2020 SPAC Book final proof

Click Here to purchase printed copy

Check with Registration Desk for details. Open browser and look for “School Photographers”

We are on Instagram: SPACUSA and Twitter @SPACusaorg And a growing community on our Facebook page!

The SPAC Annual Conference is an open forum event. As such, the integrity of who we as individuals are communicating or sharing with is paramount. This event is sponsored by the School Photographers Association of California. Your attendance at this event is your agreement that there will be no electronic recording of sessions or conversations without the express permission of the presenter during any formal or informal scheduled or unscheduled session. Such recordings could result in information of a proprietary nature being disseminated to unwanted parties and could pose a risk to the propounding party. Still images of the activities of the conference may be taken by conference staff or others to be used in publications both electronic and paper and in marketing materials for future conferences.

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I first attended SPAC 17 years ago withmy Dad in the small ballroom at the Flamingo on the strip. I had just entered the industry full-time after graduating fromUniversity. We arrived on a Friday morning and joined one of two round tables being 2 of about 30 people that had shown up for the ‘pre-con’. After lunch, SPAC launched in the early afternoon. The first speaker had a 1.5 hour time slot, with the first half to present and the latter half open for questions. There was only one room so you had one choice for what speaker you wanted to go to. We had a huge networking break with an attendance close to 80 people. At the time, the majority were from the state of California. During the networking break, about 4 vendors showed up with a suitcase each and paid for their vendor table. It was just a table with a few brochures and a retractable display (some of these vendors are still a part of the show today!) Networking continued and we had time to visit with all four vendors, then separate groups went off to dinners where my learning continued. That was the first day of SPAC for me--I was pretty new to the industry and still unsure if I was going to stay and join the family business. At dinner, a few people askedme the usual (well, now I know they are the usual) questions: How many heads do you photograph? Howmany schools do you have? What cameras do you use? After every question, I had to turn tomy dad and ask him for the answers. That night I learnedmore about the industry and the history of school photography frommany of the SPAC loyal. The next day there was one speaker in the morning and one in the afternoon. Vendors packed up and then it was time for the SPAC group photo. Networking resumed and people hung around until dinner or until they had to depart. That was it! Over the following years, I continued to attend SPAC and it grew slowly--moving venues a few times, adding vendors, and havingmore attendees volunteer their time to present and share their wisdom. Eventually I was“voluntold” to join the SPAC board where I started as the secretary, taking over fromGary. We have a whole team that has volunteered lots of hours throughout the year. A sincere thank you toWayne, Calvin, Marty and Beth--we are a great team and we always seem to have many laughs along the way. Last but not least, thank you to Coree for keeping us all on-task; she gives us 2 weeks off right after SPAC and then resumes with a conference debrief, review of feedback and surveys, and is off to planning for the next year! Word spread through the industry and around the world that this was the place to be if you were in school photography. SPAC expanded from two session tracks to four, and have fully included sports, pre-schools and dance photography. We have had somany volunteers dedicate their time to present, teach and facilitate 100’s of sessions so far. We can’t thank them enough. We have grown our list of supporting vendors from 16 to just over 100. Many of our vendors are long term attendees and do not hesitate to sign up year after year--thank you!

We have all come a long way fromour first SPAC. If this is your first SPAC, Welcome! We have learned fromothers, met new friends, and have advanced together as an industry. I look forward to seeing everyone at this year’s conference as we all FOCUS on 2020.

Sincerely, Michael Rak

Michael Rak The Artona Group

SPAC President January, 2020


Wayne T. Barksdale Barksdale School Portraits

Calvin Harrell, Jr. My Legacy Matters

Marty Brown Excel Photographers

Beth Jones Best Eye Photography

Coree Cooper The "SPAC Gal"

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7:00a 7:30a 8:00a 8:30a 9:00a 9:30a

7:00a 7:30a 8:00a 8:30a 9:00a 9:30a

SPAC University Sports 101 (8:00 am - Sonoma A)

Sales Training (8:00 am - Sonoma B)

SPAC University Schools 101 (8:00 am - Sonoma C)

Advanced Schools (8:00 am - Sonoma D)

10:00a 10:30a 11:00a 11:30a 12:00p 12:30p

10:00a 10:30a 11:00a 11:30a 12:00p 12:30p


1:00p 1:30p 2:00p 2:30p 3:00p 3:30p 4:00p 4:30p 5:00p 5:30p 6:00p 6:30p 7:00p 7:30p 8:00p 8:30p 9:00p

1:00p 1:30p 2:00p 2:30p 3:00p 3:30p 4:00p 4:30p 5:00p 5:30p 6:00p 6:30p 7:00p 7:30p 8:00p 8:30p 9:00p

SPAC University Sports 101 Cont. (1:00 pm - Sonoma A)

Sales Training Cont. (1:00 pm - Sonoma B)

SPAC University Schools 101 Cont. (1:00 pm - Sonoma C)

Advanced Schools Cont. (1:00 pm - Sonoma D)

Early Check In and Kick Off Social Disco Party co-hosted by SPAC and Candid Color Systems Conference Desk and Napa Room


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7:00a 7:30a 8:00a 8:30a 9:00a 9:30a

Marketing to Schools and Sports League Through the Use of Videos (8:30 am - Sonoma D)

Demo: A Quick Studio Set Up for Underclass (8:30 am - Napa)

Sports Photography - The Door To More!! (8:30 am - Sonoma A)

Breaking into School Photography (8:30 am - Sonoma B)

Hiring, Training, and Managing Employees (8:30 am - Sonoma C)

