2021 SPAC Agenda Book web
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Who would have thought a year ago that we would be having our first online SPAC conference? Last year, SPAC put on its largest show ever. We had the highest number of attendees, vendors and speakers. We left inspired and full of ideas. Then, as the world went into full lockdown 2 months later, the photography landscape sure changed. Schools and Leagues were closed and we were all faced with difficult decisions. Leave it up to us to be able to get ourselves through it! We are photographers, labs, programmers, manufacturers and business owners - we have all practised pivoting. Have you ever shown up to a photography shoot and had to make an on the fly decision so you could photograph? How about when you get a job back from the field and it didn’t turn out how you expected, so you had to figure out a way to still print? Ever had to make difficult decisions to expand your business? You see, we have been doing this all the time and we see and share those accomplishments and ideas at SPAC. We changed the focus of SPAC chats to share and update ideas. We had weekly communication that carried on and shared those ideas. We had attendees that started outdoor shoots, drive-thru and even remote photography. We had vendors that invented graduation yard signs and new email campaigns to mine existing images for additional sales. We assisted leagues and schools with apps and signage printing to further reinforce our existing relationships. Even though we were all over the country and world, we shared the same obstacles and came up with solutions. I’m glad that we made the decision early to pivot and take SPAC virtual. This gave us enough time to plan and implement. We took all the ideas that worked in person and transformed them online. We also used the ability to be online and behind a computer to enhance the conference experience. We learned a new platform and after 8 months of preparation, here we go! Thank you to the vendors that all said: “whatever platform you guys choose--sign us up.”We know that there has been a lot of work and preparation setting up a virtual booth and we appreciate all of the efforts. Thank you to the speakers: you all volunteered to present virtually without knowing what the platform or audience was going to look like. Instead of just preparing a PowerPoint slide, this year all speaker recordings had to be done in advance. I’ve seen a lot of great presentations. Thank you to all attendees: your encouragement and support leading up to the conference is greatly appreciated and reinforces why we do what we do. Finally, thank you to the board and Coree. What a monumental year putting this together and learning what a virtual conference is all about. Your time and effort organizing SPAC, on top of making sure all of our own businesses succeed, is appreciated by all. We work well together and I enjoy being part of a great team.
I virtually welcome you to SPAC 2021, our first online-only conference. Have a great next 4 days and I hope to see you all in person next year!
SPAC President Michael Rak The Artona Group
Wayne Barksdale Barksdale School Portraits
Coree Cooper The "SPAC Gal"
Calvin Harrell, Jr. My Legacy Matters
Beth Jones B JK Photos
Marty Brown Excel Photographers
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10 BIG mistakes volume photography start-ups often make – And how to avoid them 10:00 - 11:30 By Chris Wunder Volume Imaging Professionals, LLC. Executive. Director
wednesday JAN. 27 SPORTS 101: Part 1 Setting up your Youth Sports Photography Business for Beginners 10:00 - 10:45 Introduction to the Youth Sports Photography business. This session is for photographers beginning to enter the business of youth sports photography for recreational leagues. This class will review how to set up your business so, it is scalable. Topics include: Business Set Up, Goal Setting, Equipment, Workflow, staffing, training and more. By Stella Crase Stella Crase, CPP MiniPros Sports Photos- Owner
Some photographers entering the volume segment are immediately successful, while others struggle to make the transition. Volume photography expert Chris Wunder will share the top ten mistakes “newbies” often make that can be the difference between success and failure. If your business isn’t growing fast enough, this program can help you identify and address the obstacles standing in your way.
SPORTS 101: Part 2: Sales and Marketing to Acquire New Leagues 11:00 - 11:45 By Kimberly Melloan Line Drive Photography LLC- Owner, Stella Crase Stella Crase, CPP MiniPros Sports Photos- Owner
So, You want to Become a Volume Photographer- Now What? 10:00 - 10:45 By Di Murphy Tintype Studio, Inc. I will discuss many of the steps you need to begin in Volume
This class will review strategies, sales techniques and other information to help you to market your business and begin selling to recreational sports leagues. Discussion includes branding, digital & direct marketing and use of the social media platforms.
Photography and processes you will need to organize your workflow for maximum effectiveness. Sample Bullet Points: ** Types of Business Structures (Corp; Sole Proprietorship; etc.) ** Insurance ** Business Licenses ** Where to learn basic photography skills ** Professional Organizations ** Backing up images ** Crowd control in the age of Covid-19 ** Covid-19 safety procedures ** How to Determine staffing ** Sample numbering systems ** Branding: Looking established with shirts; tablecloths, etc. ** Agreements ** Checklists ** Posing ** Scheduling Picture Day ** Dont take a job you are not ready for
Your Brand Image - Branding Your Business, Target Marketing & More 11:00 - 11:45 By Shaun DeMint Photo Solutions In the sports photography market we do not act or look like the other
“business” in the world and that needs to change if we want to keep up. One reason why people think they can negotiate with us as photographers is because we don’t have a professional business image along with the correct marketing materials to make us look like actual companies. In this class I cover everything from your logo, brand colors, marketing materials and so much more that ultimately create your business “Image”. If you look like a company people will respect you more, have more confidence in purchasing (spend more) and ultimately you will get more jobs in the process.
