2021 SPAC Agenda Book web

S P A C 2 0 2 1 E D U C A T I O N A L S E S S I O N S

thursday JAN. 28

Basic Sales for the Volume School Picture Industry 07:30 - 08:15 By Gig Brzycki Inter-State - Asst. Director of Sales, Brad Scott Inter State -National Wholesale Account Manager

In’s & Out’s of Onsite School ID’s 07:30 - 08:15 By Mike Norkin Cherished Memories- CEO Cherished Memories Photography has been working with schools producing Senior and Underclass

This class will be the perfect start to those photographers adding the volume school picture business to their portfolio.

Portraits for 20 years! Owner, Mike Norkin, has led the charge in expanding his business in what started with a small garage studio, to 4 studios spread out over Southern California with 80 schools, 13,500 contract seniors, and 100,000+ heads on a yearly basis! Join Mike and his lead staff in an overview of their workflow and processes for on-site Student IDs from capturing to printing!

Portraits / Lighting & Posing 09:30 - 10:15 By Suzette Allen A Picture of Hope- Photographic Artist, Educator. Join Suzette Allen, a portrait photographer of over 30 years and photo industry educator of 20 years,

for an informative and engaging course on the most flattering ways to light the face whether it be a senior in high school or a senior over 70! Posing is a vital skill too, where you can not only make your subjects look their best, but also help them appear natural and relaxed. Knowing how to direct your subject with confidence will visibly boost your client’s comfort AND confidence in the session! The course will cover the foundation of lighting techniques and how to confidently set up your lights for portraiture. Posing for flattery and dimension is key for clients to like their portraits. Consider your posing skills (and your retouching skills) as “job security”! Suzette will show you the core elements to flattery and how to direct a client without getting in their space or touching them!

Mastering Virtual Team Photography 07:30 - 08:15 By Wes Kroninger Next Gen Photo Solutions- Owner In this session Wes Kroninger will guide you on a tour of 3 different

studios where 3 different photographers will give you their tips on photographing virtual teams for volume photography. We will speak with Sean Bass in Ohio about the photographic basics of virtual groups. Sean will discuss set up, metering, lighting and (most importantly) how to keep the individual players scaled properly in the final image. We will then talk with photographer Sheryl Bashore in Pennsylvania about how dance photography can be unique using this virtual group process. She will guide you through her experiences of creating these virtual groups for dance schools in a volume setting. Then, Dana Chapman in Virginia will discuss how to put this knowledge together and train staff photographers to create these images quickly, creatively and consistently. Because as business owners we know the best workflow is the one someone else can do. What you will learn in this class: - Why and how to create virtual groups - An efficient workflow - Lighting and posing techniques - Using storyboards or reference images - Dance specific virtual group tips - Consistent correct scaling for virtual teams - Training and working with staff photographers - And more!

Dance School Photography from a Dancer’s Perspective 09:30 - 10:15 By Jonathan Givens EPS Entertainment Photography Specialists, Master Photographer CPP

Dance schools are a monster unto themselves. Sure, you could run them like any other volume event, but to really reach your subjects, you need a little something extra. Learn how dealing with dancers on their own terms will help you increase your sales, and improve the quality of your work, while adding additional clients to your portrait studio as well. Isn’t that the pointe? =)

W W W . S P A C - U S A . O R G

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