10:00a 10:30a 11:00a 11:30a 12:00p 12:30p


Demo: Mastering Lighting Techniques for

Best Practices for Volume Sports Photographers (10:15 am - Sonoma A)

How to Shoot, Sell and Grow your Volume Dance Photography Business (10:15 am - Sonoma B)

If YouWant To Make Everyone Happy.... Sell Ice Cream For A Living!! (10:15 am - Sonoma C)

The Next Generation High Volume Photographer (10:15 am - Sonoma D)

Senior Portraits (10:15 am - Napa)

Thursday Award Luncheon Exhibit Hall C & D

Registration Open

1:00p 1:30p 2:00p 2:30p 3:00p 3:30p 4:00p 4:30p 5:00p 5:30p 6:00p 6:30p 7:00p 7:30p 8:00p 8:30p 9:00p

Hybrid Sales Method (1:30 pm - Sonoma D) Transition From Paper (2:00 pm - Sonoma D) Better Simpler Headshots (2:45 pm - Sonoma D) Branding & Marketing (3:15 pm - Sonoma D)

Demo: Photographing Composite/Virtual Groups for Dummies (1:30 pm - Napa)

Discover WHY Your Decision Makers DoWhat They Do (1:30 pm - Sonoma A)

Volume Senior Photography In the Digital Age (1:30 pm - Sonoma B)

Sales Specifics - How to Strategically Double Your Business (1:30 pm - Sonoma C) Using Analytics to Create Better Portraits and More! (2:45 pm - Sonoma C)


Make Money with Action Photos (2:45 pm - Sonoma A)

How to Start a Side Business of Santa (2:45 pm - Sonoma B)

Demo: Photo Day Skills (2:45 pm - Napa)


Roundtable Schools: 60-200 Schools (4:00 pm - Sonoma C)

Roundtable Schools: 200-600 Schools (4:00 pm - Sonoma D)

Roundtable Sports (4:00 pm - Sonoma A)

Roundtable Schools: Under 50 Schools (4:00 pm - Sonoma B)

Hospitality Suite Hosted by ImageQuix

Hospitality Suite Hosted by Fluidmedia

Hospitality Suite Hosted by Candid Color

SPAC Speakeasy Co-Hosted by SPAC and H&H Color Lab (7:00 pm - 10:00 pm)

Live Music Provided by Justin and the Swingbeats SEE THE FULL 2020 SPAC SCHEDULE ONLINE!

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7:00a 7:30a 8:00a 8:30a 9:00a 9:30a

Continental Breakfast & Door Prizes (7:30 am - Napa)

Hiring Employees.. How To andWHY (8:30 am - Sonoma C&D)

International trends of school photography (8:30 am - Sonoma A)

Special Event Photograpy..... Let’s Make Some Money! (8:30 am - Sonoma B)


Forced Friendship (9:45 am - Sonoma C&D)

Offer Unprecedented Products Partnering with Non Profit Organizations (9:45 am - Sonoma A)

High School Sports- Marketing - Taking in to the next level. (9:45 am - Sonoma B)

10:00a 10:30a 11:00a 11:30a 12:00p 12:30p


Demo: Outdoor Sports (11:00 am - Pool Deck)

Kick-A$$ Marketing in an OnlineWorld (11:00 am - Sonoma C&D)

School Photography: A Complicated Mess, Streamlined & Simplified. (11:00 am - Sonoma A)

Preschool Photographer Secrets in 2020 (11:00 am - Sonoma B)

SPAC Trade Show (12:00 pm - Ballroom)

Lunch Served (12:00 pm - Ballroom & Napa)

Registration Open

1:00p 1:30p 2:00p 2:30p 3:00p 3:30p 4:00p 4:30p 5:00p 5:30p 6:00p 6:30p 7:00p 7:30p 8:00p 8:30p 9:00p

Moving the Needle - Mastering the Millennial Mindset (2:30 pm - Sonoma C&D)

Let’s Print Money Together....Legally (2:30 pm - Sonoma A)

The Future of Yearbooks (2:30 pm - Sonoma B)

The Success Formula: Innovate + Elevate + Delight (3:45 pm - Sonoma C&D) Photolynx Legacy Award Presentation (3:30 pm - Sonoma C&D)

Dinner Served (6:00 pm - Napa)


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7:00a 7:30a 8:00a 8:30a 9:00a 9:30a

7:00a 7:30a 8:00a 8:30a 9:00a 9:30a

Continental Breakfast (7:30 am - Napa)

Door Prizes (8:30 am - Napa)

School and Sports Production In a Vertically Integrated Studio (9:00 am - Sonoma A)

Lighting and Posing for flattering Portraits (9:00 am - Sonoma B)

CompetingWith Large Companies (9:00 am - Sonoma C&D)

10:00a 10:30a 11:00a 11:30a 12:00p 12:30p 1:00p 1:30p 2:00p 2:30p 3:00p 3:30p 4:00p 4:30p 5:00p 5:30p 6:00p 6:30p 7:00p 7:30p 8:00p 8:30p 9:00p

10:00a 10:30a 11:00a 11:30a 12:00p 12:30p


SPAC talk #1 Reigning in the cost of ID Cards (10:15 am - Sonoma A)

SPAC Talk #2 Offline vs. Online Sales (10:15 am - Sonoma B)

Customer Success (10:15 am - Sonoma C&D)


Drone Photography (11:00 am - Sonoma A)

How to make money with sports action photography (11:00 am - Sonoma B)

View First sales- what is it? And how to crush it! (11:00 am - Sonoma C&D)