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exciting industry, but it is also a competitive field. So, how can you get started and make your business stand out amongst the rest? Matthew Kemmetmueller of Kemmetmueller Photography knows precisely how, having grown his company every year, acquired new clients, and expanded his team. In this talk, Matthew shares how he got his start in the industry, the challenges he faced, how he has acquired and won new schools, and the ways he has stayed successful in a competitive environment.
wednesday JAN. 27 Making the most out of your current clients. It’s not just
about T&I’s 12:00 - 12:45 By Jeff Gump Gump Solutions- President
Event Photography-Online viewing
taken to the next level.
Same Old Dog But the Tricks are New 13:00 - 13:45 By Dave Stock TeamDSP - Owner It’s easy to get stuck in ruts. Changes in our customer’s buying habits, the relentless improvements in mobile
SPORTS 101: Part 3Photography & Post Processing for Efficient Lab Production 12:00 - 12:45 By Kimberly Melloan Line Drive Photography LLC- Owner, Keith House Group Photographers Association, Stella Crase Stella Crase,
phone camera’s hardware and software and now the need to capture images safely leaves us only one choice: adapt or fail. Left with this choice, Dave has recently changed almost everything at TeamDSP: ordering, camera gear, staffing, photo shoot and post production workflows, lighting equipment and software. While his gross sales are down dramatically, his net profit has dropped only slightly due to new efficiencies and his newly configured company is safely conducting photo shoots in less time with a much smaller staff. Dave will give an overview of these changes during his SPAC session.
CPP MiniPros Sports Photos- Owner
Traditional, green screen & composite photography demos with focus on recommendations for beginners. Insights and tips on best picture day photography practices will be covered to insure successful and seamless lab production and completion of volume orders.
Schools 101 12:00 - 12:45 By Jeff Edwards Scholastic Reflections Photography, President Schools 101- What schools and parents expect and in the Famous words of Bob Dylan “The Times They
Hiring Employees.. How To and WHY 13:00 - 14:30 By Danny & Dianne Rabalais Studio 530 Photography California School Photography- Owners
Are A Changin”. We will discuss what the expectations of the school (the people who decide if you get hired) and the parents (the people who pay you) have had in the past. Things significantly changed this past fall, business in many cases was done in many different ways. We will talk about how these changes will likely affect how business is done going forward. We will talk about different methods used to do school business so you can be preparing your business models and workflows going forward. How do these systems allow you to compete with the big guys.
Employee applications, interviews and who to hire. How to fine the right ones. Background checks, training and supervising. Written guidelines and employee handbooks. Written shoot evaluations and critiques. When employees go bad... In the voice of Princess Elsa, Let em GOOOOO, Let em GOOOOO!!! How to set yourself up for success before they even take a photo for you! Sales Trends and Data Analysis in Volume Photography 14:00 - 15:00 By Alex Kovacevic President ImaqeQuix/ Photolynx
Breaking into School Photography 12:45 - 13:45 By Matthew Kemmetmueller Kemmetmueller Photography- Lead Photographer/Owner
Pricing, KPI’s, analytics
School photography is a lucrative and
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thursday JAN. 28
Basic Sales for the Volume School Picture Industry 07:30 - 08:15 By Gig Brzycki Inter-State - Asst. Director of Sales, Brad Scott Inter State -National Wholesale Account Manager
In’s & Out’s of Onsite School ID’s 07:30 - 08:15 By Mike Norkin Cherished Memories- CEO Cherished Memories Photography has been working with schools producing Senior and Underclass
This class will be the perfect start to those photographers adding the volume school picture business to their portfolio.
Portraits for 20 years! Owner, Mike Norkin, has led the charge in expanding his business in what started with a small garage studio, to 4 studios spread out over Southern California with 80 schools, 13,500 contract seniors, and 100,000+ heads on a yearly basis! Join Mike and his lead staff in an overview of their workflow and processes for on-site Student IDs from capturing to printing!
Portraits / Lighting & Posing 09:30 - 10:15 By Suzette Allen A Picture of Hope- Photographic Artist, Educator. Join Suzette Allen, a portrait photographer of over 30 years and photo industry educator of 20 years,
for an informative and engaging course on the most flattering ways to light the face whether it be a senior in high school or a senior over 70! Posing is a vital skill too, where you can not only make your subjects look their best, but also help them appear natural and relaxed. Knowing how to direct your subject with confidence will visibly boost your client’s comfort AND confidence in the session! The course will cover the foundation of lighting techniques and how to confidently set up your lights for portraiture. Posing for flattery and dimension is key for clients to like their portraits. Consider your posing skills (and your retouching skills) as “job security”! Suzette will show you the core elements to flattery and how to direct a client without getting in their space or touching them!
