2021 SPAC Agenda Book web

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Krisztina Petersen Grads Photography

Patricia Peticolas EyeQ Imaging Inc.

Carl Petruzzelli Photo Works

Jamie Pettice Grads Photography

Chad Phillips Photography by Mark

Nathan Phillips Blue Note Photography

Tania Pile Photoplay Studios

Tawnya Pitman Photolynx

Suzanne Plafcan Clix Portrait Studio

Elmar Platzer Fotomerchant

Blanche Podio Dimensions Photography

Annie Poissant HVP Solutions PTY LTD

Claudio Polinelli Creative Foto AG

Ryan Ponte Made the Grade Photography Inc.

Gary Poole RetouchUp.com

Sandra Prado Sandra Prado Photography

Kari Prljic Stuart-Rodgers Ltd.

Dianne Rabalais Studio 530 Photography

Danny Rabalais Studio 530 Photography

Steve Rackley Flat Top Photos

Gary Radville Lively Bottle

Annie Radville Lively Bottle

Dave Raftery Trotter Photo

TJ Rak Skylab

John Rak Artona

Michael Rak Artona

Denissa Ramos Stuart-Rodgers Ltd.

Kristin Rawley Barksdale School Portraits

April Reed Walter’s Publishing

Isabel Rego-Almeida Island Photography

Dan Repetti Class Act Photographers

Daniel Reynolds DRUMS Software Solutions

Lucy Richards Fotomerchant

Mitchell Richardson Mitchell’s Photography

Neil Rickman Photo Art Industries

Sidney Ricks Peak Moments Sports Photography

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