Lunch Served (12:00 pm - Ballroom & Napa)

SPACTrade ShowOpen and Lunch Served (12:00 pm - Ballroom) Registration Open

1:00p 1:30p 2:00p 2:30p 3:00p 3:30p 4:00p 4:30p 5:00p 5:30p 6:00p 6:30p 7:00p 7:30p 8:00p 8:30p 9:00p

King/Queen of the Hill of Ideas... Win Cash Prize! (2:30 pm - Sonoma C&D)

2020 Benchmark Report of the High-Volume Photography Industry (2:30 pm - Sonoma A)

SPAC Closing Meeting and Grand Prize Drawing (3:45 pm - Ballroom)

Hospitality Suite Hosted by Photolynx

Hospitality Suite Hosted by Fotomerchant


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1 – Casino 2 – Catalina Island Bar 3 – Del Mar Lounge 4 – Del Mar Deli 5 – Seattle’s Best and Kate’s Korner 6 – Hotel Registration

19 – Future Expansion 20 – Offices 21 – Elevators to Hotel 22 – Elevators to Self-Parking 23 – Cashier 24 – Race & Sports Book 25 – Access to Arena & Exhibit Hall 26 – Porte Cochere 27 – Escalators to Conference Center 28 – Escalators to Bowling & Bingo 29 – The Club 30 – Poker Room 31 – Showroom Bar 32 – Barber Shop 33 – Seduction Salon

7 – Nightclub/Showroom 8 – Showroom Box Office 9 – Silverado Steak House

10 – Don Vito’s Italian 11 – Coronado Cafe 12 – Big Sur Oyster Bar 13 – Michael’s 14 – Garden Buffet 15 – Gift Shop 16 – Casino Host Offices 17 – Restrooms 18 – Escalators to Century Theatres

34 – Spa & Fitness Center 35 – Pool Deck (Outdoor)



1 – Grand Ballroom 2 – Napa & Sonoma Rooms 3 – Meeting Rooms  Newport  Balboa  Huntington  Laguna  Monarch 4 – Conference Registration 5 – Prefunction 6 – Sales and Catering 7 – Kids Tyme Child Care 8 – Arcade

9 – Restrooms 10 – Bowling 11 – Bingo 12 – Bar/Snack Bar 13 – Pro Shop 14 – Movie Box Office 15 – Concessions

16 – Century South Point 16 17 – Bowling Meeting Rooms

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thursday JAN. 23

Hiring, Training and Managing Employees 8:30 a - 10:00 a Karl Boettcher You cannot grow your organization successfully without good people. So where do you find those good people? How do you know if you’re really hiring

Demo: A Quick Studio Set Up for Underclass 8:30 a - 10:00 a Larry Peters Demonstration of a quick set up for underclass that will insure quality images and guarantee safety of students. This should change the speed and ways that Sports Photography: The Door to More!! 8:30 a - 10:00 a Willard & Shawn Jones Join us for this lively discussion on how to leverage information you glean from your order form to expand and grow your senior market. We will also discuss ways to

good people, and avoid making bad hiring decisions? Now that you’ve hired them, what steps do you take to teach them how to do the job? Finally, how can you effectively manage your staff once they’re trained? This will be an interactive session that will guide you through the recruitment process, interview questions to ask, onboarding, training your new hires, and managing a staff that will help you grow your business. A good staff is the foundation that lets you build a better company.

many studios shoot underclass.

Demo: Mastering Lighting Techniques for Senior Portraits

10:15 a - 11:30 a James Schmelzer

convert sports clients into social media followers and eventually into paying senior clients. Then turn those seniors into walking, talking advertisements for how awesome you are! Warning: Not for photographers who are afraid of change, doing things differently or those who don’t like to shake up things periodically. Breaking Into School Photography 8:30 a - 10:00 a Matthew Kemmetmueller everything you need to know to start pursuing the complicated and profitable world of underclass photography. Discover how and why to shoot tethered, learn about different software solutions, tips on writing bids as well as how to automate your workflow. This class is perfect for anyone who has thought of diving into this market but even the most experienced school photographer may pick things up! Takeaways: How to get into the schools that are right for your business The best way to choose the software and gear you’ll need How to put together bids and win over the schools The most efficient way to order and deliver products How to automate the retouching process Breaking into school photography is not easy! But in this class the illustrious, second generation photographer Matthew ‘The Body’ Kemmetmueller is ready to share

James will take you step by step through the theory and techniques behind great studio lighting. Watch a live demonstration explaining in depth a variety of different

lighting patterns , and when to use them based on facial analysis . Class will also cover outdoor lighting techniques and a variety of techniques available . James will be shooting with Lumix camera and will demonstrate why he has chosen Lumix cameras for his photography. Best Practices for Volume Sports Photographers 10:15 a - 11:30 a Di Murphy This session will cover almost 2 dozen areas of best practices including: Knowing your Equipment; numbering systems; organizing picture day; scheduling picture day; signage and banners; flags, traffic lines and poles; organizing images; check lists; downloading and backing up images; job assignments; job reports; getting it right in the camera- and more. How to Shoot, Sell and Grow Your Volume Dance Photography Business 10:15 a - 11:30 a Carmel Jane Hear how Carmel Jane is the leading Dance Volume photographer in England and shoots over 300 dance recitals every year. Carmel Jane will share the secrets on how to shoot dancers of all ages and abilities, how maximise sales, how to increase average customer value and how to grow your Dance Volume business. Fast, efficient systems for dance recitals equals high sales and happy customers. sponsored by Gotphoto.