Mastering Virtual Team Photography 07:30 - 08:15 By Wes Kroninger Next Gen Photo Solutions- Owner In this session Wes Kroninger will guide you on a tour of 3 different
studios where 3 different photographers will give you their tips on photographing virtual teams for volume photography. We will speak with Sean Bass in Ohio about the photographic basics of virtual groups. Sean will discuss set up, metering, lighting and (most importantly) how to keep the individual players scaled properly in the final image. We will then talk with photographer Sheryl Bashore in Pennsylvania about how dance photography can be unique using this virtual group process. She will guide you through her experiences of creating these virtual groups for dance schools in a volume setting. Then, Dana Chapman in Virginia will discuss how to put this knowledge together and train staff photographers to create these images quickly, creatively and consistently. Because as business owners we know the best workflow is the one someone else can do. What you will learn in this class: - Why and how to create virtual groups - An efficient workflow - Lighting and posing techniques - Using storyboards or reference images - Dance specific virtual group tips - Consistent correct scaling for virtual teams - Training and working with staff photographers - And more!
Dance School Photography from a Dancer’s Perspective 09:30 - 10:15 By Jonathan Givens EPS Entertainment Photography Specialists, Master Photographer CPP
Dance schools are a monster unto themselves. Sure, you could run them like any other volume event, but to really reach your subjects, you need a little something extra. Learn how dealing with dancers on their own terms will help you increase your sales, and improve the quality of your work, while adding additional clients to your portrait studio as well. Isn’t that the pointe? =)
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thursday JAN. 28
friday JAN. 29
What is the Yearbook CD all about? 09:30 - 10:15 By Bill Freeman Freeman Photography A history of the Yearbook CD and why it is important! Go Beyond Customer Expectations 13:00 - 14:00 By Lisa Mallis PhotoDay- VP, Business Development 84% of customers say being treated like a person, not a number, is
Getting Started in School Photography 07:30 - 08:30 By Curtiss Bryant Curtiss Bryant Photography School photography is a competitive market and difficult to break into.
This class will walk you through the school photography process. We will discuss how to break into the schools, how to get your company in position for success once you get that school contract and how to keep your clients excited about your business. Selling Online: Image is
Everything 07:30 - 08:30 By Jay Boatwright SMAX Photography- Owner Learn how to quickly execute a picture day in the volume world using
very important to winning their business. 63% of customers expect companies to provide new products/ services more frequently than ever before. Customer expectations are high and technology is evolving at a breakneck pace. You’ll learn what it takes to not only meet but exceed your customer’s expectations in this rapidly changing world of volume photography.
“progressions”. Multiple poses and expressions are key to giving parents what they want and increasing your sales. In this 60 minute presentation, Jay Boatwright will share key techniques that will allow you to stand out and be successful with selling volume photography in an online world.
Success through Crisis 14:30 - 16:00 By David Drum H&H Color Lab- Head of Business Development Crisis has a way of clarifying our priorities. No photographic business was untouched by recent events and
Interviewing and Hiring employees, Training and Managing Employees 07:30 - 08:30 By Karl Boettcher Visual Image Photography- Photography Manager Hiring is the most important thing a
while each business’s experience was different, we can all learn from the experience of others. Hosted by David Drum, of H&H Color Lab, in this session we will meet studios who are willing to share their local story, journey through crisis, how they failed and adjusted, how they survived, and their view of the volume picture business moving forward.
manager does. And if you hire well, you will need to manage less. This hour long session is split into 2 sections, with a 10-minute Q&A period after each section. In the first part, you’ll learn how to find candidates for your job. Learn where to look, and how to write a want ad that attracts people to your job openings. Learn how to conduct a successful interview and what steps to take after it’s over. What questions should you ask? Which questions should you avoid? How should you evaluate the people you interview? Finally, in the first section, what do you do when you’re ready to hire someone? Find out what key steps you should take to create an onboarding process that gets your new hire excited to work for you. In the second section, what do you need to know to create a great training program? Once a new hire is working for you, how do you help them become a high performing employee? Are you a manager, a leader, or both? Is there a difference? How to get the most out of your employees by being a better boss.
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friday JAN. 29
Getting Past the Gatekeeper 09:45 - 10:30 By Neal Freed & Bryan Blanken Freed SPIRIT It doesn’t matter how good you are, if you can’t get past the gatekeeper you’re not going to get the school.
Getting more accounts, Taking your business to the next level! 08:45 - 09:30 By Dan Serfilippi United Portraits- Professional Problem Solver Prospect, Meet, Present, Close. Sounds easy right? For most people,
Neal Freed and Bryan Blanken of FreedSPIRIT will share the techniques they have developed that have been instrumental in their rapid growth. While there’s no guarantee of success, prior attendees have said this class changed their business more than any other.
not so much. If you want to grow your business, that means you must get new accounts. Find the motivation to get them. In this session, let’s get excited about growing your business and taking it to the next level.
