurring buyers! Sponsored by: ImageQuix & PhotoLynx
Creating an Experience Not Just a Photo Shoot 14:30 - 15:30 By James Quantz, Jr. James Quantz, Fr. Photography- Creative
What Makes A Great Business Leader? 16:00 - 17:00 By Matt Moore Partner at Alpine Investors What does it take to run a company? What are the characteristics that
Doing the things it takes to elevate your photoshoots from “just taking pictures” to creating an experience for your clients and how it pays off down the road. Banners- They’re not just for Seniors 14:30 - 15:30 By Jeff Gump Gump Solutions- President show photographers other uses for banners. I will share so many other opportunities for photographers to offer banners. Pageants, Athletic Stadiums, Car shows, Locker rooms, Graduations, All-stars, Events and Festivals to just name a few. I will share how to market them and how to get the most money for your products. Most photographers create banners for Senior High School Sports, I will
separate good leaders from great ones? Join Matt Moore from Alpine Investors on January 28th as we explore the handful of key skills every business owner needs to know in this interactive session. We’ll explore everything from the role of talent in company building to how to create customers who are raving fans. Sponsored by: ImageQuix & PhotoLynx
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saturday JAN. 29
Starting a School Photography Business with Zero Investment 10:15 - 10:45 By Mary Beth Kully Schoolhouse Pictures/DONE.photos- Owner Do you want to start a school picture company, but feel overwhelmed or
The Santa Experience! 09:00 - 10:00
By Di Murphy Tintype Studio, Inc. How to provide a Santa Session that is magical and profitable.
don’t have the money? Learn how Schoolhouse Pictures runs its business – across the nation -- without owning photography equipment, lights, printers, vehicles, studio/ office space, or having employees. Imagine the freedom of not paying rent or a mortgage, not having to replace outdated equipment, and not having to hire, train, and layoff seasonal employees. Bring your open mind to this session on a different type of school photography. Sponsored by DONE.photos. Digital Marketing - The Lifecycle
How To Make Your Social Media Work For You: A Guide To Marketing To The Next Generation Of Parents 09:00 - 10:00 By Lexi Ripperger & MacKenzie Lange In a society that is ever-changing and
of a Photo 10:15 - 10:45
full of gen-z-ers, gen-x-ers, and millenials, it is important to stay up-to-date on the hottest trends and tools on social media. Digital Marketing Specialist, Lexi Ripperger will take you through increasing customer engagement, increasing conversions, and how to draw new customers to your site. She will cover how to stay current by utilizing media data and using this data to create your digital marketing strategy in the school photography industry. Relationships and Key Account
By Susie Bradshaw ImageQuix/ PhotoLynx - Senior Marketing Strategist
Join ImageQuix’s Senior Marketing Strategist, Susie Bradshaw, to learn all about the current industry specific marketing trends and how your studio can ensure a positive and profitable consumer experience. In this session, Susie will review the approaches used by studios who have successfully converted subjects into buyers multiple times throughout the year and discuss how to maximize the return on every photo taken with targeted seasonal planning. Sponsored by: ImageQuix & PhotoLynx
Retention 09:00 - 10:00 By Jaimie Ford Iconik Studio- Director of Marketing and Business Development Have you ever wondered what your
Dance Studios: How to Organize and Run a Successful Photo Day 11:00 - 12:00 By Megan & Scott Sockel MoveUp Images, LLC. -Owners Do volume dance studio photo days overwhelm you a little? Not sure
business would look like if you could retain 100% of your business (that you want) year over year while adding more of the clients you enjoy? This course will examine core strategies to help define and build solid relationships within your current market as well as explore sales techniques to continue growing your partnership value with key accounts. Protecting your Company
and the Industry (Copyrights, Student Data Privacy, Legal Protections) 10:15 - 10:45 By David Crandall School Photographers of America- Executive Director
how to keep everything organized? The planning, selling, photographing, editing and order fulfillment process can feel overwhelming. Megan and Scott Sockel of MoveUp Images are here to help! They’ll explain their workflow for dance studios and share tried and true methods for organizing the entire experience. Sponsored by H&H Color Lab
In this session we will discuss the new yearbook standards, the new school administrative software standard and single export, student data privacy - state laws and compliance along with many other critical pieces to ensuring your business and our industry are protected and viable for generations to come.
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saturday JAN. 29
Having a Workflow that Works for You! 11:00 - 12:00 By Nick Shoob Shoob Photo South/ Shoob Sports- Owner Get your notepads ready as Nick breaks down all different types
Church Directories are your key to Volume Family Portraiture 11:00 - 12:00 By Nathan Tsukroff PortraitEFX of Maine- Accredited Photog., Chris Wunder Photog. ASP. Exec. Dir. Volume Imaging Professionals Assn.
of workflow (from shoot to print) used in the industry and helps solve the most common problems. Example workflow issues will be chosen from the audience. Queen & King of the Hill 14:30 - 15:30 By SPAC
Did you know that America’s #1 venue for family portraits is NOT with portrait studios, but rather Church Directory programs? It’s true, and the departure of Lifetouch from Church Directory programs has opened up BIG OPPORTUNITIES for independent, volume photographers to re-claim this market. Directory programs can be offered at any time of the year, making them a great complement to help reduce the seasonality of your business. They can also be the gateway program to help you get school, preschool and sports photography in faith-based organizations. Best of all, there’s minimal lead-time from booking to revenue coming in. Your presenters have a lot of experience with these programs and will provide an overview of the market and three types of directory offers: printed books, online directories, and the newest paradigm, Directory phone apps. Sponsored by Marathon Press
Back by popular demand, hosted by the Rak Brothers! Pitch your idea to make money or save money, the audience votes! Last one on the
throne wins CASH$$!! Get your ideas ready....