Marketing to Schools and Sports League Through the Use of Videos 8:30 a - 10:00 a Eric Miller How to keep and retain leagues and schools. What content does your video need to have to get seen!

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thursday JAN. 23

Demo: Photographing Composite/Virtual Groups for Dummies 1:30 p - 2:30 p Wes Kroninger Are you tired of people being late for team photos? Dread the thought of of trying to get 20 children looking in the same

If You Want To Make Everyone Happy.... Sell Ice Cream For A Living!! 10:15 a - 11:30 a Shiloh Getz I want to meet and exceed all my school and league expectations......How? I want all my parents to have a great experience

direction at the same time? It may be the time to add virtual team photos to your processes. This session will show you the benefits and limitations of photographing for virtual team photos. Technology is making it possible to do these photos easily and often more efficiently than traditional team photos, however the photography process is vital to an easy post-production workflow. Let me show you how to start with the properly captured images to achieve amazing results. This session will cover: - Lighting and posing for composite team photos - No fuss proper scaling - Removing the mystery by working with example team layouts - Training your employees or stringers - How to sell this concept as part of your process

on picture day.......How? I want to get that authentic smile from all the students........How? Mom isn’t happy with her products and I need to fix that.........How? How do you handle all these things? In the world of the volume photography studio we have lots of customers; the decision makers, teachers, coaches, parents, and children. Each one of these people have very different expectations. Things that are important to one is not always the same for the other. As business owners we have to work hard to create a great customer experience. You need to be able to empower your team to handle anything that comes their way. In this class you will come away with effective communication plan that will meet all your customers needs. Remember it takes months to get customers and only seconds to lose them! Lean Business Practices 10:15 a - 11:30 a Jeff Williams The core idea of Lean Business Practices

Become a Whymaster- Discover WHY Your Decision Makers Do What They Do. 1:30 p - 2:30 p Mitchell Moore Taught from childhood to ask WHY? (not Why Not?), and professionally trained to help others succeed, Mitchell has

developed a culture of Whymasters, striving to see WHY? others do what they do, say what they say, and react the way they react. If you’ve ever wondered why your photography customers, staff members, and even your family members react differently, let Mitchell show you how we are all wired differently and how to effectively get your point across and succeed in relationships with those wired differently than yourselves. Maximize interactions with everyone in your life – you just need to understand how.

is to maximize customer value while minimizing waste. Simply, lean means creating more value for customers with fewer resources. A lean organization

understands customer value and focuses its key processes to continuously improve it. The ultimate goal is to provide perfect value to the customer through a value added creation process that has zero waste. This session will cover many of the concepts, terminology, and benefits of adopting Lean Business Practices. OUTDOOR - POOL DECK LOCATION

Volume Senior Photography In the Digital Age

Demo: Simplified Outdoor Photography 10:15 a - 11:30 a Marion Hughes Back by popular demand, This is an easily teachable system of matching ambient and flash exposure. This simpler method does not require helpers, scrims or bulky

1:30 p - 2:30 p Bill Freeman

Making all the pieces of the puzzle fit together. Freeman Photography started shooting Volume Seniors in 2005. Trying to figure out a workflow for our studio was a

great challenge...Scheduling, shooting, showing, proofing, selling, ordering, processing, fulfilment, delivering, communications. As time progresses some things changed and many tweaked. Find out how Freeman has become the choice of many of the private schools in the Houston area.

additional equipment. It works in any lighting situation.

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thursday JAN. 23

Demo: Photo Day Skills 2:45 p - 3:45 p Marion Hughes Studio photographers may need a new skill set to successfully take volume images. Learn how to get excellent portraits in less time without sacrificing quality or expression. We will cover quick age- Making the Transition From Paper Order Forms to Electronic Order Forms 2:00 p - 2:30 p Di Murphy We photograph approx. 25,000 players annually in sports, and this year we completely eliminated paper order forms

Sales Specifics- How to Strategically Double Your Business 1:30 p - 2:30 p Chip Wagner Over the last 5 years, our company has

in favor of electronic order form catalogs using Flip Books. This session will share exactly how we did it and what the response was from our customers and league contacts.

grown 10-12% per year. I’m happy to share a high level overview of the ‘Wagner Sales Specifics’. How we cold call & prospect, follow up, present and address bids/RFPs.

Hybrid Sales Method- The Best of 2 Worlds 1:30 p - 2:30 p Alison Counts Do you dream of the ease of customers placing their own orders online? But are you worried about giving up great picture- day sales? You are NOT alone! This is why

appropriate posing, head size and centering and a fool-proof data collection system. A demonstration of school day capture will pull it all together followed by Q and A. Full documentation will be offered. How to Start a Side Business of Santa 2:45 p - 3:45 p Rob Resing There is more to Santa photos than photographs 600 families per season, shooting only on weekends. Rob runs his Santa business from his home by creating a ‘pop- up’ studio location at a local strip mall. There will be nuggets of information for the experienced Santa photographer and for the newbie who is just starting out. Not only is photographing Santa fun, it will add to the bottom line of your business. Be Data Driven: Using Analytics to Create Better Portraits, Delight Your Clients, and Make More Money! 2:45 p - 3:45 p Eric Miller In this interactive and collaborative session, we will explore how you can turn data into dollars: Better Understand What Parents & Schools Want, Improve Photographer Performance and Increase Your Average Order. ** Eric Miller, President & CEO Irvin Simon Photographers, with Jennifer Ruckert, Senior Production Manager and Vince Pane, Senior Project Manager. getting kids to sit his lap. Rob Resing has been photographing this family tradition for the past 20 years. You’ll learn how he

we have created the HYBRID sales method which is the perfect marriage of pre pay and View First online photo marketing. You can make an upfront sale, but let the customer do the order entry for you. Plus you can get larger sales! And did I say….NO ORDER ENTRY?! Hear real-world examples where this consumer and photographer-friendly method is working for sports, dance schools, tournaments and more!