Indoor and Outdoor Lighting Techniques 09:45 - 10:30 By James Schmelzer Elite Photographic Studio- Owner/ Operator
How to Shoot, Sell and Grow Your Volume Dance Photography Business 08:45 - 09:30 By Rose Coleman Center Stage Photos- Owner Join renowned dance photographer
James will take you step by step through the theory and techniques behind great studio lighting. Watch a demonstration explaining in depth a variety of different lighting patterns , and when to use them based on facial analysis . Class will also cover white balance and outdoor lighting techniques and a variety of equipment available . James will be shooting with Lumix camera and will demonstrate why he has chosen Lumix cameras for his photography.
Rose Coleman as she shares her insights on the art of running and growing a successful volume dance photography business. This comprehensive talk will cover developing your own unique style, how to utilize social media and marketing strategies to grow your business, plus how to sell images in 2021 and increase your productivity and sales figures.
Maximizing Online Sales for Prepay Schools 09:45 - 10:30 By Brad Scott Inter-State -National Wholesale Account Manager
Staying Top of Mind in a Crowded Marketplace 08:45 - 09:30 By David Grupa Grupa Portrait LLC- Owner So you’ve made a conscious decision to add volume sports to your studio
Discussion of online sales results.
Protect your Business from Digital Pirates: Best Practices for Data Security 12:00 - 12:45 By Stuart Eaves ImageQuix VP of Engineering
offerings. You’ve got the gear, the talent and the workflow to produce quality images and deliver them promptly. You’ve even photographed your kid’s team and received positive feedback. But now you need actual clients. How do you get them to notice you when it seems that the “big box” companies have contracts locked up, or so many teams have “a parent with a nice camera” willing to do the photos for free? Join David Grupa as he walks through the ways he approached teams with “top of mind” marketing and how he converted many of them to become his clients. During his program, you’ll learn how he does some very simple things: · Identifying prospective teams and leagues. · “Stalking” teams (without being creepy!) · Make a difference with multiple impressions. · Adding value without writing a check.
he high seas of the internet are full of pirates, their bounty is your data. In case 2020 couldn’t get in worse, ransomware and data breaches are at an all time high. We will go over 7 areas you can improve to help protect your business and its most value asset... your data.
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friday JAN. 29
costume, we add in live bunny sessions on the weekends that bring in hundreds of people and can generate over 10K+ in revenue a weekend. I will discuss our computer / printer set up in detail, pricing, staffing, photo sets, where to get your costumes & live bunnies, and our financial setup with our garden center.
Specializing Sales Funnels for Volume Photographers 12:00 - 12:45 By Mitchell Moore BigMoneyPhotography Every business has a sales funnel - some just don’t work. Mitchell will
Hard lessons. What can we learn from Lifetouch’s 2020 debacle? 13:00 - 13:45 By Chris Wunder Volume Imaging Professionals, LLC. Executive. Director
help you define the elements of your funnel and create a unique sales process (funnel) that guides targeted customers through the process to sign with YOU. Free sample funnels are provided (through accessible links) to anyone attending the class.
Like it or not, the School & Preschool photo industry is greatly influenced by product and service benchmarks set by Minnesota’s “dark side.” The good news is that their challenges thru 2020 can spell o-p-p-o-r-t-u-n-i t-y for local, independent volume photographers who outwit and outplay them. Learn the latest about what’s happening at Lifetouch, and how you can take advantage of it.
Hands off PreSchools: Being a Volume Photographer during Covid 13:00 - 13:45 By Robin & Jennifer Janson Sock Monkey Photographer- Owner/ Operators
High Volume Portraits and the benefits of Tethering 14:00 - 14:45 By Michele Celentano High Volume Photography can mean so many different things. Volume photography can be school portraits,
This class is the perfect opportunity for all levels of photographers from the established studio to the complete novice. Come learn how to add a new revenue stream to your studio or how to start making money by getting into volume photography. Join us as we discuss how to start, build, and maintain a successful volume business and the unique trials and tribulations we encountered during 2020. You’ll learn what marketing and sales techniques work Learn basic lighting and posing techniques Watch and learn how to properly do extractions for composites We will also cover workflow and uploading options to your lab This class starts you off in the right direction so you can hit the ground running into the wonderful world of Volume Photography!
sports teams, community theater, corporate headshots, etc. It can be more modernized by changing the posing, the lighting, and using new techniques to capture these photos. High-Volume can also be a very profitable business. Join Michele Celentano to learn more about how she approaches her High-Volume sessions and how she has grown her business into a successful and profitable business.
Grad Ceremonies- from Traditional to Virtual 14:00 - 14:45
Easter Bunny and Santa Portraits at a Garden Center 13:00 - 13:45 By Rich Banick Rich Banick Photography From my experience over the past 8 years, I will talk about how we run
By Alison Counts Candid Color & TSS Photography-Marketing Director and VP - Franchise Development
How to make money and be a hero for your schools with traditional and virtual graduations! We will talk about the process, pricing and the top items you need to know to be successful.
