2021 SPAC Agenda Book web
S P A C 2 0 2 1 E D U C A T I O N A L S E S S I O N S
10 BIG mistakes volume photography start-ups often make – And how to avoid them 10:00 - 11:30 By Chris Wunder Volume Imaging Professionals, LLC. Executive. Director
wednesday JAN. 27 SPORTS 101: Part 1 Setting up your Youth Sports Photography Business for Beginners 10:00 - 10:45 Introduction to the Youth Sports Photography business. This session is for photographers beginning to enter the business of youth sports photography for recreational leagues. This class will review how to set up your business so, it is scalable. Topics include: Business Set Up, Goal Setting, Equipment, Workflow, staffing, training and more. By Stella Crase Stella Crase, CPP MiniPros Sports Photos- Owner
Some photographers entering the volume segment are immediately successful, while others struggle to make the transition. Volume photography expert Chris Wunder will share the top ten mistakes “newbies” often make that can be the difference between success and failure. If your business isn’t growing fast enough, this program can help you identify and address the obstacles standing in your way.
SPORTS 101: Part 2: Sales and Marketing to Acquire New Leagues 11:00 - 11:45 By Kimberly Melloan Line Drive Photography LLC- Owner, Stella Crase Stella Crase, CPP MiniPros Sports Photos- Owner
So, You want to Become a Volume Photographer- Now What? 10:00 - 10:45 By Di Murphy Tintype Studio, Inc. I will discuss many of the steps you need to begin in Volume
This class will review strategies, sales techniques and other information to help you to market your business and begin selling to recreational sports leagues. Discussion includes branding, digital & direct marketing and use of the social media platforms.
Photography and processes you will need to organize your workflow for maximum effectiveness. Sample Bullet Points: ** Types of Business Structures (Corp; Sole Proprietorship; etc.) ** Insurance ** Business Licenses ** Where to learn basic photography skills ** Professional Organizations ** Backing up images ** Crowd control in the age of Covid-19 ** Covid-19 safety procedures ** How to Determine staffing ** Sample numbering systems ** Branding: Looking established with shirts; tablecloths, etc. ** Agreements ** Checklists ** Posing ** Scheduling Picture Day ** Dont take a job you are not ready for
Your Brand Image - Branding Your Business, Target Marketing & More 11:00 - 11:45 By Shaun DeMint Photo Solutions In the sports photography market we do not act or look like the other
“business” in the world and that needs to change if we want to keep up. One reason why people think they can negotiate with us as photographers is because we don’t have a professional business image along with the correct marketing materials to make us look like actual companies. In this class I cover everything from your logo, brand colors, marketing materials and so much more that ultimately create your business “Image”. If you look like a company people will respect you more, have more confidence in purchasing (spend more) and ultimately you will get more jobs in the process.
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