Demo: TAMING THE VARIABLES: SYSTEMIZING LOCATION SHOOTS 1:30 p - 3:00 p Kyle Anderson, Dave Stock Dave Stock and Kyle Anderson of TeamDSP will convene on the pool deck to demonstrate their systemized approach for selecting, lighting and executing a volume sports shoot. The challenges presented by outdoor and indoor venues are significant, particularly for a new photographer learning our business. TeamDSP’s answer is to have photographers approach each shoot with a list of seven questions that must be answered, in order, as they set up

their lights and plan the image capture workflow. They will demo lighting setups used for both outdoor and indoor shoots and share picture day tips that they use to routinely photograph eight teams (12 players each) and 90 individual player portraits per hour with a single photographer. Sponsored by Richmond Professional Lab and Panasonic Lumix.

SEE THE FULL SCHEDULE ONLINE! www.spac-usa.org/schedule

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thursday JAN. 23

friday JAN. 24

A Better and Simpler Way To Do Headshots 2:45 p - 3:15 p Larry Peters A photo booth set up to eliminate personal contact, no electrical cords and incredible lighting.

International Trends of School Photography 8:30 a - 9:30 a Carmel Jane Speakers: Carmel Jane - Carmel Jane Photography (UK // School and Dance School Arjen Mulder - Arjen Mulder Photography (Spain/Germany//

Underwater Baby and School) Stephanie McCauley – iSmile Studios (US // Preschool & School) Lizandra Zysman – (Brazil // School) Photographers all over the world will discuss trends and development of the school photography market. Sales methods, ideas for photography, products and processes.be prepared to participate and learn a ton about making your groups look great. Special Event Photograpy..... Let’s Make Some Money! 8:30 a - 9:30 a Robin & Jennifer Jansen events, corporate holiday events, and the world’s most seamless photo sharing platform. This is a no holds bar program where you will learn lighting techniques, designing templates, and onsite printing. But wait there’s more…learn how to impress your clients with a two-day delivery of physical prints along with how to drive participants of those events to your brand and/or studio.3) Net Pricing for Packages 4) Using that data for Bids and Proposals to win New Leagues and Schools Special Event Photography comes in all shapes and sizes. Join me as I walk you through the ins and outs of a variety of special events from professional sporting

Make Money with Action Photos 2:45 p - 3:45 p Haim Ariav

This session will show and explain first hand how Haim started Glossy Finish in 2006 and successfully built it into an action photography business that he sold to

Lifetouch in 2013 and then purchased back in 2017. Haim will talk about the process, marketing and technology they use at Glossy Finish to make money with action photos. He will also explain in detail how a volume school or sports photographer can leverage action photos to make money and win new accounts by using the same techniques.

Branding & Marketing Your Business To Improve Your Image! 3:15 p - 3:45 p Shaun DeMint When you look at the landscape of branding in today’s business market you will notice that every professional business

has one thing in common, a professional branding & marketing structure. If you want to look like you are a professional business today you need to also have these in place. In this course you will learn everything you need to know and why branding your business with a consistent and professional structure will improve your image and take you to the next level.

Hiring Employees.. How To and WHY 8:30 a - 9:30 a Danny & Dianne Rabalais • Employee applications, interviews and who to hire • How to fine the “right” ones • Background checks, training and supervising • Written guidelines and

employee handbooks • Written shoot evaluations and critiques • When employees go bad… In the voice of Princess Elsa, Let em GOOOOO, Let em GOOOOO… • How to set yourself up for success before they even take a photo for you

We are now on Instagram: SPACUSA and Twitter @SPACusaorg And a growing community on our Facebook page!

SEE THE FULL SCHEDULE ONLINE! www.spac-usa.org/schedule

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friday JAN. 24

School Photography: A Complicated Mess, Streamlined & Simplified. 11:00 a - 12:00 p Dan Serfilippi In this session, we’ll cover all the moving pieces that comprise of the school photography business. Everything from

Offer Unprecedented Products Partnering with Non Profit Organizations 9:45 a - 10:45 a Robert Ste-Marie The session will discuss how partnering with non profit organizations will improve your brand positioning, show leadership,

prospecting, marketing, sales, rosters, ID cards, online ordering, product delivery, customer service, late orders, yearbooks and how to measure & analyze everything. These tasks can often become a complicated, intertwined mess. Learn how to identify, simplify, and streamline each part of your business to ensure profitability at any size client. Kick A$$ Marketing in an

increase profits and support great causes! Robert will share his experience working with professional sports teams (Montreal Canadiens, Impact and Alouettes) and Environmental causes (Virgin’s Ocean Unite and Sir Richard Branson). The marketing, sales and social media strategies will be discussed and supported with sales data. Examples of relevant, successful products that can be offered by your studio will be presented.