successful Easter Bunny and Santa portrait sessions at a local garden center. I will explain the equipment we use to shoot, sell and print these photos on location as fast as possible. In addition to our Easter Bunny we have in a
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friday JAN. 29
saturday JAN. 30
Marketing Automation - A practical how-to program to automate your marketing 14:00 - 14:45 By Elias Jo Entourage Yearbooks- CEO
New Perspective on Traditional School Photography 08:00 - 08:45 By Mary Beth Kully Schoolhouse Pictures- Founder & CEO Since the COVID-19 outbreak, schools must factor health standards into
Marketing is one of the most important aspects to growing a
every decision. School picture days are no exception. At Schoolhouse Pictures, we specialize in taking outdoor pictures which are a safe alternative to traditional school pictures. Additionally, our online ordering process means less handling for school staff and parents. School pictures have not changed much in 100 years. Most companies still use paper order forms, require parents to prepay without seeing their pictures, take only one picture, use fake backdrops, and use camera operators rather than actual photographers. In 2008, I started Schoolhouse Pictures to create a more modern look and tie pictures to education at childcare centers and elementary schools across the nation. We have been way ahead of the industry by doing it differently.
business and in today’s ever changing landscape of technology change can make it hard to keep up. We’ve compiled 5 practical steps to automate key aspects of your marketing campaigns so that your marketing is working, even when you’re not. Automate your emails, your follow-ups, your post-cards mailers, your online social media posts to drive awareness of your business and leads for revenue. Elias is the CEO of Entourage Yearbooks and runs sales and marketing for Entourage. His background is as a sales and marketing consultant from McKinsey & Company where he advised fortune 500 companies on how to drive efficiency is sales and marketing investments.
The current state of the Industry 15:00 - 15:45 By Benedikt Greifenhofer GotPhoto Co-Founder & CEO US/CA After an unexpected 2020, let’s take a moment to see where we’re at. Join
Intro to High School Banner 08:00 - 08:45 By Chris Garcia GSP Studios Inc.- Owner Trying to get into high school banners but not sure where to start or how to start? We’ll go over some
Benedikt as he evaluates the current state of the volume photo industry and looks ahead to the future. Where is the industry going? How can you succeed? Benedikt will answer these questions, plus discuss the trend to online sales, share key industry statistics, and explain how this can be your best year yet as a volume photographer. You don’t want to miss this!
of the workflows from set up to processing and printing to make your life easier. We’ll go over some of the tips and tricks to make future shoots more efficient and post processing a breeze!
WhyMaster 201 - Targeting your message to specific personality types 08:00 - 08:45 By Mitchell Moore BigMoneyPhotography
The “Class Carts” 15:00 - 16:00
By Danny & Dianne Rabalais Studio 530 Photography California School Photography- Owners The “Class Cart”… the new school photography.
After discussing the basics of WHY at last year’s SPAC we’ll dive deeper into specific message formats for targeting different personality types as you seek to book schools, leagues, etc. Specific message examples will show how to craft your message for each or all of the types involved.
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saturday JAN. 30
Leveraging Technology in Uncertain Times 10:00 - 10:45 By TJ Rak The Artona Group, Bill Freeman Freeman Photography
Business Growth During Challenging Times 09:00 - 09:45 By Robert SteMarie 36Pix- CEO In this session, Robert will discuss how Green Apple Studio used this past year to innovate and promote
2020 changed a lot of things, unfortunately it didn’t change the fact that volume photographers still need to manually edit images. Learn about how this year provided opportunities to leverage cutting edge AI to help with color correction, cropping and retouching tasks from both the perspective of a seasoned professional and a technology minded photographer.
growth. These challenging times have been the perfect opportunity to turn a bad situation into a good one by focusing on core strengths such as deep learning and creating new content for the industry.
Studio Panel: Accelerate with Caution- Investing in your business during uncertain times 10:00 - 10:45 By Marilyn Lam VP of Sales ImageQuix/ Photolynx
The Art of Scaling 09:00 - 09:45 By Matthew Kemmetmueller Kemmetmueller Photography- Lead Photographer/Owner
In this session, we will talk about the steps we took to scale up our business while making sure that we didn’t sacrifice profitability, consistency, client, or customer experience. We’ll talk about software that has simplified our work. How we moved from prepay to view first and the way these changes and advances have made up more desirable to new schools!
As school photography moves toward recovery, let’s hear how some of our Industry partners have used this challenging time to invest in the future. An essential step in making sure your studio is ready to tackle what’s next is executing on prudent and timely investments to ensure efficiency, security, quality, and scalability for long term growth. Please join us in a panel discussion to learn more and reflect on 2020, a year for the record books. Finding the silver lining and how we can use difficult situations for opportunities to improve are important perspectives. Moderator: Marilyn Lam, Vice President of Sales - PhotoLynx & ImageQuix
Out with the old Printed Id Cards and in with the New Digital Ids 09:00 - 09:45 By Marty Brown Excel Photographers- Owner / High 5- Owner
Creating a video marketing brochure 10:00 - 10:45 By Eric Miller MillerFoto - Owner Takeaways, assembling all the required assets to create a marketing video brochure for your youth sports
Printed Id cards are the bane of the existence for school photographers and photo labs. On site instant Id cards are the worst but any printed id is time consuming, costly, and fraught with problems. Marty Brown from High5.id, Bob Winkler of PhotoVisions PVID and Dan Fisher of SelfieID will have a roundtable discussion about this latest innovation is school photography. We will focus on the cost savings, reduction of labor and sales advantages when you move your school to the cloud. Sales tips on how to educate your schools to the advantages of going digital. Jump on in and see what the future looks like.
or school photography company. * How long should the video be * what software platforms to use to create it * What hardware/cameras is required * Where to post the Videos and how to share them Eric will go through the steps to create a Video Marketing Brochure that will demonstrate how your company is organized, ontime and why Schools and Sports Leagues should partner with you.