We are now on Instagram: SPACUSA and Twitter @SPACusaorg And a growing community on our Facebook page! See you next year! S PAC 2 0 2 3
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wednesday JAN. 26
Kick Off Social: Various appetizer displays. Cocktail tickets handed out by Candid Color System Team.
thursday JAN. 27
SPAC Dueling Pianos: Vegetable Crudite-Chef ’s selection of Seasonal Vegetables with Ranch Dressing Pasta Station: Rigatoni with Italian Sausage Bolognese Farfalle with Pesto Cream Sauce Focaccia Bread Mac & Cheese Station: Buffalo Chicken with Jack & Blue Cheese Smoked Cheddar and Bacon topped with BBQ Potato Chips
Coffee & Tea by GotPhoto
Freshly Brewed Coffee, Decaffeinated Coffee and Gourmet Herbal Teas
Gary Kranz Awards Luncheon : Co-Sponsored by ACI •Mixed Green Salad / Fresh Tossed Garden Greens with Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Carrot Ribbons and Croutons • Turkey Medallions / Turkey Medallions with Cranberry Salsa. Served with Wild Rice Blend and Fresh Seasonal Vegetables • Wild Berry Trifle- Bountiful Berries Layered Between Custard, Whipped Cream, and Delicious Pound Cake.
Cocktail tickets handed out by APS Team.
friday JAN. 28
Breakfast - Old School Breakfast Buffet Fresh Orange and Cranberry Juice Fruit Yogurt and Granola Farm Fresh Scrambled Eggs Applewood Smoked Bacon Strips and Sausage Links Breakfast Potatoes Croissants, Muffins and Danish Butter and Assorted Preserves Freshly Brewed Coffee, Decaffeinated Coffee and Gourmet Herbal Teas
Desserts: Banana Cream Pie, German Chocolate Cake Beverages: Freshly Brewed Coffee, Decaffeinated Coffee, and Iced Tea Dinner - The Mediterranean - Dinner Buffet Salads: Caesar Salad with Homemade Croutons and Shaved Parmesan Asparagus Spears and Pancetta with Citrus Vinaigrette Marinated Mushroom Salad Main: Pan Seared Chicken Angelo Salmon with Chardonnay Beurr Blanc Sauce Flat Iron Steak Chimichurri Sides: Mediterranean Rice, Seasonal Vegetable Medley Chef ’s Selection of Fresh Rolls and Butter Desserts: Tiramisu, Chocolate Fantasy Cake, Amaretto Cheesecake Beverages: Freshly Brewed Coffee, Decaffeinated Coffee, and Tea Main: Chicken Piccata Tri-color Cheese Tortellini with Pesto Cream Sauce Penne Pasta with Meatballs and Marinara Eggplant Parmesan. Sides: Italian Green Beans Garlic Bread Sticks (warmed under a heat lamp) Desserts: Chocolate Chip Cannoli, Turtle Cheesecake Beverages: Freshly Brewed Coffee, Decaffeinated Coffee and Tea **No Host Bar located in Back Right and Left Corners**
Lunch - Soup and Sandwich Lunch Buffet Soups: Minestrone Soup Salads: Mixed Green Salad served with Ranch Dressing Dijon Mustard Potato Salad
Tortellini Salad Sandwiches: Select Deli Meat Presentation (Roast Beef, Ham, Turkey and Salami) Cheddar and Swiss Cheeses Lettuce, Tomato, Pickles, Mayonnaise, Mustard, and Horseradish Aioli Assortment of Fresh Baked Breads and Select Rolls Assorted Potato Chips
saturday JAN. 29
Breakfast - Old School Breakfast Buffet Fresh Orange and Cranberry Juice
Seasonal Sliced Fruit and Berries Fruit Yogurt and Granola Farm Fresh Scrambled Eggs , Applewood Smoked Bacon Strips, Grilled Sausage Links, Breakfast Potatoes Buttermilk Pancakes Served with Maple Syrup andWhipped Butter Freshly Brewed Coffee, Decaffeinated Coffee and Gourmet Herbal Teas
Lunch - The Milano - Lunch Buffet Salads: Traditional Caesar Salad with Grated Parmesan, Toasted Croutons, and Caesar Dressing Cannellini Bean Salad, Caprese Salad
** If you have any dietary restrictions, please locate a server and discuss options that work for you**
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