Online World 11:00 a - 12:00 p Lisa Mallis

Selling online isn’t just way easier than offline and hybrid methods – it can mean HIGHER buy rates and RECORD HIGH order values. The key to online success? Super-

High School Sports Marketing..... Taking It To the New Level 9:45 a - 10:45 a Jeff Gump This will consist of the following: a. Athletic Directors annual meeting- How to get invited. What to present in your small

smart, kick-a$$ marketing. Join PhotoDay’s expert marketer, Lisa Mallis, as she shares with you proven methods for connecting with parents, driving customers to online galleries, creating urgency to order, and enticing parents to spend more. You’ll walk away with a complete marketing playbook that you can use to drive more sales!

space. b. Getting invited to the Coaches meeting by invitation of the AD. c. Banners- What to offer and how to price / Stop giving them away d. Coaches gifts e. Light up badges for the parents f. What to offer on your prepay flyer g. Introducing... see it before you buy it program. Forced Friendship 9:45 a - 10:45 a Matthew Kemmetmueller


Demo: Outdoor Sports 11:00 a - 12:00 p Jay Boatwright Posing and Progressions, learn more about Jay Boatwright’s systematic way to get multiple poses fast in a high volume environment. Jay will be shooting tethered during the class so you will be able to

Force friending your clients. In this class we will be going through relationship building with clients and other professionals. In the end the key to success and longevity within industry is creating long lasting

see results immediately. Don’t forget your memory cards! Time permitting, the class participants can take photos while the husband and wife team, Jay and Carinna Boatwright, will pose and help you get dramatic sports images.

relationships within the accounts we work with. I want to walk people through the deliberate and necessary steps that are needed to create and maintain those types of relationships. Preschool Photography Secrets In 2020 11:00 a - 12:00 p Nikki Doo

Let’s Print Money Together.... Legally! 2:30 p - 3:30 p Brian Crussell 1. Organization ( Our Checks and Balances) 2. Software (Darkroom and TEPS) 3. Printing 4. Printing of specialty Items (key chains, water bottles, dog tags,

Come join her to learn what is working, what has to change in the industry, and what the future looks like for preschool photography. How to photograph children

trading cards, etc) 5.Dye-Sublimation of Specialty Items (phone covers, mouse pads, PLAQUES - I bolded this as I can show a way to do sponsor plaques inexpensively , etc.) 6. How I used in house sublimation equipment to reduce School commissions! 7.Packaging

in any environment. Workflow in lightroom and how to print from a DX100. Marketing tips to up sale parents. Preschool market allowing us to teach the new generation the value of our pictures and how to buy school pictures.

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friday JAN. 24

saturday JAN. 25

School and Sports Photography in a Vertically Integrated Studio 9:00 a - 10:00 a Rich Banick Using printing technology from Noritsu, Xerox, Fuji, Sawgrass, and Anajet I will describe how we produce 99% of the products we sell in house. In addition to

The Future of Yearbooks 2:30 p - 3:30 p Elias Jo

If you provide yearbooks to your schools or if you are thinking about it, come and listen to what is going on in the yearbook industry and what changes are expected. In this session you’ll hear about what the largest yearbook companies are doing in yearbooks and where

printing standard photo packages. We print yearbooks and trading cards on our xerox digital press that look and feel like a Topps card. Full color team photos are printed using an Anajet printer and all of our sublimation work is done with a Sawgrass Printer. Photographers need to realize that they can save time and money by doing it themselves. I will show products that labs don’t even offer, like the coated trading card and a custom school folder. Demo: Lighting and Posing for Flattering Portraits 9:00 a - 10:00 a Suzette Allen on the most flattering ways to light the face whether it be a senior in high school or a senior over 70! Posing is a vital skill too, where you can not only make your subjects look their best, but also help them appear natural and relaxed. Knowing how to direct your subject with confidence will visibly boost your client’s comfort AND confidence in the session! The course will cover the foundation of lighting and posing for flattery and dimension as well as for corrective purposes, and then the ending segment will be a live demo for shooting and building posing skills! You don’t want to miss this vital class and dynamic presentation! Sponsored by Panasonic Lumix. Lighting and Posing for Portraits Join Suzette Allen, a portrait photographer of over 30 years and photo industry educator of 20 years, for an informative and engaging course

they’re going. You’ll learn about the 4 major trends that will define the future of yearbooks and how you can monetize on those trends for your business. Moving the Needle... Mastering the Millennial Mindset

2:30 p - 3:30 p Ed Monahan

Millennials form the buying public we target and have a unique but predictable purchase propensity that needs to be understood and served. As volume photography wrestles

with declining buy rates and lower AOV the questions arise on what millennial moms want, how do you reach them, and what does it take to move the needle. Recognizing and responding to the millennial mindset is a must to gain their attention, speak to their hearts, and win their business. The Success Formula: Innovate + Elevate + Delight

4:00 p - 5:00 p Rob Mauldin

What is your formula for success? Are you taking the time to innovate or are you just iterating? Rob will talk about how his formula for success, honed by 20+ years at the Walt

Competing with Large Companies 9:00 a - 10:00 a Mike Strawbridge, Neal Lester

Disney Company and consulting for various volume photography businesses, is a combination of striving for innovation, elevating your game, and a relentless focus on delighting your customers. Practical examples of how to reframe business problems and spur innovation along with observations of photo business innovations from outside the school and sports markets will get you thinking about how to prepare your business for the future through innovation. SEE THE FULL SCHEDULE ONLINE! www.spac-usa.org/schedule We are now on Instagram: SPACUSA and Twitter @SPACusaorg And a growing community on our Facebook page!

Competing with large companies can be difficult and frustrating, especially in bid markets where the lowest price is the determining factor. In this session, one of the industry’s oldest and largest companies will share their thoughts and expertise on competing in open markets and bid markets, focusing on ways to differentiate yourself from the competition that don’t involve a “race to the bottom” on price.