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saturday JAN. 30
NO QR or Bar Codes- A Tetherless Workflow System that Works! 12:00 - 12:45 Success/ Survival= A State of Mind! By Calvin Harrell, Jr. My Legacy Matters
A Case of Acute Disruption: Digital Transformation Through the Lens of the Pandemic 12:00 - 12:45 By Justin Hogeterp STOODIO, by FluidMedia- Chief Engineering Officer/Co-Founder
Resiliency is the unspoken secret of SURVIVAL. From start-up and through the years, the inevitable is the unpredictable. Challenges are not a matter of if, but of when. We are living through an extreme condition of uncertainty today and our individual tenacity and mental strength is the main tool we have to survive and achieve our vision success. Whether we pivot products, services or markets, those that know success use the pain of the struggle to grow into their future. In this session, Calvin Harrell, Jr. will share insight and perspective gained over 40 years in this industry and in business.
For nearly all businesses, digital transformation mandates aren’t new; they’ve simply and rapidly been brought into sharp focus over the last 12 months. It’s clear and irrefutable that the pandemic has pushed companies and organizations past a plethora of stubborn technology tipping points—and transformed business forever. In this session we’ll discuss the state of digital disruption, adoption, and transformation hastened by COVID 19; current trendlines, forecasts, proof points; and the opportunities these swift and sharp consumer and market shifts are creating for the digital imaging, print, and publishing industries, and particularly in the school and sports photography markets. Because properly harnessed, transformative digital technologies deliver move-ahead strategies and opportunities to realign your business around the customer to create a more connected, profitable, and well-positioned enterprise on the other side of the pandemic.
Maximize Profits by Mastering Workflow 13:00 - 14:00 By Tim MacDonald Image Art Studio- Owner Practices to optimize your online school photography workflow & Always be Innovating! 13:00 - 13:45 By Dennis & Kelsey Kleiman Stomping Ground Photography When Covid hit in March, we had to cancel 70+ Spring shoots. We knew this Fall would be a disaster, so we
reduce your time in front of the computer.
NO QR or Bar Codes- A Tetherless Workflow System
that Works! 12:00 - 12:45
By Stella Crase Stella Crase, CPP MiniPros Sports Photos- Owner
Demo and instruction of the tetherless and automated workflow solution by PhotoDay using their Capture/Facial Recognition software for both schools and sports volume photographers.
developed “Remote Picture Day” to remotely capture school pictures using widely available technology.
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saturday JAN. 30
Survey Results – How COVID Effected Consumer Attitudes Towards Photography 14:00 - 15:00 By Ed Monahan Edward Monahan Consulting, LLC.- President
Let’s get candid about Social photography- having fun and making money! 13:00 - 13:45 By Alison Counts Candid Color & TSS Photography-Marketing Director and VP - Franchise Development
We know and felt the pain of school closings, graduation ceremonies cancelled, leagues suspended, and events deferred – if the kids ain’t there, there’s no volume photography. But how did COVID effect consumer attitudes towards photography? We conducted a survey this summer that explored the effects COVID had on consumer attitudes, outlook, and intent to purchase. The results are fascinating and reveal how COVID has effected what’s important to them in context of family and photo, has changed their attitude towards pro photography, and what lifestyle changes are expected that will require pro photographers to adjust their products, processes and models. This session will unpack the learning and discovery from the survey and present the results – many which may be pleasantly surprising!
Many photographers cover social events as part of school contracts. And even more see social events as an opportunity to make money but bill for their time. But we have several different models for making money at social events ranging from high school dances or charity balls to fan photography at tailgating. Learn the tips & tricks you need to be successful in social!
We are now on Instagram: SPACUSA and Twitter @SPACusaorg And a growing community on our Facebook page! See you next year! S PAC 2 0 2 2
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Studio workflow Better. Faster. Studio workflo Be ter. Faster.
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At Fotomerchant, we’re not just on the cutting edge — we’re out there defining it. Our updated look is just the start of the innovations we’ve got in store for your studio. We help you capture more conveniently, process more intelligently, transact more profitably, and manage data more securely. But most importantly, we do it in one integrated solution that connects camera to e-commerce, instantly. Come see us and discover a workflow revolution. Just wait till you see what we’ve been up to…
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Juan Agosti Photogenesys
Sandy Akre Little Rascals Portraits
Stewart Alexander Academy Photography
Jessica Allen J.Allen Photography
Jennyfer Almanzar GotPhoto Inc.
Eli Amon Eli Amon Photo Inc OA focus On Children
Robert Anderson GFcrew
Jesus Arambula Marc Shot This Photography
Gabe Arango In & Out Photo
Haim Ariav Glossy Finish
Avital Azis Digi-Tal photography
Michael Baird GotPhoto Inc.
Rob Baker Christmas City Studio
Rich Banick Rich Banick Photography
Wayne Barksdale Barksdale School Portraits
Beverly Battaglini Digital Memories
Jesse Beals Olympic Photo Group
Lindsey Bedward Lindsey Ludvik Photography
Marco Beinbrech GotPhoto Inc.
Jose Belen MackayMitchell Photopak
Jaqueline Bermudez Memory Makers
Paul Bilgore Lauren Studios
Jeffrey Bishop 1st Photo
Mary Bjerke 1959
Matthew Blakeburn Blakeburn Studios
Bryan Blanken FreedSPIRIT Photo Group
Brandon Blessing Blessed Memories Photography
Clifford Blueitt My Legacy Matters
Karl Boettcher Visual Image Photography
Jeffrey Bohmann Network Photography
Chip Bowen BPI Photgraphy
Loran Brantley Pacific Portraits
John Brennan Brennan Photography
Traci Brennan Brennan Photography
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Nannette Brindle Icon Schools & Sports Inc
Tom Brooke Quality School Portraits
Mariah Brown Excel Photographers
Marty Brown Excel Photographers
Evan Brown High5.ID
Kendrick Brown KAPPHOTOS.COM
Angela Bruns Angela Archer Photography LLC
Stephan Bulawa School Portraits
Pat Cahill ACI
Joy Cahill-Egleston Cahill Studios
Charlie Cannon Roger Cannon Photography
Tim Card past SPAC Prez/BM
Peggy Card past SPAC Prez/BM spouse
Francois Carlet-Soulages NOI Pictures
Kristin Casares Glamourcraft Photography
Michele Celentano PMA School Porttraits
Andre Chaco Fotop
Karen Chadderton Photo Life
Katherine Chandler
Dana Chapman Game Face Sports 757
Hector Chong Boyd Anderson Photography
Corey Clark E. D. Clark School Photography
Gary Coleman Coleman Photography LLC
Kathy Comeau 36pix
Ashlee Comeau photo expressions
Ron Comeau Photo Expressions
Bradley Cooper Modern Images Inc.
Coree Cooper SPAC
Annette Coronado Coronado Photography
Stella Crase MiniPros
Bruce Croft Croft’s Photographic Services
Patricia Croft Croft’s Photographic Services
Brian Crussel Personal Touch Portrait Studios
Renato Cukier Fotop
Octavious Cummings O.C. Photography
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Lynne Darroch MementoPix Inc.
Michella Davenport MDphotography
Stephen Davenport MDphotography
Denucci Denucci Cahill Studios
Donald Depew Normandy Studio
Cathie Derosia Pacific Portraits
Cyndie Devries Cyndie Lee Photography
Jeffrey Dicosimo Premier Portraits Studio
Candace Dicosimo-Byrne Premier Portraits Studio
David Doehren Prime Sports team Photography
Nikki Doo Perfect Portraits Hawaii
Jeff Dunst Noritsu America Corporation
Christoph Ebhart GotPhoto Inc.
Jeffrey Edwards Scholastic Reflections
Brad Eels Barksdale School Portraits
Dan Eichmeier Visual Image Photography
Chuck Elbert TimMcConnell Photography
Mary Englund Amidon Graphics
Eric Englund Class Act Portraits
Kendra Englund Class Act Portraits
Tom Ewart AlabamaHS.Photo
Brenda Ficco Hawkes School Portraits
Caytlin Floyd Creative Imaging Center
Joshua Folmar MJ & Company Photography
Justine Fouquart-Poulin 36pix
Crystal Garcia-Griffin Phireworx Photography
Jill Garrett Traditions Portraits
Kristof Gatter GotPhoto Inc.
Mary Jo Gawrick MJ & Company Photography
Jim Giunta Pounds Photo Lab
Rick Glomb Canon USA
Colleen Gonsar Colleen & Co.
Jeff Gonsar Colleen & Co.
Carrie Graziano iSmile Studios
Robert Green Patrick Green Pictures
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Benedikt Greifenhofer GotPhoto Inc.