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saturday JAN. 25

How to Make Money with Sports Action Photography

11:00 a - 12:00 p Kendrick Brown

SPAC Talk #2 Topic: Offline vs. Online Sales Panel Discussion 10:15 a - 10:45 a Beth Jones Different Photo Companies share their experience in both Offline and Online Sales. Get all points of view! equipment can make you want to avoid this market sector. In this session we will have audience participation to identify the challenges of creating and managing student Id cards and staff badges. We will offer new solutions and technologies that may be used to manage this beast and bring profitability back to this sector. SPAC talk #1 :Reigning in the Cost of ID Cards 10:15 a - 10:45 a Calvin Harrell, Jr., Marty Brown ID card creation can suck the profit out of middle and high schools. The demand for instant ID cards on the first day of school and the costs associated with ID card replacement Stevie Williams, Stephanie Gamble Anyone can take a good photo. Few can turn it into a business. However, even fewer can copy the level of customer success your studio provides. Join two members of PhotoDay’s customer support team as they share insight on what an excellent customer success strategy can do for your studio, and keep you ahead of the competition. Customer Success 10:15 a - 10:45 a

Kendrick and Aneune Brown have been in business for 13 years covering youth sports action. Join them as they share some tips for a successful, time tested strategy for generating

income and avoiding the pitfalls that many in this genre have fallen victim to. Many people enjoy photographing youth sports, but few are financially successful. During this 1 hour presentation, you will be introduced to some do’s and don’t for making this a lucrative avenue for generating income and expanding your business opportunities. View First Sales. What Is It? And How to Crush It!

11:00 a - 12:00 p Cristina O’Connor

View First online, photo marketing is a PROVEN and tested business model for sports, schools and other special events. It’s easy to execute and easy to sell!

Coaches, teachers and parents LOVE it! No order forms to print and hand out….CHECK! No picture packages for teachers or coaches to hand out….CHECK! No payments to manage onsite ….CHECK! If you want to book more business and spend less time in your office then come learn the keys to View First success.

Queen/King of the Hill 2:30 p - 3:30 p Michael Rak

A SPAC Favorite! Bring your best idea on ways to Make or Save Money... Win CASH!!!

2020 Benchmark Report of the High-Volume Photography Industry

2:30 p - 3:30 p Chris Wunder

It’s been a long time since actual, real- time data has been collected and shared about trends in the U.S. high-volume

photography industry. The good news is that’s about to change. Later this year, a comprehensive survey will be conducted with high-volume photographers, photo labs, workflow & e-commerce providers, yearbook publishers and end consumers to accumulate data that can be analyzed, summarized and reported on during this presentation at SPAC 2020. The survey will cover a whole host of topics including trends in customer buying and participation, most popular packages, products and services, geographic averages for pricing and commissions, and changing trends in online and yearbook sales; just to name a few of the interest-areas to be included. You can benefit from this research in helping you make better data-driven business decisions and to help validate and build upon best-practice positions you’ve already taken.

Drone Photography 11:00 a - 12:00 p Jesus Garcia

Hola everyone, In this class we will go over how to implement drone photography into your volume business. We will go over safety techniques and legal practices to use when implementing and bringing a drone into your business. Learn how to use a drone for

marketing techniques to separate you from your competition.

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Every GREAT Show has a Side Show!! Check out ours…. Wednesday, January 22, 2020 9:00am-2:00pm PhotoDay Experience Join us for a day of learning, inspiration, and fun at the first-ever PHOTODAY EXPERIENCE - the day before SPAC 2020 in Las Vegas! About this Event THE PHOTODAY EXPERIENCE SCHEDULE Life with PhotoDay - 9:00 - 11:00am Coffee Talk with PhotoDay Friends -12:00 - 1:00pm

Q&A with PhotoDay - 1:00 - 2:00pm FREE EVENT- ALL ARE WELCOME! Registration required.

Thursday, January 23, 2020 8:30am-10:30am PIXEL WEB-BASED BUREAU SERVICE (Room: Huntington)

Pixel Photographics, established 25 years ago was one of the first companies offering integrated and advanced software solutions to streamline digital photo production. Always bringing to market cutting edge technology, tested in real life shoots and their production facility. Pixel has always been a proponent of not only innovative, time and labour saving technology but also creative products such as multi pose, background replacement and overlays. Some ideas such as overlays have been supported and successful in their market place for 20 years, while others like automatic traditional group and graduation name creation, became a reality in 2018 with the introduction of face recognition technology. In 2020, Pixel will be introducing a new web ordering system and a full bureau service. In recognition of the market place pressure for online ordering, faster deliveries and ever evolving complexity of new technologies, Pixel proposes to do some or all of the production work for you. You will receive a sophisticated, easy to use mobile ordering application with innovative school, photographer and parent portals, managing the job seamlessly from start to finish. You can outsource the digital preparation only or printing as well. There is an option for purchasing an immediate digital download for those customers who wish it, as well as traditional prints. The fulfilment of printed orders can take place at your facility or the nearest Kinkos depending on which option you choose to offer. With no lab overheads you can concentrate on what you do best: booking schools and taking great photos! 12:30am-2:30pm Richmond Pro Lab, ImageQuix, and PhotoLynx: Workflow Roundtable Sessions - Blueprint and FLOW (Room: Monarch) Not sure which software is right for your workflow? We’ll cover the basics in an overview of Blueprint and FLOW and then have an open forum for questions. Gain valuable insights from Richmond Pro Lab, ImageQuix, and PhotoLynx in a roundtable discussion and then participate in general Q&A sessions with other attendees. Space is limited - everyone is welcome! 1:30pm-3:30pm Capture to Sale without the Workflow Pain. (Room: Huntington) Fotomerchant has automated capture, head sizing, background removal, color balancing and group photo tagging. Go Friday, January 24, 2020 8:00am-9:30am- Richmond Pro Lab, ImageQuix, and PhotoLynx: Workflow Roundtable Sessions - Blueprint and FLOW (Room: Monarch) Not sure which software is right for your workflow? We’ll cover the basics in an overview of Blueprint and FLOW and then have an open forum for questions. Gain valuable insights from Richmond Pro Lab, ImageQuix, and PhotoLynx in a roundtable discussion and then participate in general Q&A sessions with other attendees. Space is limited - everyone is welcome! from capture to sale in minutes. Come and join the revolution.