Rashad Griffin Phireworx Photography
Roger Grondin Studio G Photography
Jeffrey Groton South Coast Photographic
Yanto Guntur South Coast Photographic
Mike Gurley Canon U.S.A
Dean Gurr Creative Imaging Center
Monique Gurr Creative Imaging Center
Photo Guy The Photo Guys
Christopher Haddad White’s Studios
Shayna Hanneman Excel Photographers
John Harmann Harmann Studios
Calvin Harrell My Legacy Matters
Charles Harrell My Legacy Matters
Calvin Harrell3 My Legacy Matters
Marian Heinkel Take2 Photography
Susanne Henkel Energy-Imaging
Elizabeth Hockmeyer- Williams Barksdale School Portraits
Will Holder Traditions Portraits
Mark Hollingsworth Mark Hollingsworth Photography
Stephen Hopson Lasting Memories
Carlton Hubbard Carlton Hubbard Photography
Diana Hubbard Carlton Hubbard Photography
Salena Hubble Images4Kids
William Hubble Images4Kids
Marion Hughes Pounds Photo Lab
Anne Hull Focused School Photography
Gary Huntting Bronson Photography
Alex Ipiotis Island Photography
Carmel Jane Carmel Jane Photography Ltd
Simon Jimenez Jimenez Vision Photography
Ken Jochmann
Gary Johansen Glamourcraft Photography
Jason Johnson JAJ Photo
Bill Johnson Picture Day Pro
Tourine Johnstone Johnstone Studios
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Trevor Johnstone Johnstone Studios
Beth Jones BJK Photos
Shawn Jones Jones Photoraphy
Willard Jones Jones Photoraphy
Todd Judd School Annual by Jostens
Brittny Keding Creative Imaging Center
Kalyn Kelly Photolynx/ImageQuix
Nick Kerstetter Colleen & Co.
Rylee Kerstetter Colleen & Co.
Janet King BJK Photos
Randy Kirihara Linhoff Photo
Dennis Kleiman Stomping Ground Photo
Kelsey Kleiman Stomping Ground Photo
Malissa Knieriem Excel Photographers
Peter Koop Jalea Technology
Fred Koppold Tenth Street Photography
Lori Koppold Tenth Street Photography
Alex Kovacevic Photolynx/Imagequix
Clifford Kuan Clifford Photography
Mayda Kuan Clifford Photography
Austin Laird Michael Negrete Photography
David Lake Inter-State Imaging Services
Paul Lam The Artona Group
Dennis Lange Lange Photographics
Matthew Lassiter GotPhoto Inc.
Cher__ Leonard C&L Photography
Charles Leonard Leonard Photography
Gina Leonard Leonard Photography
Sharon Leppellere SeaNicStudios
Mike Limbach Studio Source Yearbooks
Sheila Ling Classic Photo
Tom Ling Classic Photo
Sebastien Loffler Picture Day
Chris Lommel Lommel Photography
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Breeana Lootens Breeanalootensphotography
Alejandro Lopez My Life Images
Cynthia Lopez SD Images
John Lopez SD Images
Karen Lopushinsky Turville Photography
Steve Lopushinsky Turville Photography
John Lovasko Memory Makers
Ariel Marte PCL West
Tod Martin Martin Photography
Paul Martinez Studio 5 School Portraits
Tracy Marx Network Photography
Daryl Matthews Vidcom Studio
Rob Mauldin Capturelife
John Maurer Maurer Photography
Stephanie Mccauley iSmile Studios
TimMcdonald Normandy Studio
David Medina
Kimberly Melloan Line Drive Photography LLC
Stephanie Metcalf School Photo Marketing
Jt Michaelson JT Studios
Sheila Michaelson JT Studios
Marty Miller Blakeburn Studios
Shirley Miller Heirloom Portraits Inc.
Nathan Mitchell MackayMitchell Photopak
Michael Mondry MementoPix Inc.
Serena Moore Creative Imaging Center
Jordan Moore Edge Imaging
Mitchell Moore PortaitEFX
Jean Moreno Memory Makers
Brandy Moton Moton Photography
Arjen Mulder aqua.baby by Arjen Mulder Fotografie
Enrique Munoz Enrique Mu__oz
Ben Musgrove Bell Imaging
Kristina Musgrove Bell Imaging
Paul Neal PMA School Porttraits
Michael Negrete Michael Negrete Photography
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Nicholas Nesmith BPI Photography
Peter Nicholson Cornerstone Photography
Hark Nijjar GTA Sports Photography
Joe Nobile Carey Lynn Photography
Matt Nolan Network Photography
Kathryn Northcott Northcott Photography
Carlie Oakenshield Blakeburn Studios
Darryl Obayashi Hager Photography
Shannon Obayashi Hager Photography
Maria Olejar MackayMitchell Photopak
Janet Oliver Adanac PRO Imaging
Mark Oliver Adanac PRO Imaging
Todd Olson Image Outfitters Photography
Kelsey Page Creative Imaging Center
Gary Pageau Photobook.ai
Kregg Partee Wingard Photography
Stephanie Pearce Pearce Photo
Oliver Perialis
Larry Peters Main Street Photography
Krisztina Petersen Grads Photography
Niels Peterson United Portraits Franchise
Dave Piazza FJ-Westcott
Tony Pimentel BMLLC dba My KidPak School Portraits
Tanya Pitman Photolynx/ImageQuix
Elmar Platzer Fotomerchant
Dave Pond Edge Imaging
Gary Poole RetouchUp.com
Mike Powell In & Out Photo
Kasey Princell Cash Flow Solutions Inc.
Markus Prosselt GotPhoto Inc.
Anna Punches Glamourcraft Photography
Frank Quick Quick & Smart Photography
Mary Quick Quick & Smart Photography
Danny Rabalais Studio 530
Dianne Rabalais Studio 530
Michael Rak The Artona Group
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