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8:30am-10:30am- Pixami Yearbook Pro User’s Group Meeting (Room: Laguna) Private meeting for users of Pixami’s Yearbook Pro, Directory Pro, School Storefront, and new Yearbook Lite software. Come meet the Pixami team, learn what’s new and what’s coming next, and network with other Pixami customers. All Pixami customers and potential customers are welcome! 8:30am-10:30am- Introducing Blue Water Suite by GPI (Room: Huntington) Discussion and demo of a complete camera to customer, cloud based workflow. Discover how you can photograph, link data, color balance,crop, and create pngs. all in real time, all from your photoshoot.. Too good to be true? Come and see it live! Friday 8:30-9:30 and 9:30-10:30 (two programs) 10:00am-12:00pm -School Photography Content for 2020 (Room: Monarch) Stop by the Monarch room between 10:00 AM and Noon on Friday to discuss school photography content ideas with the team from 36Pix. From introducing content which matches your customer’s wants, to working with non-profit organizations, find out how knowledge learned in their market can help you in yours. 11:00am-12:00pm- GotPhoto in Action (Room: Laguna) Making more money, saving time, and even having time to simply relax - it sounds like every volume photographer’s dream. With GotPhoto this is the standard in 2020. Our mission is to redefine school photography with an online workflow and sales solution that makes your life easier and your business more successful. Join our expert team and find out how GotPhoto’s streamlined workflow can decrease your effort by 50% while increasing your average order value, plus much more! Saturday, January 25, 2020 8:00am-12:00pm ED Online - Yearbook Software Demonstration by Entourage Yearbooks (RoomMonarch) Please join us to learn about our newest features: Dynamic Covers and Personalized Pages. We will also demonstrate how easy it is to create beautiful yearbooks and memory books with our easy to learn online layout designer, ED Online. 8:00am-10:00am Get Accredited! Learn about Membership in Volume Imaging Professionals. (Room: Laguna) Drop by and chat with us in the Laguna Room about the many benefits of Membership. Apply for Accreditation. Register for upcoming Classes or volunteer to teach a live workshop or webinar. You can also join prior to SPAC, apply for Accreditation and in some cases, receive your Certificate in person at SPAC. Info at www.volumeimagingpros.com. Get the credit you deserve as the #1 Volume Imaging Professional in your area. 8:15am-10:15am United Portraits- (Room: Huntington) How to leverage data and automation to gain a better grasp of your business. By United Portraits 11:00am-12:00pm GotPhoto Roundtable (Room: Laguna) At GotPhoto, we are working hard on providing you with the best service and product in the industry. For that, we believe it’s essential to team up with our photographers and learn from each other every single day. Let’s take this opportunity at SPAC to sit down in person and exchange ideas, hear about each other’s best practices and discuss all things GotPhoto and volume photography. We look forward to meeting you! 11:00am-12:00pm Creating New Profit Centers (Room: Huntington) How can we make money from a school, even if we aren’t the photographer? The secret to wealth is creating multiple income streams. As the sun sets in the future, it doesn’t matter what creates the stream, be sure your fishing in it. This session will explore creating additional income streams for goods and services the school already uses that can generate long term passive revenue.

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MAKE more MONEY When you use an integrated solution from the industry leading workflow and E-commerce companies.

Join us at Booths 401, 500 or in the Main Hallway to learn how.

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When you use an all-in-one solution from the industry leading workflow and E-commerce companies.

Join us at Booths 401, 500 or in the Main Hallway to learn how.

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Freddy Alcantara Real Photos By Freddy’S Colors

Art Anderson Geskus Publishing

Rosalyn Anderson Fotoworks School Portraits

Liz Argyle Argyle Photography

Haim Ariav

Rion Béatrice Photosco

Rich Banick Rich Banick Photography

Chris Barberito Synx Imaging

Jamie Barger Campus Photography International

Wayne Barksdale Barksdale School Portraits

Jesse Beals Olympic Photo Group

Lindsey Bedward Lindsey Ludvik Photography

Ron Bender United Portraits Franchise

Lee Bernhard Colorado Classic Images

Benoit Blain Photo Des Moulins-Photo Benoit Blain

Matthew Blakeburn Blakeburn Studios

Cliff Blueitt My Legacy Matters

Karl Boettcher Visual Image Photography

Terry Boling Cohen & Park Portrait Studio

Kristin Boos Jd Color Lab

Cédric Bréchard Photosco

Loran Brantley Pacific Portraits

Mariah Brown Excel Photographers

Patricia Brown Kenneth Brown Photography

Rebecca Brown Butler Kenneth Brown Photography

David Buchbinder Alkit

Heath Bunch Full Color Inc

Joy Cahill Cahill Studios

Charlie Cannon Roger Cannon Photography

Peggy Card Retired Spac President

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